Chapter 278 Part 1

Yosaku’s fighting style is same as ever.
And it was settled quickly.
It was only a few blows.
His opponent was a standard fighter.
He defended with a shield.
But the entire shield was smashed away.
Without letting go of his momentum, Yosaku spun his axe around and unleashed his next blow.
This time, the metal helmet flew off.
Then his opponent chickened out.
He surrendered.

The match didn’t even last a minute.
I think it was mostly time just spent closing the distance.
The opponent was in tears.
Well, I don’t blame them.
Yosaku’s axe is totally just a bludgeoning weapon.
It doesn’t slash.
It doesn’t really cut either
It smashes, I think is as accurate as you can get.
I guess the two-handed axe does properly have a blade, but.
No matter how you look at it it’s just a massive bludgeon.

Seeming to have noticed me, he raises a hand in greeting.
I raise a hand in response.
That was an impressive way to win.

「You fought and won against Yosaku-san, right Keith?」

「I lost in the tournament. I’ve managed to win when sparring, but that was a while ago, you know?」

「But you know what they say, willows are weak, and yet they bind wood」[1. TN Note: Literally, “Soft controls/gets the better of hard”]

「I guess that’s true, but」

「Was winning hard?」

「If it wasn’t a match, I’d run」

That’s right.
What if I had the option of running away?
If I knew I couldn’t win, I would run away.
Well, even if I ran, if there were a bunch of restrictions I might have to fight some.
Like a retreating fight.
I think it’s very difficult to fight while retreating.
On the other end, I’d like to try to hunt down a fleeing opponent.
There’s a high chance I could butcher a weakened opponent one-sidedly.
I could do whatever I want.

No two fights are ever the same.
Some fights are decided in a short period of time, which is impressive in its own way.
There’s something to be said for an instant kill.
Without letting the opponent show their strengths, win.
It’s ideal.

「Oh, it’s a Summoner, isn’t it?」


「I’ve fought with him. He’s a pretty unique player」

「You know him?」

「Just a bit」

「I don’t like him」

An acquaintance of Hyodor, huh.
Seems like Heraclius has bad memories of him.
I heard that he lost his match without getting to show any of his good points.

But anyways.
There’s a summoner, huh.
Just read the tournament rules and you’ll know.
As a Summoner, you’re at a disadvantage.
And yet, he’s participating.

??? Lv.1
Fencer Standby

Doesn’t seem to be a Summoner.
His opponent is on the opposite side of the playing field.
But that’s…
Isn’t that a dwarf?

??? Lv.8
Summoner Standby

No, it’s definitely a Summoner.
Dwarf and Summoner.
That’s rare, right?
And his equipment is also wierd.
All leather armor.
That’s it.
No weapon.

「I think you’ll like him Keith」

「He’s a melee dwarf, and a melee Summoner at that, so」

「That’s very impressive」

In addition, the level gap with his opponent is also terrible.
The opponent is a level 1 fencer.
I’m not sure if they can make up for the 7 level gap in Racial level.

He made up for it!
Regardless of the opponent, this is a surprise!

I unthinkingly pulled up the battle log.
He’s using Practiced Spirit.
It looks like he had fire magic and earth magic set for his magic skills.
So he used spells to make up for the difference in level and fought in close combat.

The opponent’s a fencer who should excel in defense.
It might have just been a good match up.
Maybe the choice of skills set was too strict?
Block with the shield, hit with the mace.
It’s a standard style.
That’s why I’m sure they both had no problems with close combat.
But, as expected of a dwarf.
He pushed through with his power.
The damage cut them down to 30%.

Shaving away at each other’s HP bar in close combat, huh?
It really is impressive.
By the way.
Summoner is a rearguard position, right?

The time is 10:40 a.m.
Second rounds have already started mixing in at the four-fielded venue.
I wondered if it’s time for the semi-solo bard to come out.
When I was thinking something like that he came out into the venue.
I confirmed with Lambda by Whisper.

『It seems like the opponent is a magic main』

「I wonder if he’ll reveal some of his cards?」

『It’s certain he’ll be keeping a distance while he fights』

??? Lv.1
Elemental Sorcerer『Earth』 Standby

The opponent.
His weapon is a staff.
He’s fully robed, giving a magic-wielding vibe.
It’s a different type of opponent from the first round.
I wonder how he will fight?

「Is this how it’s gonna be?」

「I guess so」

Hyodor looks dumbfounded.
Well, I guess that’s only natural.

