ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 354 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 354: Dragon! Dragon! Part 19 Part 2

[Why do you even want to take both of those monsters down?]

[Simply because I want to. And because I can. Besides, isn’t it exciting to up the challenge for yourself like that? …… Now then, shall we do this thing or not?]

Realization Wand – The Desire –. It is a wand that creates a pair with certain other wand that is yet unknown to the players of this game, but if its stats are any indication of its power and abilities, it can be speculated that this other wand is equally as powerful, if not even more powerful.

Plus, there is an added flavor to this item. Or rather, the creed by which its user should behave themselves. It is something that only Deepslaughter would know, as well as the guild master of the guild “Witchach”, since they are the only ones who’s ever been to the shrine where The Desire was placed. At that shrine, there was a certain sentence written carved into stone, whose meaning would always accompany those who saw it

You could even call it the essence of The Desire:

~Human desires are endless, and that is why it is always going to be close to you ~

[Alright, now we are officially hunting for the big game here…… I would say that about twenty times or so should be a good start!]

Saying that, Deepslaughter started to tinker with her wand while at the same time replacing her accessories. She was doing all of that so fast that Tottori was basically unable to keep track of all of her movements, but even if he was, he would be unable to comprehend why exactly she was doing all of that.

At the same time, the wand in her hand started to change. Some additional elements started to appear all around it, like sparkling jewels and spinning circles. The wand itself was shining brightly, and with time, the jewels and additional elements started to float apart from one another, widening the gaps between each other as their circumference was growing wider as well.

[Fumu, fumu…… Oho, what’s this? Could this be……? Huh. Won’t you look at that? Maybe there really was a truth hidden amidst the obvious lie?]

[No, it’s not about that! Deepslo-san, what is the specific range of the spell that you are trying to cast here––––!?]

[I don’t know? I have set it to be two square meters by default, so if we were to multiply it by twenty…… I guess the whole area here is going to be blown to hell?]

[We need to evacuate everyone out of here! And we need to do it fast!]

Uwah! That was fast! Once they heard that command from Tottori, the People of the Forest started to run away. It was as if they were waiting for that command to be given here.

Seeing that, a truly predatory smile creeps on the mouth of Deepslaughter. Looking as though she was closing in on the unsuspecting prey, she was finally able to finish the incantation. The only thing left here was to say the name of the spell out loud.

[–––––– I beseech thee, show us your true worth once more! “URANOGIA TECTONICS”!!!]

The wand managed to successfully identify the desire of its user, which was the increased size of the spell’s area of effect. But it was not only that. Besides the range of the spell, its destructive power and cost would also be increased twenty times. So right now, Deepslaughter would be presented with an entirely new spell based on her desire of “Twenty times more”.

What happened next was almost like creation of a new spell based on the already existing magic.

[Knew it. I just knew it.]

Yeah, I totally knew that something like that was bound to happen eventually.

When it comes to Pencilgton, she is that type of evil that will straight up murder you without trying to hide her intentions at all. But Deepslaughter is that kind that will stab you in the back while pretending that it was nothing but unfortunate accident.

When I heard Deepslaughter mentioning killing both the Great Red Devourer and the tri-headed Tyranno at the same time, the first question to pop up in my mind was: why both of them? It was from that point forward that I was becoming skeptical of Deepslaughter intentions, and won’t you look at that! I was right! Hahaha! You should never believe a word that a crazy bitch like that is saying! You stupid piece of shit!

It’s just that……

[I knew that you are evil, but being THIS evil is simply overdoing iiittt!!!]

It was a though the very foundation beneath the earth disappeared all at once all of a sudden. There was a great “depression” spamming the surface of couple dozens of meters, and right now all of the People of the Forest, the Red Dragon with a tornado on its back and us players fell right to the bottom of it.

Even I, who was able to predict that something like that might happen here, was taken by surprise. So how about the ones who did not expected that at all? Both tri—headed Tyranno and the Great Red Devourer fell down while struggling in a truly cartoonish fashion, which was honestly a little cute. Now, it would be nice if they could just fall down and die as a result, getting tuned into EXP points and items.

[Kuh…… What should I do? Is this even going to work?]

I see…… Building me up only so that she could bring me down later? I must remember to bash that stupid bitch’s skull in next time I see her.

But here’s another question: Deeplaughter managed to erase a huge amount of soil from underneath our feet. So where all of that soil went to? It was bothering me quite a lot.

I could not see anything like that anywhere around me, unless……

[Ah! Oh no! That fucking perverted sluuuuuutttttt!!!!!!]

All of the mass that was underneath our feet were now floating somewhere else. A little bit above the place where it originally was, which was right now above us. No! No, no, no, no! Judging from the look of things, this huge mass of earth was about to fall right back into its place!

It looks to me that this perverted bitch was going to drop the ground on top of us, making us all a filling for the Earth sandwich. But alright, bring it on! I am so going to survive this and go there to kill you for pulling a stunt like that!

Alright, first order of things: use all of your skills to avoid falling to your death! There are quite a lot of ways in which I can accomplish that, so for the time being…… Strategy Meeting time!

Plan A: run with all of your might in order to escape from this tight spot I was currently in. It was the most full-proof strategy, but the one involving the most risk. I mean, the battlefield right now was filled with rubble, and escaping at high speed would involve Levin Trigger / Disaster Hand. This means I crush into even one rubble, and it’s game over for me.

Plan B is the INVENTORY escape. However, this plan was far too risky here, mainly because I could not be sure to what exact conditions I would be able to go back to once I finish resting and restoring myself there.

Plan C, which involves digging an underground tunnel and escaping through there…… Hmm, that strategy might have been valid if I had a shovel on me instead of a pickaxe. But since I had a pickaxe, the tunnel route unfortunately had to be rejected.

This is without a doubt Plan A…… But the ground is getting so close so fast! Am I going to make it in time!? It’s less more time than I would have like, but I can still make it, I think……


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