Chapter 50 Part 9 – Alisa and Scarlet in the previous「108 times」. The Queen and the Maiden of Salvation. Malice is like a burning fire.

The chamberlain, who was on standby in the room next to this one, was surprised and went to check on me, so I smiled and appealed that I’m okay as I pointed at the pile of documents on the desk. The chamberlain nodded in understanding, saluted me for my strenuous efforts, bent reverently, and took a few steps backward before disappearing.

「…… Okay, I’m going to take a twenty minute nap now.」

Sleep is the best cure for fatigue. Sell off your time to the devil and restore your strength and reason in exchange. I have decided to make a deal with the devil. It is truly a blasphemous act. But I am too tired to think straight. I plopped down on the couch. It was intended for visitors, but now it is mainly used for my nap.

Even though I’m exhausted, strangely my brain just can’t seem to fall asleep.

I need to calm down …… Let’s try to remember something fun.

「…… I wonder what are you doing now, Alisa ……」

I was shocked and trembled at the words that came out of my mouth. Of all people, why did Alisa’s name come up first ……!! Is it a curse ……?

I turned pale, then suddenly felt embarrassed. I covered my blushing cheeks with my hands and flapped both of my legs.

It had only been a few years since I last saw Alisa. And yet, it seemed like a long time ago. She really gave me a lot of trouble. But by the time I noticed it, she was always next to me while being excited …….
Even now, when I close my eyes, I feel that her familiar blond hair is swaying beside me.

「You were such a troublesome girl, so you should’ve sneaked into the royal palace to find me …… Stupid, foolish, idiotic Alisa …… I often get angry at you, but I never said that it’s okay for you to disappear like this ……!!」

I clenched my left elbow. That was always Alisa’s special seat. It was her daily routine to hold my left arm in her hands and monopolize it, threateningly chasing away any lady or gentleman who approached me. I was fed up with her. Always pestering me …… and even now ……!

I clenched my left elbow. It was always Alisa’s special place. It was her daily routine to hold my left arm with both of her hands and monopolize it, threateningly chasing away any young ladies or gentlemen that approached me. Her actions made me quite stumped. She has always made me troubled …… and even now ……!!

「…… Don’t make me feel lonely …… you idiot ……」

My eyes were becoming teary because I was tired. Of course it is just because of that, there’s no other reason.

After I ascended to the throne, Alisa stopped showing up at social functions. I asked Ethelreed to check on her whereabouts. She was in good health, but had been holed up in the Fontaine household and had not come out.

Alisa had no other female friends in the aristocratic society other than me.
It’s not that I was worried about her, but I sent her a letter to check on her situation, thinking that her not coming out to the public anymore was caused because I was not by her side. I was relieved when I soon received a poorly written letter from her. I laughed at the content of the letter, which was as flowery as ever. We continued to exchange letters for a while, but one day I received a letter of polite apology from Alisa’s father, Sir Fontaine. Saying that Alisa will be away for a little while, going abroad to do some research and that she will contact me when she returns. He wrote in an elegant manner, conveying his gratitude and sincerity for my understanding. Since then, all communication with Alisa has ceased.

I laid down, reached over to the side desk, and picked up the small box on the table. I hugged it tightly to my chest. Inside the small box were a bundle of Alisa’s letters, along with several brooches, necklaces, and rings. It’s not that I particularly treasure them. It’s just because these letters are quite good as a pad to protect the valuables inside the box. But there aren’t enough of them. I need at least ten more letters. No, I need at least 20 letters to make it fit.

「……You should at least send me more letters, you idiot Alisa ……!! When you come back to Hydrangea, I won’t forgive you unless you show me your face ……!! I’m so busy to the point that I’m dying from all the difficult paperworks that I have to deal with as queen. Don’t make me worry anymore ……!!」

As my monologue showed a faint sense of uncontrollable emotion, at the same time, Matzo, my close aide, entered the room while lowering his huge body and saying, 「Excuse me, Your Majesty」. As a public figure, the queen has almost no privacy. With the exception of the bedroom and the dressing room, where the queen’s skin is exposed, the doors to all the rooms in the royal palace are basically left open. People move through each room as if it were a corridor, otherwise the attendants who open and close the doors would die of exhaustion. Of course, guards are stationed in key places to prevent intruders from entering.

I curled up with a blanket over my head and pretended to hide.
I didn’t want anyone to see that I was on the verge of tears. I had my own stubbornness, too.

「…… Her Majesty is currently away. She misses the sun so much that she has escaped outside. She says she might consider returning to work if you provide her with some fine whiskey and delicious grapes as bait.」

I replied with a muffled voice from inside the blanket.

I always shared this kind of joke with Matzo as he has a good temper.
But today, the mood was different. I heard Matzo telling the attendants to leave the room. Feeling the tense atmosphere, I wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes and pushed aside the blanket. I have a bad feeling. He must have bad news.

「…… What’s wrong, Matzo?」

Matzo bowed and replied with a somber look on his face.

「I would like to report to Your Majesty. Please do not be disheartened. We have discovered the identity of the『Maiden of Salvation』, the mastermind of the riots happening in various places.」

I was taken aback. I have no idea why he looked so vexed. Isn’t that good news, not bad news? No way ……!!

「…… Could it be that the『Maiden of Salvation』is someone I know?」

Matzo nodded gravely and dropped his gaze to the floor.

「Yes, Alisa Diamondi Noel Fontaine. …… The daughter of Viscount Fontaine is the mastermind of the rebellion ……」

「…… That Alisa is the『Maiden of Salvation』!? That’s impossible even as a joke!!」

I started to laugh, not hearing what everyone else was saying.
Matzo did not laugh.
I started to laugh even harder when I saw his solemn expression.

「…… The name of the real『Maiden of Salvation』was probably switched to Alisa in the middle of the message anyway. That girl was a super troublemaker, so it’s not impossible. Did you know? When I was a young lady, I always had to clean up after her mess.」

「I am aware of that. You two were always together. The two of you looked as close as real sisters.」

「Sisters with Alisa? That’s a horrible joke. I hope that will never happen. That will cut my lifespan in half . I know more about her shortcomings than anyone else. I assure you, there is no way that Alisa is the『Maiden of Salvation』.」

「…… Both Ethelreed and I are aware of the relationship between the two of you and I am sorry to inform you that Lady Alisa is the mastermind of the riots. It is hard for us to give such a report. We understand your feelings, but if you continue to leave the『Maiden of Salvation』unattended, there will be no way to recover from this. Please make a decision as soon as possible.」

It was an appeal to deal with Alisa.

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