334. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [105]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

334. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [105]

「I thought I was d-dead…」

Lilim-san, who was enveloped by the explosion, fell down on her butt.

「M-My lifespan is shortened by three years, though…」

Ferris-senpai murmured, with a dumbfounded expression.

「Fuu… as expected of Allen-kun. Only you can completely prevent that enormous explosion. But thanks to you, we were all saved. Thank you.」

The president exhaled in relief, seeming to have an idea of what just happened.

「Thanks to your warning, I managed to deploy it in time.」

The instant when the explosion occurred, I deployed darkness and wrapped everyone in dark robes.

As a result, everyone came out of the explosion without a scratch.

「Thank you, Allen. But are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?」

「I’m sorry, Allen. You had to protect me again… By the way, are you safe?」

Ria and Rose asked, worried looks on their faces.

「I’m alright. More importantly, Bacchus-san…?」

Since there was a considerable distance between us, the dark robe did not make it to him in time.

(If he took that enormous explosion head-on…)

He must have suffered considerable damage.



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