Chapter 39

Episode 45: Frontliner Selection

After returning to the arena with Stratos, we resumed the evaluation for the frontliner positions.

「Looks like I’m the last one. I’ll be taking the heavy armor tank position!」

The last candidate was Slaine-sama.

Since using the same attack pattern would be too predictable, I mixed things up with vertical and horizontal slashes. |Slaine-sama blocked the vertical attack with his spear and the horizontal one with his shield.

Quickly moving a shield is difficult, so this was the perfect response!
Next, I decided to test him with a spell.

「Fire, go forth! 〚Fireball〛!」

「Damn… That incantation was too short!」

Although he was slow to react to my brief incantation, he managed to defend against it.
To finish, I aimed a stronger thrust at him.



He braced himself low and blocked it perfectly.

I was impressed by his response when Selen-sama’s voice brought the evaluation to a close.

「That’s enough. The tank evaluation ends here. Although I was going to test combat ability next, only two candidates were able to perform adequately as tanks. Therefore, Slaine and Stratos will be joining Team A as frontliners. If anyone has any objections, speak up now.」

Since there were no objections, Slaine-sama and Stratos were officially selected.

With this, Team A was complete: myself, Selen-sama, Cantera as the scout, and Slaine-sama and Stratos as the frontliners. A total of five members.

「Now that Team A’s formation is complete, we’ll focus on training that emphasizes teamwork from here on out.」

「So, does that make Selen the team leader?」

「Who else but Selen-sama, right?」

「I’m fine with Selen-sama as the leader.」

「Oh? Slaine, did you want to be the leader?」

「Well, I thought we’d have a group discussion to decide the leader, since, you know, it’s a team effort (sweat).」

「I figured Selen-sama would be the leader from the start (laugh).」

「So, I’ll be the leader then?」


And so, with Selen-sama as our leader, Team A began its activities! ♪

Episode 46: Team A’s Training

All teams had completed their formations, and now their group activities were incorporated into the lessons.
Each team, with its own unique characteristics, was responsible for deciding their training content, receiving advice from the instructors as needed.

For our Team A, we decided to start by thoroughly researching the terrain and the monsters that would appear at the site of our training for subjugation missions, rather than jumping straight into combat training.

This was actually my suggestion.

I couldn’t help but wonder, what’s the point of mock battles if we’ve never actually fought monsters before?
Ultimately, Selen-sama made the final decision with her statement.

「It’s better to trust Ren, who has experience in fighting monsters, over those who don’t!」

As expected from our leader! No one said a word in response (laugh).

「The subjugation site is in a grassland area. The weeds are about as tall as we are, so visibility will be poor. We need to be cautious since we could suddenly encounter monsters. The ground is a bit uneven, but if we’re careful, it shouldn’t be a big issue.」

「Um… can’t any of you use detection abilities? If you use them, you can avoid sudden encounters.」

「Detection? What’s that?」

Wait… Do none of them know about detection?

「Uh, it’s a skill where you sense the presence or magic power emitted by monsters around you and pinpoint their location. Whether or not you have this skill can greatly impact the safety of monster subjugation. The two most useful detection skills are 〘Presence Detection〙 and 〘Magic Detection〙. With these, you can avoid most ambushes unless something extreme happens.」

「Is that something even we could learn?」

Cantera, the scout, asked with great interest.

「Yes, you can. While it does require some level of natural talent, you should be able to achieve basic detection skills.」

「In that case, we’ll focus our training on detection!」

「Um… So, should we study the characteristics of the monsters in the morning and do detection training in the afternoon?」

「Yes, let’s follow Ren’s suggestion.」

And with that, our Team A’s training plan was set.

➖➖➖➖ Stratos’ Perspective ➖➖➖➖

Selen truly never ceases to amaze me…

I always thought detection skills were a special ability reserved for top-tier hunters, yet Selen possesses not one, but two of these skills.
And they happen to be the most highly regarded ones—〘Presence Detection〙 and 〘Magic Detection〙 .

I’m truly fortunate. To have met someone of this caliber!
There may be strong rivals, but I’ll make sure to win Selen’s heart.

Episode 47: Detection Training

From the following day onwards, during our team activities class, we dedicated the mornings to studying the characteristics of monsters, and in the afternoons, we focused on detection training.
After finishing the morning study session, we began our afternoon detection training.

「Detection is more of a sensory skill, so some of you might pick it up faster or slower than others. Even if you’re slower, don’t give up and keep trying.」

When I said that, Slaine-sama asked a question.

