Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 60 Part 2


Nina, who is a member of that very same God Tribe, used to live a really secluded life inside of a shrine that was dedicated to her deep in the mountains.

She was worshiped by the people of the neighboring villages and was said to live a sleepy and slow life devoid of any troubles.

As to why that was, the members of the God Tribe are often revered as sacred by the people who know them.

Nina must have been one of those particular cases.

Nina was living a very peaceful and uneventful life, but one day…….. One day, her entire situation changed.

A certain person happened to hear about Nina’s existence. And Nina thought that his name was Edgar…… Yes, the very same Edgar who was the son of the Lord of Horizon.

He came to her secluded shrine deep in the mountains, grabbed Nina and took her away with him, claiming that from now on she was going to be nothing more but his property.

The days that followed were like an actual hell for Nina.

As it turns out, Edgar would never actually take out his own pent-up libido on Nina.

But instead, he would lash out at her with increasingly brutal violence.

Apparently, the pleasure that he was experiencing from being able to beat and lash out on a member of the Ultimate Species was quite intoxicating for Edgar.

And so, every day would start to be the same for Nina: coming and going while being beaten by Edgar.

And that brought us to the current moment……

After having to listen to such a heartbreaking and sad story……


I was so furious that I almost managed to lose myself in my righteous anger.

I wanted to find Edgar right now and hit him so hard that his face would become completely deformed and would stay that way for good.


If I were to become caught up in my anger now, I might frighten Nina even more than she already was.

And that would be the worst possible outcome here.

Which is why I somehow managed to contain my anger and instead I gently stroked Nina’s head.」

「I’m really sorry to hear that. But everything will be all right now. I will get you out of here, Nina. I swear.」

「Are…… Are you really going to take me out of here……?」

「Yes, but of course.」

「…… Ugh……」

Once again, I hugged Nina tightly, all the while she started crying with relief once more. We stood that way until she eventually managed to calm herself down.

「…… By the way, can I ask you something?」

「Hm? What is it?」

「How did you actually end up as a prisoner? With the kind of Power that you certainly command, it should have been easy to fight them off.」

The God Tribe is a unique tribe of Ultimate Species, said to possess special powers and abilities that the other Tribes cannot use.

From what I have heard, they can create things from nothing, or store various items away in some sort of pocket dimensions.

It seems that each individual of the God Tribe possesses unique abilities that others do not have.

Because of that, their abilities are inferior to those of the most other Ultimate Species, but……

But still, it shouldn’t be a problem for a member of the God Tribe to actually chase away a human or two. It should be relatively easy for them.

「…… Uhh, t-this is…… the people of the village…… got taken hostage…… I had no choice to do as they said, or else they would…… they would……」

「…… Ahh, I see how it is now. Well, aren’t you kind and a sweet-hearted lady, huh?」


「You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner by those people so that they would not hurt the villagers, right? Such a selfless act is a show of true kindness. It’s not something anyone would be normally able to do. It takes true bravery and strength of heart to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.」

「…… Yes.」

Seemingly slightly embarrassed, Nina’s cheeks tinted red with embarrassment.

However, that expression quickly disappeared and despair emerged on her face once again.

「When I was caught…… I was forced to put that collar on…… Besides, I’m still a child, so…… I did not have the strength…… to refuse or oppose it…… That’s why they knew that I would never be able to escape on my own…… Rein…… THank you so much for…… for trying to save me, but…… I’m afraid that it’s impossible……」

「Is that…… a kind of a Slave Collar?」

It was actually a type of a simple Magic Item.

The way it works is that the one wearing it cannot disobey their Master, and they can never leave beyond a certain range from their Master…… In other words, it’s the type of item that makes escaping virtually impossible.

I can’t believe they would put one of these things on a little girl……

Once again I could feel the waves of anger boiling up inside of me, but Nina must have sensed that as well, for she instinctively whimpered and shriveled up. That is why I did my best to get my emotions all under control and calm down.


「…… Rain?」

「Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it somehow.」

「…… Can you really do it?」

「Yes, trust me.」

「…… Yeah. Alright. I believe in you, Rein.」

I then gently placed my hands on the collar around Nina’s neck.

A spell to dominate and fully control its target.

In a certain twisted sense, the magic of this collar was fairly similar to the way in which the Taming magic worked.

But if that was the case here…… All I needed to do was to usurp that control from the collar!

So, I needed to focus my attention on the collar, and……

I poured some of my magic power into the collar.


Instantly, the pain that assaulted me was so intense, feeling like an electric current running all over my body.

It was most probably a safety measure against someone who would try to take the collar off in a way that was not intended to do so, like assisting the wearer in escaping.

The foreign Magic Power flowed into my body as I flailed around like a hungry beast.

It hurts.

It feels like my body is being stabbed from the inside with thousands of needles all at once.

I couldn’t hold back my voice and occasionally screamed out loud.


「J-Just…… Just give me a moment…… Gug……! S-Something like this…… this much…… is nothing…… I will save you right away…… You’ll see……!」

「Does it hurt……? It looks like you are in great pain……」

She could probably understand my pain, my suffering, because she had been through a terrible time herself.

Visibly worried and upset, tears began to flow down Nina’s cheeks once more.

「Stop it…… Don’t…… You don’t have to go…… that far for me……」

「Just…… a little bit more…… almost there…… Guh!」

「Rein, Rein…… Just stop it…… You don’t need to push yourself so hard for my sake…… I am sure that if you died here and would be gone, it would make someone really sad…… So it’s okay. You can just give up……」

「Now, don’t be so sad……」


Even though the pain I was feeling was truly immense now, I still somehow managed to smile.

I’m sure that…… there are people out there…… who miss you, Nina. People who are…… sad that you are gone…… Guh……」

「Why…… Why are you…… doing this…… Why go…… so far for me……?」

「It doesn’t matter…… what my reason here is…… I’m here because…… because I want to help you, Nina! I want…… I want to save you……!」

Putting all of my remaining strength into this action, I poured the rest of my Magic Power into the collar all at once.


THe collar made a sound as if something inside of it managed to overheat……

And in the next moment, the Magic Item literally fell to pieces.


「…… See? Told you I would do it.」

As expected, going through that ordeal was simply exhausting.

Actually, I feel like I’m going to fall over anytime soon…….


This time around, on the contrary, it was Nina who supported me from collapsing.

「Thank you…… You’re a huge help right now. It’s just that my body doesn’t seem to be able to move that freely right about now……」

「Rein…… Rein……」

「…… Yeah?」

「Don’t be…… so unreasonable……」

「But, if I don’t do something about this……」

「I…… I don’t…… want Reing to go through something so horrible again…… Seeing Rein hurt…… it makes me sad…… So please, don’t do it……」

「…… Hmm, I see. So, I guess this means that I will have to be more careful from now on.」

「…… Yeah.」

Although she still had tears in her eyes…… It was the very first time that Nina managed to genuinely smile.

It was a very beautiful smile. I couldn’t help myself but to think that.

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