Volume 2 Chapter 5-3: A New Magic Sword




「Then the last one is me…<<Reveal>>」

『Fujinomiya Soujirou Karma: -5 Age: 17

Job: Magic Swordmaster

Skills: Language Reading Comprehension Simple Appraisal Arms Appraisal Repair Refining Essence Refining Magic Sword Summon (1)

Special Skill: Magic Essence Conversion』

「Master…could this be…」

「Oh…I see ja. So a skill like this pops out?」

「Does this mean that Sakura’s family will grow again?」

The girls all spoke when they saw the new words in my status.

As I listened to them I recalled the words God had told me as I entered this world.

『If you work hard down there, you’ll be able to meet them once more.』

They certainly said that. So that’s what they meant…the more effort I put into living in this world the more swords I could pull from the warehouse…

『Magic Sword Summoning』

I activated the skill without hesitation.

I felt the magic power within me draining as a light burst into existence in front of me.

It was different than the light Hotaru-san produced when using Light Magic. It was more akin to the light I had experienced when I talked with God in the divine space.

The light gathered before me from who knows where…and once it gathered enough, it flickered out leaving a single katana floating in front of me.

Once I grasped it in my hand I felt the strange floating sensation disappear as the sword settled into my palm with a reassuring weight.

「Hmm, it seems like a mature one came out ja…」

「Do you know this katana Hotaru-san?」

「Well I did say that many of the ones in that warehouse are like our compatriots ja.」

「Un, that’s right. It’s only been a month since I left but it still feels nostalgic.」

「Isn’t that fulfilling?」

I couldn’t help but nod at Hotaru-san’s words as my mouth slackened.

Certainly I could spend my life with my cute Acolyte-sama and my beloved swords…I could use my blade to strike down evil when it pleased me, and my night-life was considerably enriched.

If I were to say that my life wasn’t fulfilling, I would be struck with heavenly punishment for my lies. Well, certainly there were times where my life was at risk, but my everyday life was both fun and amazing.

Now I once again met another katana. Of course, I’ve seen all the swords in the warehouse, but I couldn’t recognize it when it was still in the sheath. 

Obviously, I didn’t know each katana by name or inscription. I only knew the ones that were famous since I didn’t have the appraisal ability back then so I couldn’t judge them in the first place. The only thing I felt was how pretty or cool a sword was when I appreciated their looks every day.

I slowly unsheathed the katana.

The luster of Japanese katanas shone as the light played across the blade…this…. this was the sword that was displayed next to Hotaru-san…

The length of the blade was around 70cm…shorter than Hotarumaru. The blade started thick and narrowed near the tip…it was beautiful.

If I were to choose between this sword and Hotarumaru…I would hesitate, but ultimately choose Hotarumaru because of the length.

Right now I tried to communicate with the sword but got nothing…maybe it hadn’t learned Empathy yet.

『Arms Appraisal』

『Nikko Sukezane Rank: C+ Refinement Lvl: 21 Essence Lvl: 0

Skills: Empathy Communication Intimidation Domination Magic Manipulation Aptitude(Dark)

Special Skill: Vainglory』

「Whoa! ….that old man! Isn’t this another national treasure!? How did he manage to keep this when it’s supposed to be in the Toshogu Shrine!? What a bastard! I’ll rub your shoulders ya’ bastard! I’ll give ya’ a full massage you scoundrel!」

The Nikko Sukezane was a famed blade forged in the Kamakura period which was finally presented by Kiyomasa Kato to Ieyasu Tokugawa. It was supposedly stored in the Nikko Toshogu Shrine where Ieyasu was supposed to be buried with it.

In that case, since the real one was here it meant the one stored in the shrine was a fake! The one who pulled it off was either my grandfather or my great grandfather or someone else, but I don’t care but I’d give them all massages for this absolutely wonderful gift they managed to give me. If I met them, I would praise them endlessly!

「U-umm…Master are you okay? What are you angry about?」

「Ahahaha! No Sistina, Sou-sama is probably too happy that he’s shouting and going crazy, so it’s okay.」


「Fumu….well I don’t feel much from it ja. Wouldn’t this old lady break from old age if you use it? I recommend returning it for a different sword Soujirou ja.」

Hotaru-san smirked as she heard the results of the appraisal, and seemed to giggle…or was that my imagination?

Old lady…huh? The Nikko Sukezane was crafted in the Kamakura Period…and Hotaru-san was made in the Northern and Southern Dynasties period…so certainly Hotaru-san was younger.

「As a sword and as a woman I’m right on the line of being mature and in my prime. Rather than mature it might be more accurate to call her old. Even she feels that way otherwise she wouldn’t be keeping quiet out of embarrassment. Soujirou, if you’re a man then understand a woman doesn’t want to show her old body to a young man like that. How long do you intend to keep her exposed like that ja?」

Uhh…the two of them had been displayed next to each other for so many years…did something happen between them? Do they really not get along?

Actually, if both katanas of the same class fought like this it’d be bad so I’d really like it if they would put a stop to this…




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