「By the way, Ren, how long did it take you to learn it?」

「For me… it was the first time I entered a dungeon. I could easily sense that four goblins were approaching me (laugh).」

「Ren, you’re exceptional in every way (sweat).」

「Well, that doesn’t matter. Let’s get started with the detection training! We’ll begin with 〘Presence Detection〙 since it’s the easiest.」

I had everyone cover their heads with a cloth and instructed them to raise their hands if they sensed anything.

I released a bit of aura using body enhancement… but no one raised their hands.
So, I increased the intensity of the aura, yet still, no one responded…

I started to wonder if they could sense it better with the presence of a monster, so I decided to summon my familiar.

〚Roha! Don’t make any noise, just release a little presence, okay?〛


Even with Roha releasing its presence, no one raised their hands…
It seems that 〘Presence Detection〙 is harder than I expected.

〚Thank you, Loha! I’ll return you now. I was happy to see you after so long♪〛


「So, did anyone sense anything?」

「No, I don’t think I felt anything?」

「I tried releasing presence three times, but it looks like grasping the sense right away is difficult. Let’s take a short break, and after that, we’ll try again from a closer distance.」

After the break, I planned to shorten the distance to help them get a feel for it.
But first, I decided to show them an example by covering my own head with a cloth, so they could understand what detection feels like.

「Alright, everyone, you can move wherever you like! Once I finish counting to 30, I’ll try to sense where you are, so make sure to stop moving then.」

「Got it!」

As they started to move, I began counting to 30.

Episode 48: Demonstrating Detection

I covered my head with the cloth and counted to 30.

「Time’s up! Stay still, okay? I’m going to hit you with some 〘Water〙, so it might feel a little cold, but bear with it♪」

Since I had already detected everyone’s position, I shot out 〘Water〙 one after another, hitting them all.





「This is what happens when you master 〘Presence Detection〙— you can pinpoint someone’s location♪ While it’s difficult to achieve this level of accuracy, just being able to roughly sense someone’s position is helpful, right?」

Seeing 〘Presence Detection〙 in action, everyone seemed a little surprised.
But they understood how useful it was, and their eyes sparkled with excitement.

Especially Cantera, who rushed over to me, her eyes practically glowing as she grabbed my hands and spoke.

「This is absolutely essential for a scout! I’ll go through any kind of tough training, so please teach me the key to learning it!」

「Hmm, it’s about being conscious of it every day, I think? In this environment, it’s hard to notice subtle differences since we’re always surrounded by people. But if you can start noticing those small differences, even between people, then you’ll be on your way to learning it.」

「Got it. I’ll make a point to be more aware from now on!」

「Good luck♪ (smile)」

It’s a good sign that Cantera is starting to develop her awareness as a scout.
In this environment, learning 〘Magic Detection〙 might be easier than 〘Presence Detection〙, so I decided to let Cantera try feeling the difference in magical power.

「Cantera, keep holding my hand. I’ll try flowing different kinds of magic power now, so if you feel any difference, even just a little, consider yourself lucky, okay?」

「Uh, sure.」

First, I released a subdued amount of magical power, and then I let out a stronger surge, like that of a mage.

「Whoa… is that the difference in magical power? I suddenly felt something like pressure.」

「It seems like you can sense the difference better when you’re directly touching it. If you can start feeling that difference in the atmosphere around you, then that’s 〘Magic Detection〙. I’ll release magic randomly from now on, so try to consciously feel it.」

「Ren, thank you! You’re the best♪」

Cantera, riding the momentum, suddenly hugged me tightly.

「Okay, let’s calm down for now (laugh).」

「Ah, sorry… my body just moved on its own…」

「Cantera? What was that just now? Do you want to be expelled from the group?」

「I won’t allow any sneaky moves!」

「I don’t think hugging a lady without warning is what a gentleman would do.」

Uh-oh… It seems like all three of them are in angry mode (sweat).

「It’s fine, really. Let’s all just calm down, okay?」

After that, Selen-sama gave Cantera a long and stern lecture, leaving him almost in tears (laugh).

➖➖➖➖ Cantera’s Perspective ➖➖➖➖

I ended up hugging Selen…

I was so happy to feel even a little difference when she taught me 〘Magic Detection〙 that my body moved on its own.

But the long lecture from Selen-sama afterward… that was the worst experience of my life… (cry).

However! The memory of hugging Selen remains vivid. She smelled amazing, and she was so soft…
Even though I experienced both the worst and the best moments of my life today, the best moment completely outweighed the bad.

It was the best day ever (laugh).

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