370. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [141]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

370. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [141]

I was completely unharmed and kept to my Seigan no Kamae stance.

On the other hand, Deal was breathing roughly with an expression of agony.

His body was marked with a number of vivid wounds, including lacerations in his limbs, puncture wound on his left shoulder, and a blue-black bruise in his abdomen.

「Oh man, I’m in trouble now… Unfortunately, it seems that I don’t stand a chance at close-range combat… you see!」

As Deal raised his soul dress to the sky, a sinister spiritual power started gathering at the tip.

(Something big is coming!)

A feeling of piercing oppression. An output that makes the atmosphere tremble.

There is no doubt that his next move will be a technique with considerable spiritual power.

Understanding that he doesn’t stand a chance at pure swordsmanship, Deal wants to end this fight with his deadly poison, it seems.

(Deal… you deliberately chose this position…)

Right behind me were Ria and the others.

If I try to avoid the attack he is about to unleash, they will fall prey to the deadly poison instead.

In other words, I absolutely have to take the next attack head-on.



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