Death’s Daughter Chapter 166





“Mia, I’m telling you in advance that I will be escaping now. Come find me later.”

I said that and jumped out of a window. I may not be able to see outside thanks to the wall that was there, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t leave. Once I was out of the room and in the air I could easily use [Blink] to move around however I want to.

“Not so fast, Naoko-sama.”

Without hesitation she jumped after me. I immediately sensed the wind picking up and blowing to slow down the fall. I only smiled and disappeared higher into the air. I looked down and saw two pairs of wings glowing behind her, but since there was not much room to move around she got herself stuck in the gap between the wall and building.

She really is good to be able to immediately change directions and come up with a way to chase after me. Too bad the terrain was bad for her. I left her and landed directly in front of my mansion gate. I was certain she would come here in the next ten minutes or so.

“Honorable Boss, good evening and welcome back.”

“If a girl called Mia comes by just let her in, you are not allowed to beat her up.”

“Yes ma’am!”

I entered the mansion. I needed to find Dogusu who luckily was inside the main office. He was really dealing with all the group stuff for me. When I entered the room, he immediately stood up, deeply bowed and offered his chair to me.

“Dogusu I came to check on how things were going? Give me an update and keep it short. I don’t have much time.”

“Nobody has dared to challenge us ever since we beat Blood Knight Group, so we had peace to develop and grow. The members we accepted from them also aren’t voicing any complaints. The terms you offered them were really favorable for them.”

“Good, I’m glad they are doing well. I don’t think we will have a problem with any future members either considering Thanatos-sama was involved when this was first created, but anyways, continue on.”

“We were able to finally create a hotline to sell monster materials to Commerce Guild and it is proving quite profitable. Since we are selling items in bulk, we were able to get a good deal and the cut that would have usually been taken by the guild if we sold to them is being put in the guild treasury. Also thanks to the wyverns we sold we have a good amount saved that can be used to start any new businesses if need be.”

That was really good. If we could finance ourselves independently it will be one step closer towards my plan of escaping the wedding. There are several more things I am preparing, but this is just one of them.

“What about the wyverns?”

“They are growing wonderfully. When the theory behind super growth was announced we recalled your words to be patient with them, treat them well and to train them carefully so it was immediately decided the use of such magic should be banned.”

“Very well… I will lend you Byakko so keep an eye out on him. I am currently in a very unpleasant situation and cannot deal with him. Also if a person called Fulgur comes here treat him with respect and give him shelter and food.”

It seems I was worrying about nothing about growth magic. Sadly before I could talk any more Mia burst into the room and grabbed me by the collar and dragged me out. I only waved at a very much confused Dogusu who didn’t know how to react.

“It’s okay Mia, I will go back obediently to the castle.”

She didn’t seem to trust me and tied a golden rope around my wrist and connected it to hers. It was probably an item preventing me from being able to go a certain distance away. I inspected it and found it was a unique grade item that would seal my magic one I get more than ten steps away from the other person.

“Naoko-sama, please don’t cause troubles like that. As you can see I will always bring you back to the caste in the end.”

“Sure, sure.”

As I promised, I behaved myself and returned to my room which no longer had a view outside the window was now completely blocked with wooden planks. She sure works fast. Well it makes no difference to me.


“Father, please for the sake of my sanity, as well as yours, don’t let Naoko and Royal Mother meet alone. Ever!”

“I am so exhausted.”

My Royal Mother may look like a gentle person, but she is the most fearsome one instead. It is because her situation was somewhat similar to Naoko’s having to marry my father against her will and all for political reasons she vowed to not let something like that happen to any other girl under her watch. That is why father cannot decide marriage for Luana or Sisca, my youngest sibling. If she hears the real truth about Naoko’s situation things will turn ugly for the two of us.

And that damned Naoko immediately realized that it was not to be known. I don’t remember the last time I was this nervous about anything. Honestly I would rather deal with a monster horde than the anger from the Royal Mother.

“Erik, Vitou dear, can I have a minute with the two of you.”

Geh, why is she here? She may be fearsome, but is extremely dense and can’t take a hint, no matter how hard you try. She shouldn’t have realized the truth.

“Dear, you can always have it.”

“It’s about little Naoko, she said that she doesn’t belong to any of the twelve religions. Will they allow her to marry in their church? She did say that those twelve bastards do not deserve to be called gods and if those from the church hear about it I worry…”

Oh thank heavens it was only that. I was worried there for a second.

“Do not worry, the Cardinal will meet with the two of us and I am sure he will grant the permission. I will make sure of it, so you don’t have to think too much about it. Think of it as it is already settled.”

The Queen left and not a minute later, one of the guards I had stationed at the hallway, near Naoko’s room, came in to report that Mia-san was seen flying out of the castle after reporting that Naoko escaped her room.

“Vitou, please escort Naoko-san to the city below tomorrow morning. Show off your faces in the crowd. I don’t care where you go, just make sure you are seen. Don’t worry about other duties, I will deal with them. Just make sure that everyone knows you are a loving couple. Your mother must never learn about the circumstances of this wedding. Even if she is dense she will start suspecting something if Naoko-chan keeps escaping the castle.”

I shivered at the thought of that outcome. No matter what, I must prevent such an outcome.



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