Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 24

Plate after plate of the best food in Gentis came to their private room. Drinks and alcohol flowed without stopping, and laughter was never-ending.

“Kazuki I get why people would find all of this emotional stuff appealing but how come you didn’t prank me? If I brought two people back from the dead, three if you count Danny, I would have made people shit themselves when they saw everyone alive. What gives?”

Shin was curious to no end why Kazuki didn’t take the opportunity to mess with him and Kazuki as well would have liked to do that but after Sam and Kimi’s reaction, he decided to not even try. Kazuki explained all of this to Shin and Shin shook his head.

“Ah what a wasted golden moment. That’s your problem Kazuki you’ve got no timing. I would have made Sam fall over laughing and even Kimi would have wet herself with laughter.”

Triska grabbed a bottle of wine and forced it into Shin’s mouth to shut him up. Kazuki though didn’t really mind.

“You say that Shin but when was the last time you made Sam laugh?”

Asuna agreed with Kazuki and added.

“That’s right Sam rarely laughs. He’s not a robot though, he shows his emotions in other ways like how he treats people.”

Kimi nodded matter-of-factly to this.

Shin wasn’t having it. He downed the rest of the bottle so he could breathe before wiping his mouth with his arm.

“That sounds like a challenge to me. Who wants to make a bet? The first one to make Sam laugh and I mean genuinely laugh gets a special tool made by Kazuki. Meanwhile, the losers have to bow to the winner.”

Kazuki raised a brow.

“Wait a second why do I have to make something for the winner?”

Shin looked almost offended by Kazuki’s response.

“Of course, it’s because you can make things out of god metal. Who else in the world can manipulate it like that and make something super rare? I still remember the things you gave us before but due to bad luck, we had to leave them all behind in the mountain base. After its collapse, I doubt we’ll be getting those back anytime soon. plus this is a challenge so the reward should be fitting right?”

Kazuki shook his head.

“That doesn’t make any sen

“Alright, your on!”

Before Kazuki could finish his sentence Shaila accepted the so-called challenge. Like this, a snowball effect happened as Mei jumped up and shouted.

“Me to me too, Mei wants something that will make her faster when she flies in the sky!”

After her was Asuna and then Sasai and so on. Kazuki sighed inwardly but he also found this kind of fun. Eventually, he decided to just go along with it. The person this was about, Sam, had no say at all, and because of this, he personally set out to not laugh a single time. He wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction.

Shin slowly stood up and faced Sam.

“You ready Sam? Everyone will get a single try. If you can endure then you win, if one of us makes you laugh though, we will be considered the winner and everyone else will have to bow.”

Crossing his arms, he sat there stoic and unmoving like a stone statue and only said three words.

“Do your worst.”

Shin took his shirt and placed part of it over his head so that only his face could be seen. He then crossed his legs and sat down in mid-air, floating gently above the table. Using wind magic, he changed his voice and made it deeper, causing it to sound like an old man.

“I am the great sage Lala lulu and I have a piece of wisdom to share with you Sam, care to hear it?”

Sam just nodded but didn’t say anything.

“Good, let me tell it to you then but this is a grand secret so I will come closer so that only you and the gods above may hear of it.”

Shin slowly floated over to Sam while keeping his weird appearance. When he got directly in front of Sam he stopped and leaned forward and whispered something but it was too difficult to hear so Sam leaned in to try and hear.

Shin’s face then completely warped and his face began to shake furiously as if he was being attacked by an invisible demon. Sam found this weird but that was all.

Shin kept twitching like an oddball before saying.

“Here it comes, here comes the grand wisdom.”


Shin’s face warped from pain to pleasure as he released a loud stinky fart. A small chill ran down his spine as he felt relief. Sam’s face scrunched up and he held his nose in disgust.

Shin then rubbed his stomach in delight.

“So how was it my son? Do you understand what has been passed on or better yet do you smell the grand wisdom?”

