Death’s Daughter Chapter 11




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


***Hiiro’s POV***

This is too boring! I thought that now that I am away from the castle and going on an
adventure there would be something to do, but all day it is travelling and all night it is sleeping.

We only visited three cities and passed through a few smaller towns in the past month or so. Not to mention we had to stay for several days at every noble’s house that happened to see us. I wanted to fight against strong monsters and take down some bandits but no such thing occurred.

Tonight we were supposed to reach another city and meet the mayor there. Hopefully there would be something that I could entertain myself with here. Even flirting with Mai-chan could only do so much. Nakamura would occasionally mess with his magic saying this world is too far behind. When I asked him about it he would just say it was more of a philosophical question, then would go and try to explain science to me. Not really interested if you ask me, but if the strongest magician says so I guess that it is important to him. Besides, I was never too good at Science, I always had Nao-chan explain it to me.

I wanted to move around and slash things with my sword. So far all I did get to fight were some wolves, and they died with a single strike of my sword. However the three natives that were in my party were more than impressed with that.

“Hiiro-kun, you are really bothered by something. Is it me?”

“How could that be possible Mai-chan, just having you around makes things much better. Your smile can brighten anyone’s day.”

She snuggled up against me and I patted her head while also ignoring Nakamura’s “go die riajuu” comment. Also I think it is safe to say that the two of us became a couple though neither of us wanted to mention it. Late in the afternoon the Chopi city was finally in sight. It was the second largest city in the kingdom and a trading center.

After renting a room the three of us decided to go out for a drink or two since it was too late for a visit to the mayor. After a short discussion it was decided to go to the adventurers’ guild. They had the best beer there.

The place was crowded, not that I didn’t expect it. Since we didn’t have much option we sat down at the first available table. I was keeping up small talk, but I also listened in to what the others were saying. Who knows, maybe I would be able to hear about some strong monsters that I would be able to fight. The table behind me had some rather loud person.

“I miss lassie, nobody here is my opponent. It’s been damn long since someone beat
me. I’d never thought I’d see a day a Queen’d be born,”

“…Naoko…scary drunk…”

I flinched upon hearing that name turning pale and turned around to look at the trio sitting there. A muscular giant over 2m tall, a slender man dressed in all black and lastly a tall person with proper stature and somewhat average looks. I could sense that even among this crowd they had some strength to them.

“Nakanishi, what’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing… must have been my imagination. I thought I heard my friend’s name.”

“Friend? Female? Who is she?”

“She died the same day I did and in the same accident. She was supposed to come to this world but in the end she didn’t. None of the gods took her under her wing, so she had no way of coming to Doren. This means that she most likely died for real. Her name was Naoko.”

Ever since I arrived here I stopped thinking about Naoko and now I feel a bit sad and
embarrassed that I forgot about her. But hearing her name made me realize that I really lost her for good.

“Then let us make a toast for her, Hiiro-kun. To Naoko!”

“To Naoko”

We emptied our drinks and ordered another round. Once I am back in the capital city, I
will make a grave for her so that she may rest in peace.

“Young ones you also know Lassie, I mean Naoko-chan?”

The man that looked like a mountain spoke to us. I didn’t think he would approach to talk to us. Behind him, the other two moved to our table as well.

“Naoko that the three of us know is a dual attribute magician also one hell of a drinker. Back in Orzak she drank five people under the table includin’ me even earned the title Queen as the strongest drinker among adventurers. I hold the title King, or at least I did before lassie took it away from me.”

There is no was in hell that was my Nao-chan. She can’t hold her liquor at all. Not to mention she is not from this world at all.

“It appears that they are different people. I am Nakanishi Hiiro, and these are Inoue Mai and Nakamura Daisuke. We are currently travelling east on our adventure.”

“Good I’m Nord, the silent one is Blink and lastly he is Colt. Come let’s drink together. Drinks are always better when you have company.”

Tonight I learned just how fearsome that Queen must be to drink more than Nord-san. I was out after the tenth drink while he still looked completely normal. Should I ever come across this Queen I must not under no circumstances ever challenge her to a drinking game.

***Nino’s POV***

Sometimes as a receptionist in a guild you can see and hear many odd things, but none of them can compare to the oddness of one Maeda Naoko. That kid always says and does the most random and weirdest things you can imagine. Just today several people told me they saw her running around town as if being chased yelling curses at thin air. Ah, speak of the devil…

“Good evening Naoko-san, what brings you to the guild so late?”

“Nino-san I can’t take it anymore. They just won’t leave me alone. All day they keep
pestering me to listen to their life stories. I can’t focus at all. Do you have any idea how hard it is to train when you have an audience that keeps shouting at you? I need something to keep them away from me or I won’t be able to sleep at all… SALT! That’s it. Thanks Nino-san you were great help.”

What a strange person.




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