Battle at the Royal Palace – Part 01

Since the Fire Drakon Catastrophe, the palace had fallen into turmoil, but the panic hadn’t spread outside the castle. If anything, the common citizens recovered quickly and had long since returned to their daily routine.

In the shopping district of the royal capital, G. Ponsonia, the lights of magic lamps illuminated the streets until late at night. Drunkards sang as they walked, arms around each other’s shoulders. Where there was light, the darkness was thicker. In the back streets, in a narrow alley permeated by the faint stench of garbage, two small men faced each other.

“Long time no see, Black Blade.”

“That alias is ancient. It’s nothing but embarrassing now. So, what do you want?” asked Unken, Guildmaster of Pond’s Adventurers’ Guild.

The alias that the other person mentioned was what people called Unken in the past—The Empire’s Black Blade. As the name suggested, Unken once worked for the Quinbrand Empire, the Kingdom of Ponsonia’s enemy.

“To think that the empire’s intelligence agency is operating in the enemy capital. You guys must really be underestimating the kingdom.”

“In the field of intelligence, there is no nation better than the Empire. And you know that very well, ex-Chief.”

“When I was chief, I never allowed my subordinates to be so conceited.”

“Hahaha. The current agency consists of even more exceptional members than before.”

Unken shrugged. This man has the wrong idea. He thinks too highly of himself just because of his athleticism and ability to hide himself. Espionage means to be a shadow. And shadows don’t talk or draw attention.

“So, you wanted to get in touch,” Unken said. “I take it you have a job for me?”

“There’s really no need to involve an ex-spy, but if you’re willing to do it, it might prevent unnecessary losses on our side.”

Unken reacted to the man’s words. Prevent losses—that meant “deploy troops”. The Quinbrand Empire was planning to attack the Kingdom of Ponsania, and the agency was gathering information as part of the preparations.

“Sir Unken, are you aware that the current king has become a puppet of the chamberlain?”

“I am.”

Actually, he had just learned of it the other day after talking to an informant, but he pretended to have known about it for a long time.

“Do you know how he’s doing it?”

“Drugs, apparently.”

“Of course you’ve already looked into it. Then, are you aware that the chamberlain is trying to hand over military command to the king?”


Ridiculous, Unken thought. If this information was accurate, it would have dire consequences. The army operated based on a well-established system that had been polished for many years, and only military personnel had a firm understanding of this system. The right to command the army was not something an amateur like the king should wield.

It was understandable to have misconceptions as it seemed that the military acted upon the king’s orders. However, in reality, the process involved the Minister of Military Affairs receiving the king’s orders, which were then deliberated by subordinates and optimized and issued as commands. Directly speaking with the soldiers without involving the minister would result in complete lack of understanding.

“I feel bad, but surely you understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Empire, right?”

“Hmm… Is deploying troops Emperor Kagrai’s idea?”

Emperor Kagrai G. Quinbrand. He was a Man Gnome like Unken; in fact, they were distant relatives.

All members of the intelligence agency were Man Gnomes, including the person Unken was talking to currently. And Man Gnomes were all related by blood, either closely or distantly.

That’s why the man was able to share such important information with Unken, who was now a citizen of the kingdom. He knew that the former chief would never betray the Man Gnomes.

“No, His Majesty wishes to avoid needless wars,” the man replied.

“I knew it.”

“But there’s a significant possibility that the deranged king will launch an all-out war against the empire.”

Unken had considered that possibility. Why hand over command of the military to the king? It was because the military didn’t act according to his wishes. What was the king’s goal, then? To destroy the Quinbrand Empire.

Unken started his own investigation because he harbored distrust toward the king, who unjustly imprisoned the adventurer Jillarte. However, the situation around the king turned out to be even worse than he had imagined.

“His Majesty the Emperor wants an early end to the chaos,” Unken said.

“He does. But we believe that we should take advantage of this opportunity to annex the kingdom.”

“I suppose your viewpoint is in the majority.”

“Of course.” Anger seeped into the man’s voice. “They’ve been messing with us for too long. At one point, a city almost fell because of that monster they have. We’re running out of patience.”

“Is there no path to peace?”

“Only if the king is replaced. And not with Austrin.”


“What do you mean, ‘understood’?”

“I will do something about it.”

“Oh? The Empire’s Black Blade will take action? Can I report this to His Majesty?”

“I don’t mind. In fact, I want you to inform him.”

Conveying this information to Kagrai and the top brass would temporarily quell the hostile atmosphere in the empire. People knew what to expect when Unken, known as the Black Blade, took action.

“Very well. It was worth coming all the way to the capital.”

The man turned to leave, his cloak flaring.

“Thank you for informing me of all this before a war broke out,” Unken said.

The man raised his hand and vanished into the darkness.

