Volume 6 Chapter 6 Part 3



Translator: Kell

It already seemed like overkill, but apparently the king still had more in mind. This all sounds so drastic. I don’t really mind at all if Count Meigis becomes more powerful as my base of operations is located in his domain.

“Yes. If we are to grant you favors, we might as well go all-out. For now, let’s see… How about privilege for those with special classes? Adventurer parties with special classes will receive more pay from the reward that the government puts out for clearing monsters. It would make it easier for those with special classes to do their adventurer activities, and it would be advantageous for the Count as well, which has many adventurers with special classes.””

Hmm. Special classes are still seen as weak. But with this they will be invited to parties a lot easier.

“It’s a great offer, but we’ll have to decline,” I cut in.

“No? I thought it was a good idea.”

“Sure, it might make it easier for them to get into parties, but some might just invite them for the increased reward. This could even reinforce the notion that those with special classes are weak.”

First of all, those with special classes will be looked down upon, no doubt. People will invite them for the reward, but might only let them carry luggage or something.

It’s fine if they’re just inexperienced adventurers who don’t know how to fight to begin with, but an experienced adventurer—one who could even be the main force in a medium-sized party—with a special class being invited into a party solely for the increased rewards, but then relegated to carrying payload is too tragic. This could even lead to a higher death rate. Joining parties not at the same level as yours would be disadvantageous.

That just won’t do. If people found out just how strong those with special classes actually are, adventurers will invite them to their parties, and they will finally be accepted as real adventurers.

That’s why I’m going to make some of my knowledge of those special classes available to the public. I’m going to keep some of the information about the higher level Skills secret, so Count Meigis can still have the upper hand. Still, even that should be enough to give power to these once-horribly-treated group of people. At the very least, they should be able to gain the same or more power as those with normal classes.

That being the case, I don’t want the image of special classes to be distorted by extra preferential treatment. Their status in the eyes of the public should be changed through their own power alone.

“Hmm… That is true. But will that change the way Novices are treated?”

“No, I don’t think so. I mean, Novices are simply weak.”

“I heard you were a Novice.”

Oh, right. Come to think of it, the national data says I’m still a Novice. It didn’t really matter back when in Count Meigis’ place, but I need it changed if I want to move around indepedently in the future.

“That’s just because there’s no class that applied to me, so I didn’t have much choice but to register as a Novice. My real class is Sage, a spellcaster type.”

“A new class? It’s hard to register without the right orb.”

I didn’t know this before, but apparently new classes are registered once the corresponding orb is found. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to find these orbs. In BBO, looking at the status can easily tell you what class you have. We didn’t really need orbs.

In any case, registering the Sage class as a new class might be more dangerous than helpful, so I’d like to avoid that for now.

“Rather than creating a Sage class, I’d rather just be registered as a Mage. Although, they told me I can’t do that unless the orb glows.”

“Then I’ll have you registered as a Mage through a royal decree. This would be the first time a king ordered the registration of an adventurer, but it should be fine. We can also conceal information if done through a guild branch in Count Meigis’ domain.”

Now I’m finally going to be registered as a Mage. If someone told me when I first registered that I’d be dragging the king himself to this problem of mine, I wouldn’t have believed them. Thanks to the rewards for defeating monsters, I’m not really in need of money, so I’d be more happy with this registration than the original reward.

“But this doesn’t count as giving preferential treatment to the Count’s domain,” the king said. “I can give you exclusive distribution rights to the healing medicine.”

“A-Are you sure about that?” the Count asked. “That’ll have an enormous effect on the economy.”

“You’re probably the only one who can produce enough to sell in the market anyway. Anyone else who could do it probably simply stole the formula. I say exclusive rights, but it is essentially an anti-theft measure. I doubt other nobles will oppose it.”

Hmm. Monopoly might sound serious, but it practially only reduces security labor. Still, that’s plenty to be thankful for. When we were fighting Cardinal Georgis, we had to spend a ton of effort on security.

“That’s all the reward I can grant for now,” the king said. “Eld, if you ever retire from being an adventurer, just tell me. I will give you a noble status.”

“I don’t want to manage a domain. I’m sure there are plenty others fit for the job.”

“Don’t worry. Someone else will do the management.”

It doesn’t sound like a bad deal at all. But that’s still a long way off. I don’t want to be a noble in a kingdom that’s likely to be taken over. Even if we lived in peace, I’d like to have something to ensure our safety.

“That kinda talk should only be discussed once the kingdom is at peace,” I said. “Right now, we need to do something about the Empire. We can’t live at peace when the kingdom has fallen.”

“You’re right. Do you have a plan?”

“Of course. I’ve already come up with one.”

“What kind of plan is it?”

“We’re not gonna make a move for now. We’ll just leave them be.”

The king looked disappointed. Maybe he imagined me creating a team of elites and go charge straight at the enemy. I had absolutely no intention of doing that. Leaving them alone is the best move we can make right now.

We’ll find out what’ll happen soon.



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Different World Reincarnation as a Sage

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