He’s piling on Magic Melodies and Cursed Songs nonstop.
The other player’s movements seem to be getting duller and he seems on the verge of falling asleep.
That’s interesting, isn’t it!

Of course, I have countermeasures.
I’d rely on Psycho Pod along with【Sleep Resistance】.
But in this tournament, there’s a limit to the number of skills you can take.
If I were to fight against him, would I actually be able to win?
I’m not confident.

If there is a way to counter it, it’s to get up close early.
But the magic user, who emphasizes firepower through long distance spells, didn’t have that option.
The match was pretty simple.

『Those songs look pretty dangerous』

「Yeah. Did you see his MP?」


Certainly the match itself was taken care of trivially.
But was it child’s play?
In just that short game time his MP Bar fell below 30 percent.

『It seems like he poured a lot of MP into the game to make it more effective』

「If we just have a method to counter those, we would have a decent option to make him waste his MP」

『Psycho Pod, was it?』

「It’s not perfect, but」

『You could also use Mental Enchant: Light to buff your SPI and increase your chance of a resist』

「That’s right」

But still, you know.
I’ve heard that this half-solo bard is a player who often acts solo.
I mean, he’s called the half-solo bard because he spends half the time traveling solo.
He would probably still have a lot of cards up his sleeve, wouldn’t he?
If you can’t do a wide variety of things alone, it’s hard to explore or capture.
On top of that, he’s also a PKer.
I have to assume he has a lot of skills.

I get up from my seat.
Of course, so does Lambda next to me.

「It’s a little early but I’m gonna go finish my lunch」

「We’re going to watch a little more and then log out」

「If I didn’t have things to do early tomorrow, I would have wanted to watch all the way to the final, but」

We left Hyodor and Heraclius behind in the audience.
We’ll have lunch before the third round.
Lambda-kun would have to log out temporarily.
The tournament has only just begun.

I ate lunch across from Lambda-kun.
At the table over, there are five other players eating.
All of them are avengers.
They all look different from yesterday.
I saw one of them in the morning, but my【Discern】still can’t pierce through it.
They’re thorough.

『I’ve confirmed. The target seems have entered the inn in town and logged out.』

『Is surveillance okay?』

『The team is taking turns keeping watch, so no problem』

No, you’re really thorough!
I’ve tracked down and ambushed Majin before.
But not this thoroughly.
It’s tough being a PKKer.
And I’m sure it’s hard for PKs, too.
I don’t think I could manage it.

「Then you too, Lambda?」

『Yes. I’m going to log out for a short time』

「Then shall I just wait here?」

『I’d appreciate it』

It would also be nice to go to the tournament, but.
Guess I’ll wait here.
Maybe I’ll get some snacks.
And I’ll share some Fighting Bull Meat with Volff and Oma, who are waiting at my feet, as well as Helix and Obsidian on my shoulders.
How’s Keimei?
Very quiet.
The opposite of Ninetails.
I’ll still give you some honey, though.

《【Discern】Level Up!》

While I was waiting, I observed the people passing by, and it happened to level up.
There certainly are some shady figures in the mix, but.
I could identify all the way to the name of some of the NPCs, it’s not like I was really challenged.

I also saw a PK party.
It was a group of six: a Thief, a Bandit, a Black Sorcerer, a Hunter-Killer, an Assassin, and an Outlaw.
The average level was around 7.
And the two small groups tracking the party?
I could only make out two bounty hunters from them.
They’re probably tracking the PKers.
It’s daytime, and yet both dark sides are operating.
They all seem to have a lot going on.

Forty minutes later.
There was a group of six unfamiliar players sitting next to me.

『It’s me. I’m Lambda』

Is this Telepathy?
I looked over and made eye contact.
This time, he gives off the feeling of a relatively young hunter.
The other five also look different from before.

When I receive the Union application, I open up the Whisper function.
Secret discussion time.
But to those around, we look like separate patrons.

『It seems that his third round will be at the New Training Grounds. We’re tracking to confirm until he reaches the reception desk』

「As expected I guess you can’t get inside?」

『There’s a PKK Upriser on the inside who’s helping us out. He’s confirmed』

They’re cutting a single corner
Just how many PKKers are out there?
It’s a scary world.

I’m going to keep a little distance from Lambda and the others and enter the New Training Grounds.
What time is it?
12:20 pm.
I guess it is around lunch time, but there seems to be plenty of room in the bleachers.
The guild staff are hurriedly bustling around the field.

The third round of the tournament was about to begin.


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Comment (1)

  1. Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

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