Death’s Daughter Chapter 163



Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


“Then, let’s depart. There is no need to wait any longer. Climb up and we will leave.”

“I’m not burdening that poor animal any more than it needs to be burdened. I have Byakko, I will ride with him for this trip, but first I am going to the guild. You can go on ahead.”

I left him hanging with his hand outstretched. I turned my back to him and went to the guild. This time around I used [Blink] and made sure nobody would be able to stop me. Maybe the earl could have but he already bid us goodbye when we left the mansion.

It was already afternoon which meant that Nino-san was working at the guild right now. When I entered everyone in the guild room shut up and not even a fly buzzing around could be heard. There were no whispers like usual, only dead silence. I went to wait in the line where Nino-san was working, but those in front of me all moved away and let me pass directly.

“Naoko-san, I…”

“Nino-san, do you think we can talk in private. I also have some special materials to sell and it might become dangerous if I take them out here.”

He nodded and led me to one of the rooms reserved for private transactions and requests.

“Naoko-san I am so sorry. I really had no idea about your circumstances. I know what…”

“Nino-san it’s okay, I do not blame you at all. It was something I could not go against it seems. As long as you stay part of the guild staff I will treat you as my personal receptionist. That will never change. Besides, outside of work you are still one of my dear friends.”

He looked so guilty to a point it was heartbreaking for me to see. I can’t imagine how much all this was bothering him for all those days that I didn’t leave the room. The poor guy really must have been devastated.

“Naoko-san, what about you? Here you are worried about me, but you must be feeling even worse. I mean this is all being forced on you and for some reason you cannot decline, am I right?”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve been through worse and still lived to this day. I will find a way to deal with it. In the meantime keep Millie-chan safe and don’t let her be hurt. If it comes down to worst I will ask of you for sanctuary. I hope you would be able to tell me the story between you and Millie-chan.”

On the outside the two of them weren’t in a relationship, but everyone could see there was something brewing under the surface. It was a known secret that the two of them liked each other, but what I was able to see is that not only are they together, but they have been together for a long, long time now. I hope that one day the two of them will come and tell me everything, but for now I will respect their privacy.

“Um… I will, so come back soon, otherwise I would not be able to tell you anything. You got that?”

I bid him farewell. The material selling was only an excuse. Since I didn’t know where Millie-chan was I went to the Azure Dragon to say goodbye to Mylene-san who took care of me when I first arrived here. We only spoke for a bit since she was quite busy, but I promised to keep in touch. I left the town behind and began going towards the capital.

“Byakko, run fast. We’re going west into sunset.”

And with those words I rode away leaving Orzak behind as well as many friends and one prince still waiting for me so that we could set out.


“Nao-chan, how could you have left me like that? I waited for so long for you to come back only to realize you already went.”

“It was easy-peasy. I left the town after saying goodbye to those I needed. You weren’t included. Also don’t call me Nao-chan.”

I made camp for the night to let Byakko have some rest. And that was when Vitou caught up with us. I’m actually surprised it took him so long.

“Oh come on, many people call you like that, isn’t it obvious that I should do it as well considering I am your fiancée. Also speaking of which I think you should stop this childish rebellion of yours. It’s unbefitting.”

“It is unbefitting only in your eyes. To me it is my struggle for freedom. Unlike you who just went along not fighting for your own feelings, I do not like having others dictate my life.  Have nothing more to say to you.”

“Nao-chan, don’t…”

He shut up the moment I made a ‘zip it’ motion and hit him with my killing intent. I was not playing around. He should just be glad that I was going to the capital in the first place. I leaned against softly sleeping Byakko and kept watch. I will sleep while travelling tomorrow.

“Are you planning on ignoring me? That is not very mature of you.”

It was exactly as he said it. I was going to ignore him and act all immature. I even thought about actively using the power of [Object of Desire], but it might turn out more troublesome to me instead.  If something like Fulgy comes along I wouldn’t be able to deal with it easily.

“Don’t do that Nao-chan. It is rude and you need to show more respect since I am after all a Crown Prince. Come, I will teach you how to respect me.”

The moment he said that the ground shook and changed its shape to a slide making me move towards him. How shameless! I prepared to use [Blink] and just as I activated it, a bolt of blue lightning came down missing Vitou by a hair’s breadth, he would have been hit if he didn’t create a shield that diverted it.

I looked towards the sky, but I couldn’t make out the shape of the black dragon against the night sky. However I did send a silent ‘thank you’ to him upon returning to Byakko’s side who had been awakened with all this commotion.

“Go back to sleep, nobody will harm you tonight. I am keeping guard, don’t worry, I will wake you up once it is time to go.”

He closed his eyes and returned to sleep. He was familiar with Fulgy so he didn’t panic, which is not the case with the wyvern that Vitou brought. He was still only a baby, but just in an adult’s body. It was panicking and was trying to fly away, so Vitou had to place him into an earthen cage to prevent him from doing that.

“Nao-chan there is no need to attack me. I merely wanted to talk.”

“That attack was not me at all. It appears you have more enemies than you thought you did. Until you fully don’t cross the line, I will not attack you. Once you do, remember I will claim your life, and nothing but bones will be left of you. For the record, you are right now standing just behind the line, so you should be really careful about what you do.”



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