The Golden Fairy – Part 06



Translator: Kell

The next morning.

In his room at the St. Marguerite Academy boys’ dormitory, Kazuya woke up at exactly 7:30 as he always did. He cast a glance at the boys tottering in the hallway and the washroom, washed his face, brushed his hair, and sat down at his usual seat in the cafeteria.

The sexy, red-haired dorm mother put breakfast on the table. As he was about to dig into his breakfast of bread, milk, and fruit, he let out a yelp.

The dorm mother, sitting cross-legged on a chair in the corner and reading the morning paper with a cigarette in her mouth, lifted her head in surprise.

“What’s wrong?! Was there something in the food?!”

“Uh, no. The food’s great. No, wait. That headline!”

The dorm mother handed Kazuya the newspaper, and he immediately started reading it.

The headline read: He Does it Again! The Great Inspector Blois Solves the Murder of Roxane the Fortune-Teller!!

As always, Inspector Blois had taken credit for Victorique’s deductions. The article went on to say that the Arabian maid had been arrested, that she was very beautiful, and that this was partly why the inspector was so eager to question her.

The granddaughter, inheritor of the fortune-teller’s estate—the scary lady who grappled with the maid—gave Inspector Blois a passionate kiss—not that that mattered—and a luxurious yacht as a token of her gratitude.


The inspector laughed out loud as he said he was going to go sailing this weekend right away.

“A yacht?!”

Kazuya returned the morning paper to the dorm mother and sat back in his chair.

He pondered over the matter for a couple of seconds.

Victorique should be the one receiving the kiss and the yacht. Wrongs should be called out. Damn that drill-headed inspector!

Kazuya stood up.


Kazuya rushed to St. Marguerite’s library first thing in the morning and ran up the narrow set of stairs, only to find himself in a deserted garden. He checked his watch. It was still before eight. He thought Victorique would be arriving soon.

He spent another several minutes going back down the stairs. As he was descending, he saw the elevator climbing up. A faculty member must have boarded it.

As he ran out of the library, he bumped into a student on the way to school.


“S-Sorry… Oh, Avril.”

A British girl with short, blonde hair and long, smooth legs was standing there. A photo fell from her hand, so Kazuya bent down to pick it up.

It was a picture of a young man. He was looking straight at the camera, wearing a faint smile. He had dazzling features and a refreshing charm that could mesmerize anyone.

Kazuya let out a small sigh. “Morning, Avril. Who’s this? Your boyfriend?”

Avril laughed. “Come on now, Kujou. Of course not!” She tapped Kazuya on the back.

“Ow, ow, ow…”

It was quite painful. I guess girls are stronger than I thought.

“This is Sir Ned,” she said.

“Sir who?”

“You don’t know him? It’s Sir Ned Baxter. He’s an English stage actor, and he’s very popular. You’d think it’s just because he’s gorgeous, but he actually has great acting skills.”

“Oh… so you’re a fan?”

Avril shook her head. “A friend from England gave it to me, so I just keep it safe.”

“I see…”

Avril tucked the photo carefully into her pocket. “See you in class!”


“Wanna talk about scary stuff again?”

“Uh… I’ll tell the story this time.”

“You will? But you’re a scaredy-scat.”

Kazuya felt offended, but Avril didn’t seem to notice. She waved as she hurried away.

Me? A scaredy-cat?

After regaining his composure, Kazuya also bolted away.

He left the campus and headed for the village. He entered the local police station on the main street, where people, carriages, and nowadays cars bustled about.

Vines covered the walls of the small, brick building. It was so old that it looked like it would collapse at any moment. The glass door of the main entrance was cracked here and there, and several turquoise tiles on the floor were also broken.

Inspector Grevil de Blois, who was seated in the largest room on the third floor—a room more splendid than the chief of police’s, as one would expect from the son of a noble—looked up in surprise when he saw Kazuya. The boy forced his way in despite being stopped by the inspector’s two subordinates.

Expensive western-style dolls filled the shelves that lined all four walls of the room. A bizarre sight in a police station, it showed what kind of hobby the inspector had.

“Hello there, Kujou.”

“Y-You nincompoop!”


Men from the station gathered around, wondering what the ruckus was about. They watched with great interest as the famous inspector and the asian boy stared each other down, while the two subordinates blocked the way.

“I read this morning’s paper,” Kazuya said. “What was that about?!”

“Uh, well…” Inspector Blois rushed to make up excuses. “I didn’t ask for the kiss. She just did it on her own. Plus, she was quite old, so it didn’t really make me happy or anything…”

“Not the kiss!”


“The luxury yacht! And the gratitude from the family. Those were not meant for you. They were meant for Victo—”

Right when Kazuya was about to mention Victorique’s name, the inspector made a long leap towards him. He covered the boy’s mouth and glared at him with bloodshot eyes, as if to tell him to shut up.

The onlookers strained their ears. The inspector, his arms wrapped around Kazuya’s neck and mouth, moved slowly, stretched his leg out, and kicked the door shut.

Finally, he removed his hand from Kazuya’s mouth.

“Keep your mouth shut. You’ll expose me.”

“How could you?!”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. Fine, fine. You’re one persistent man. You win.”

“What now…?”

“My plan this weekend was to enjoy nature to my heart’s content alone, with the theme ‘man and sea’. But no matter. You’re all invited.”

The inspector gave an exaggerated sigh. As he sat down on the desk, he held one of the dolls on the shelf to his chest and stroked its long hair lovingly. Kazuya looked at him like he was looking at a weirdo.

Not minding the boy’s gaze, the inspector muttered, “She’s…”


“I mean Victorique. I’m sure I can convince them to give her special permission to go out. After all, I’m Inspector Grevil de Blois. I’ll try my best.”

Kazuya cocked his head. “Special permission?”

“It’s nothing. So, see you this weekend. I’ll give you the details later.”

He grabbed the doll’s hand and used it to wave goodbye at Kazuya. Creeped out, the boy hurried out of the room.



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