Vol.5, Ch.5, P.7


Months after, me an’ Dan, we found usselves marchin’ on Déu Tsellin. A great, big battle it were t’be, ’gether with thousands in the alliance. Aye, th’Víly-Gorka alliance, no less.

At dawn, we clash’d with th’Salvators an’ sent ’em scamp’rin’ back up th’slopes. An’ after regroupin’, we follow’d their tail, an’ soon were ’pon th’summit. Then, th’queerest thing, as we went ’long. Th’fog, it b’gan t’clear up. Most o’ it, leastways. Could well-see ’gain, better than further down th’slopes. An’ wot we saw first at yon summit were th’Dēlūbrum.

Big it were, I tells ye. Grand. Fills all yer sight. It were afternoon by then, an’ so it shone like a great, big pearl, there under th’west’rin’ sun. An’ thass when it lamp’d me: we were finally there. Almost, that is.

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(Language: Latin; plural: passūs) A unit of measure used by the ancient Romans, taken from the length of a pace (2 steps). 1 metre is equal to 0.6757 of a passus. A passus, therefore, can be roughly equated to 1 and a half metres.



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