ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 409 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 409: Frantic Quest in Search For a Reason Part 2

I look around the Crystal Crown Cliff with a pickaxe in my hands while seeing off Sigma who was descending down the cliff. It looked like a member of a mountain rescue team, with a “KEEP OUT” being used like a metal wire or a climbing rope rather than an actual weapon.

「Does that mean that we have seized this place for ourselves? I mean, I don’t see any more residents rushing here to stop us from trespassing.」

I see, I see. Up until now it was certainly the place where the Crystal Scorpions would gather.

「However, from here on out this place belongs to me and me alone.」

I mean, if you want to reclaim it for yourselves, you are very much welcome to try and do so…… But you will have to go through me in order for that to happen, so good luck with that, I guess! Keep dreaming!

From here on out, I declare that the Super Kankan Festival is going to be held here! And while the festival is in the full swing, I shall mine this Crystal Crown Cliff until I can mine it no more!

「UUUUUUOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Better brace yourself! I’m going to show you all the mining processes and techniques unlike of which you have never heard of or seen before! So watch closely and learn!!!」

With that inspiring thought, I hit my chest with my left thumb and wait for the Black Thunder to cover my whole body. The feeling of being blessed with skills like that mix with the rush of adrenaline coursing through my body and I can feel a new wave of strength filling me.

Holding a pickaxe in my hand, I get a sense of inspiration. This whole area was one lethal death trap until a while ago, but now it’s going to become my personal playground! So let’s get to it!

「Good morning, Master, did you have a pleasant sleep? Would you like to hear about the results for the time being?」

「So far, we have managed to obtain twenty three Tsarberyl Crystals, six Noble Shells of Emperor Scorpion, two copies of Phosphorescent Scissors and one copy of Crystal Scorpion Stinger.」

「Oh, I see. Good work. Splendid job. A+ Grade from me or even more if that was possible.」

Whoa, so we really managed to obtain that much, huh? Yeah, I guess that life is pretty good right now, but I guess that life can always be better. After all, high scores are there to be broken again and again.

「Alright, now that the conditions have been met, I think it may be possible to actually get out of this place…… Yeah, it should definitely be possible……」

「Question: What is wrong with Master? Why does Master wants to willing go into dangerous situations over and over again? Does Master crave death so much?」

I have noticed something right about now. It was on my mind for quite a while now, but I was only now becoming aware of this one terrifying truth.

No, wait a second. I don’t think that I’m doing something here that would earn me a direct aggro like going up against some formidable monster. No, I mean, I understand that we have knowm each other for a few mere moments and that this here Wimp is more like a mass of consciousness (at least I think she is?), but even with that fact in mind…… Ugh, umm, oh shit…… Human, human malice, this is…… Please, don’t fail to notice that, Sammy-chan! Because Sammy-chan is basically…… Yeah, a rare monster no matter how you look at it……! That being said, the players are hungry always hungry for Rare and Unique Monsters, and Rare Monsters are a nice appetizer before actually progressing more Unique Scenarios EX! Yeah, that’s right!

「I’m going to ask you this just in case, but Wimp…… Are there any other ways out of this place…… Like, at all?」

「There are none. At least not that I aware of.」

Oh yeah! That’s right! That’s pretty much what I thought here!

I put my hands on my eyes and look up to the sky. Unfortunately, Sammy-chan can’t see the sky because it’s a cave made by her poison breath to melt the walls away, but I think that everyone knows what this gesture means in the end.

「Oh my God……!」

I don’t know if it’s something that the Three-God religion would condone, but I want to pray at this very moment. Shit! As you can see from the conditions under which Unique Scenario EX occurred, it looks like I will be forced to take care of this Wimp and Sammy-chan for a while. That being said, maybe keeping Wimp in the party is something of a prerequisite to finding the original Goldunine and getting rid of her? That would feel pretty much like something that a Unique Scenario EX would do.

Perhaps it would be possible to disband the party, but even with that in mind, the minimum requirements are creating a base for Goldunine Wimp and Sammy-chan to live in.

「Do I want to use a teleportation gate……? No, it’s too far…… and it would be too much of a hassle if someone were to recognize me. Besides, it’s almost impossible to get out of the center of this continent…… Without someone eventually finding out about it. Fuck me……」

「What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?」

I’m thinking about a new house for you! I wanted to say that out loud……But then I suddenly noticed something.

「Hey, Wimp, what would you say if I were to tell you that there is a place in this world where at least a moderate amount of safety can be guaranteed, with no risk of foreign invaders imposing on you?」

「Seriously!? Where!? Where is it!?」

It’s just like a Columbus egg, you just need to change your perspective. To be more specific, about eighty percent of my log in times will be filled with hard labor, but there is only one place where I can achieve the conditions as soon as possible.

I’m silent for a moment, with a bitter smile on my face I point my index finger to the ground. Wimp, whose eyes were shining in anticipation, stiffened for a few seconds, but quivered as if she just understood what I was trying to say.

「I-I mean, hey, umm, look…… WE actually DO have a safety device right here, wouldn’t you agree?」

At that moment it was basically as if WIMP just shut down and Rebooted herself.


「Whoa there! Don’ you dare to go complaining about things to me now! We are being protected by the strongest security protocol this place has to offer, so don’t you dare complain about it now! It’s way too late for that!」

「Speaking of which, that’s the first I have ever heard about it! No one told me about this! What gives!? I do not consent to this!!!」

Don’t tell me that you have the best guard dog on the leash here at all times, but that guard dog does not listen to your order!? I mean, what the hell!?

But she was no longer listening to me here, like at all. She was just thrashing all over the place while screaming “No!” all the time. Great, now what do I do? I need some words that are going to convince this chick, and I need them fast.

「Whoa, whoa, whoa there! Wait, wait, wait! Wait just a god damned second! It’s not like I’m telling you that you should rot away in a place like that, okay!? Do you understand!? After all, it is all thanks to Sammy-chan that this cave is so large and comfortable! So I am very grateful for that! Do you understand that? Huh?」

「Confirmation: thanks to the contribution of the Assault Snake Sammy-chan, this here artificial cave serves as a rare example of a safe haven right in the middle of the Sigmonia Frontline Valley.」

「Yeah, yeah, good for you, Sigma. Well said, indeed. That was a very intelligent comment right there. Truly, one worthy of such advanced AI as yourself, buddy.」

Now, I wonder how exactly should I go about doing this? While I am lost in thoughts, I deploy “Genbu’s” parts but only on my legs and arms and after a while I make a face like someone who just happened to stumble upon a great idea.

Oh yeah, just you wait until you see the final product! I’m going to become a true Master of Remodeling here! And with my awesome powers and incredible amount of resources, I’m going to change this dim cave into a finest looking suite the world has ever seen……!!

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