Unken took a deep breath and exhaled. The air in this place, permeated with a putrid stench, could hardly be described as pleasant. But Unken’s heartbeat quickened to the point where he had to take deep breaths.

“I never thought I’d be back in service.” He turned around and started walking. “I can no longer go back to Pond. I’m worried about the guild.”

The guild’s idiosyncratic receptionists flashed in his mind.

“There’s no other choice. Time for my final job.”

He looked up at the white spires of the royal castle, illuminated throughout the night.

Two luxurious carriages and about ten attendants’ carriages were parked at Duke Golbishop’s residence. The mansion’s entrance was spacious, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling fit for a palace.

“Ah, Duke Nightblaze!”

“Well, if it isn’t Duke Jackrune! You’re as healthy as ever.”

“You shouldn’t make jokes at the expense of old people.”

“Ah, but Duke Nightblaze’s remark sounded genuine to me, Your Grace.”

“And Margrave Grugschilt, too. My, my. Look at all these important figures gathering here.”

Duke Jackrune and Duke Nightblaze shook hands beneath the chandelier, while Margrave Grugschilt watched with a delighted and relieved expression.

“Duke Jackrune, is that who I think it is?”

After the handshake, Duke Nightblaze turned his surprised gaze toward a muscular man—a knight whose uniform did not suit him well.

“Sir. It is me, Lawrence D. Falcon.”

“Sir Sword Saint! I haven’t been to the capital much lately, so I didn’t recognize you. My apologies.”

“Please think nothing of it, Your Grace. I was relieved to learn that your troubles have been resolved. Since important figures of the kingdom are gathering today, I have come to provide security.”

“That’s reassuring.” Duke Nightblaze shook hands with Lawrence as well.

“As the Knight Commander mentioned, I heard the rumors that your son’s illness has been cured,” Duke Jackrune said.

“Yes, we managed to overcome it somehow,” Duke Nightblaze began.

Voices coming from the open door interrupted the men.

“Um, Lord Galeicrada, this is going too far. It’s not appropriate for an adventurer like me to enter the Duke Golbishop’s residence without permission from Duke Golbishop, even as a caregiver.”

“I have known Duke Golbishop since I was young, so it’s fine. You have my approval.”

“B-But… Sara!”


Galeicrada, fully recovered, was holding Sophie’s hand and trying to enter the mansion, while Sophie vehemently refused. Sara watched them with a grin.

Since the forbidden spell had been lifted, Sophie had been staying at the Duke’s mansion to use Healing magic on Galeicrada as aftercare. Galeicrada believed that Sophie and Sara were the ones who found the spell to lift the curse. Witnessing Sophie’s selfless attitude, he quickly became smitten.

Sophie couldn’t help but feel like she was deceiving Galeicrada, considering it wasn’t actually her who found the cure for the curse. However, Silver Face had told her not to reveal their secret. If it meant making up for what she did to Paula, she had no choice but to comply.

Galeicrada persistently sought aftercare, so Sophie reluctantly accompanied him, even all the way here to the Golbishop estate.

“Oh, so you’re planning to marry an adventurer,” Grugschilt said, amused.

Duke Nightblaze could only manage a dry laugh. “The gods only know.”

Sophie was the one who saved his son’s life, and if he liked her, the Duke didn’t mind letting him choose his first wife. But the object of his affection was not comfortable with it. He wasn’t sure if he could genuinely celebrate his son’s recovery.

As for the Duchess, she had also recovered quite a bit.

“This was destiny,” she had said. “So you must not let her go.”

The Duchess came from a family closely associated with the Church, so she was favorable towards Sophie from the beginning. The Duke, however, believed that it was more her love for romantic stories talking.

The Duke had noticed that Silver Face had not shown himself ever since. Sophie and Sara should have made contact with him, but when he asked, they couldn’t give a clear answer. They must have their reasons. Since they wouldn’t say anything, he decided not to pry. For now, he simply rejoiced in his son’s recovery.

“Welcome, everyone.” Duke Golbishop appeared with a dismal air. Although he was of the same age as Duke Jackrune and Duke Nightblaze, his figure, portly since his youth, made it seem as if time had stopped only for him. “I’ve heard that you all have an important matter to discuss. Let’s go inside.”

His ghostly and gloomy face was nothing new. Jackrune nodded at Grugschilt, and they proceeded deeper inside.

Duke Golbishop’s mansion was chosen as the meeting venue for a couple of reasons. A letter had already been sent to Duke Nightblaze and the necessary preparations had been made, so Duke Golbishop’s place was chosen to avoid arousing distrust from him. Another reason was that Duke Golbishop’s domain was the closest to the capital among the three Dukes. Once discussions had concluded, they could quickly head to the city.

“Now, then. This is the moment of truth.”

Margrave Grugschilt was also granted special permission to attend the meeting. Today’s conversation could shape the future of the kingdom.

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