Immediately, Mei, Sasai, and Tozu broke out in wild laughter. Mei was rolling around on the floor and Tozu was slapping Sasai repeatedly on the back. Even Kazuki couldn’t help but join in and laugh like crazy. Everyone else though just found it immature and nasty. Kazuki opened a rift and replaced bad air with good.

Triska grabbed Shin by his collar and dragged him out of the air.

“Sit down, it’s my turn.”

This is how things went for a bit. One by one people stood up and tried to make Sam laugh and one by one they all failed miserably. Mei as well was the most confident. She stood next to Sam and began making funny and weird faces, stretching it here and there and looking all around but none of it worked.

“I don’t get it. Every time I did this for a long time, old mister would tell me how funny it was. How come it’s not working.”

No one there had the heart to tell Mei that Bozek was probably just humoring her to get her to stop. Mei sat back down with a sad expression.

Tsura quickly comforted her.

“That’s ok, some people just don’t laugh that much. I thought you did a wonderful job.”

Mei pouted.

“But Mama, you didn’t laugh either.”

Tsura froze and looked around the room for some help.

Nunully suddenly started to clap and everyone else joined her.

“Mei you were really good, sometimes instead of laughing though people will applaud your good performance. Right everyone?”

Everyone promptly agreed except for Sasai.

“Is this another human custom I don’t understand? Why clap and applaud if I don’t find it funny?”

All at once, eyes glared at Sasai and he understood he messed up right away. He then started laughing.


“I actually thought you were funny I was just too nervous to laugh in front of you because I have a weird laugh or something like that.”

Mei looked at Sasai with furrowed brows before she finally nodded.

“It’s ok, your laugh may be weird but Mei won’t judge you, so next time you better laugh, ok?”

(This little imp, why should I keep playing along and laugh when

His thoughts stopped there as he felt everyone’s glaring eyes on him once more. He quickly nodded along.

“Right, I’ll not be so self-conscious. Thank you little one.”

Mei pouted again.

“Mei is not little Mei is a big big bird.”

Once again glares fell upon Sasai and he swallowed hard before nodding his head repeatedly.

“Right right, Mei is big. I just forgot for a minute that’s all, hehehe.”

Nervous sweat poured down the side of Sasai’s face before Mei nodded.

“That’s right.”

After Mei, others joined in. One person tried to tickle Sam but of course, that had no effect. Others tried jokes and funny faces but in the end, none could make him laugh nor even split a crack or even a smile.

“I guess this means it’s my win. Now, don’t you all owe me something?”

The Ancient beasts sitting nearby all looked awkward. To bow to a human, was not something they had ever done. They were creatures that had lived for thousands of years and were near the top of the food chain. They valued strength over all other things and had only joined in on a whim. Now that it was over it was time to settle things but to actually bow to a human, they felt weird about it.

Kazuki basically knew what they were thinking and made the first move. He exaggerated as he performed a bow and teasingly spoke.

“Your Majesty, may you reign forever as the unlaughable one.”

Not just him but Mei wanted in on the fun as well and she swiftly jumped up on the table and bowed at the waist while giggling.

“Hehehe, Sam is the king of no laughing.”

Seeing Kazuki who they respected more than any so easily bow to someone who was weaker to him beyond compare and the fact that he joked about it, the three of them relaxed. This was all fun and games, nothing serious. The three exchanged a look with one another before they laughed along and bowed as well. After them was everyone else with their own silly contributions to Sam’s title.

Sam the statue or Sam the party pooper and so on. This made Shaila, Tozu, and Sasai see the humor and understand people a little better and they found themselves liking this aspect of humanity. In their world of beasts versus beasts, it was strength first. Seeing that those around them didn’t have to be on the offensive nor the defensive and could just be and exist around one another in such a way was refreshing, to say the least.

Once again the drinks flowed like a river and the food was unending. The atmosphere was one of just straight-up joy and bliss. This is how the day went and eventually became evening.

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