Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 99

Fera gripped at the open air and the power of space came crushing down around Kazuki. 200 layers of aura folded around him, creating a barrier. Combined with his own control over the element of space and aura strengthening, it allowed him to avoid death. Ki circulated through his body at an unbelievable rate and flames erupted beneath his feet, his speed was faster than a flash of lightning.

Fera who had just increased her strength was having trouble predicting where Kazuki would move to. She could follow him perfectly with her eyes, but her magic was having trouble keeping up with his speed. This made no sense to her. She was faster than Kazuki before they both gained strength and afterward, she should still be faster seeing as how she absorbed more than double the powerful souls than Kazuki.

This was her thought but this was not the exact answer. She had absorbed double the souls and her power grew and expanded like crazy. Kazuki absorbed not only the souls from the giant Azirian but the body as well as the small bit of godly aura that tried to flee. Not only did this small amount of godly aura give him an incredible boost but it also improved his ki. It made it purer and expanded it by leaps and bounds.

Kazuki’s speed did not simply rely on his physical body but the many different magics surrounding him, such as wind, fire, and, gravity plus the power of ki flowing through his body.

Because of his ki’s rapid growth, it added greatly to his already unnaturally high speed and allowed him to dodge Fera’s magic.

This caused Fera no end of frustration and it did not take her long before she snapped.


Kazuki wanted to simply devour all of her magic but his speed was far too fast now. In order to take in her space element, he would have to slow down, be within its range and then take it into his soul world and into the spinning void within. The problem though, if he stopped for even a second to absorb her power more of her power would crush and kill him. He simply had no time to eat her magic energy.

At the same time, Kazuki was enraged. Learning that the reason for everything that happened in his life, all of it came down to his adoptive mother’s seemingly jealous ways along with Fera’s wish to reunite with her father.

(Brothers death, Granny master sacrificing her life, all of it was for such bullshit reasons. I’LL KILL THEM! I’LL BREAK THEIR BODIES AND GRIND THEM INTO DUST. THE WORLD WILL ECHO WITH DEATH AS I REND THEIR FLESH FROM BONE!)

Kazuki knew Fera was growing frustrated with him. Every time she guaranteed his death, he found another way out of the situation driving her insane.

As he flew across the sky, he mocked her relentlessly.

“What happened Fera, I thought you said you were going to kill me. I guess your words like you are nothing. Just what one would expect from someone who had to steal her brother’s Mage cores. You took pieces of our souls and stole out comprehension for sword and magic and yet even with such an advantage, you can not put me down. You were talentless then and even with what you’ve stolen, you can not pull out the full potential in what you’ve gained. Even now you’re talentless.”

Fera’s face contorted.

“You talk too much for a rat.”

“A rat this a rat that, what the fuck are you going to do about this rat, hmm? Does that not make the situation even more embarrassing for you. You can’t even dispose of a single rat. Here, I’ll make this shit easy for you.”

Kazuki stopped in mid-air and laid down on his back in the sky, floating slowly.

“Go ahead, give me everything you have, or are you not confident.”

Fera’s eyes widened. Was this not humiliation, was this a trick, was this was this? Her thoughts ran wild before Kazuki’s gave her even more of an incentive.

He stood back up in the sky and proceeded to pull his pants down to his ankles before mooning Fera.

“How about now bitch!?. Heheha.”

Fera saw red and her body moved instinctively. She became a streak of light and moved faster than a bolt of lightning. A fraction of a second was all it took for her to close in on Kazuki’s shaking ass.

Fera’s kicked towards Kazuki. Her leg cut through the air making a high-pitched screeching sound as she divided the wind.


A strange smile crept onto Kazuki’s face. The moment her foot came swiping towards his waist, he made zero attempts to block it, instead, he allowed it to hit him squarely on the ass.


Fera’s strength was no joke and her leg broke several bones in Kazuki’s body but Kazuki expected this. Kazuki forcefully stretched his arms behind his back, dislocating them instantly before wrapping them around Fera.

“I caught you.”

Fera realized her mistake instantly but it was too late. The three energies fused together in both of Kazuki’s hands and with a single thought, he unleashed the touch of death. It traveled through his arms into his hands and then out of his palms where it drilled into Fera’s left lower back and her upper right shoulder.

The three energies split off like millions of needles and traveled at a speed closing in on light. The fused energy flowed with no resistance and punched through her torso, destroying it then and there.

Heart, lungs, liver, kidney, flesh bone blood. Everything was turned into swiss cheese and then these millions of tiny holes tore further and further, expanding as the energy passed through her body unimpeded.

Blood came rushing up and out of he mouth as she coughed up pieces of her internal organs with gulps of blood. A look of shock was on her face but it was not because death came for her. Instead, it was the opposite. This attack should have torn her body completely apart, making it explode into chunks, her body remained intact. Both her and Kazuki were confused and were now in a weird awkward hug.

The confusion only lasted momentarily and Fera snapped back to reality.

Fera placed her hands together as if she would pray but instead, she swung them up at an angle and broke Kazuki’s backward hug.

She then retreated momentarily and examined her own body.

She could feel her power rapidly flowing through her. Her magic and soul were purer and stronger than they had ever been and her body far tougher. The holes all over her body if one were to look directly at them you would be able to see clearly anything behind her. These holes though that would be fatal to nearly all including herself were no longer a death sentence for her. The blood seeping out of these holes, as if it had a mind of its own reversed and reentered her wounds.

The holes covering her sealed and her organs and innards regenerated in a fraction of a second. This healing speed was comparable to Kazuki’s.

Fera couldn’t help but smile as she looked at her body’s repaired state.

“Do you see this Kazuki? It is already too late, your reckoning is upon you. You have lost and that attack of yours will no longer work on me, no, rather I should say, no attack of yours will be able to take my life. I can no longer die in this lower realm. No one can kill me.”

As she spoke up to here, the sky suddenly darkened until only darkness covered the entire continent.

“You say Kazuki talks too much but isn’t that actually you. Say that again after you defeat me little frog in a well.”

Fera wasn’t intimidated in the least.

“A mere slave, a tiny puppet who’s recently had its strings cut thinks I am the one in a well. You may be an expert beneath the clouds but I am above the sky itself. You can compete with space but what else do you have slave?”

Fera pointed at Zephris and a bolt of red lightning lit up the dark sky for an instant as it flashed forward directly at his chest. The moment it was about to touch him though, his chest opened up and became purplish-black mist. The bolt of red was then swallowed whole and Zephris grew slightly.

“It seems you have forgotten. This body before you is one I’ve created to appear human. In actuality though, I am the Miasma and the Miasma is still me. I, just like Kazuki can devour any magic you throw at me little frog. Unlike Kazuki though, I already know your weakness.”

The blackness covering the sky suddenly transformed and became Miasma before it began to rain down all around like a hail of black doom.

“Little frog, let me show you your arrogance.”

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