346. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [117]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

346. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [117]

Deal’s soul dress,〈Deadly Venom〉.

It had a terribly distorted shape. The sharp edge of the blade was jagged like a saw. Three sickle-like large blades protrude at the tip of the sword, and a pincushion-like pommel.

It was a horrifying and terrifying soul dress, born only to hurt people.

Moreover, looking closely, a mysterious liquid can be seen coating the blade.

「That unique shape and the liquid coating on the blade… there is almost no doubt that it’s “poison”.」

The knowledgeable president whispered in a small voice so that only we could hear it.


「As expected of the daughter of House Arcstria, how very knowledgeable. To think you can see through my abilities just by the shape of my soul dress… I’m in big trouble.」

Deal put on a forced embarrassed face, shrugging his shoulders.

「What a pervert. Eavesdropping on a woman.」the president said.

「Ahaha, I’m sorry. I’ve always had unusually good hearing and can pick up any sound.」



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