375. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [146]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

375. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [146]

「Hmm, you managed to repel that?…This is a little unexpected I must admit.」

Deal shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly and sighed loudly.

「My ability also has a wide range of applications, but yours is just beyond the norm. Offense, defense, physical strength enhancement, and on top of all that, you even have a recovery ability. Seriously, you’re a tricky opponent…」

Deal said, shaking his head.

He seems to be misunderstanding something.

「Hey, Deal…」

「Yes, what?」

「Can you really be so carefree… My attack isn’t over yet, you know?」

I didn’t unleash Dark Shadow to simply offset Venom Tail. My darkness engulfed his poison.


Immediately understanding the situation, Deal quickly took a defensive stance.

「Venom Coat!」

「Too slow!」

Ten sharpened darknesses bit into his whole body.



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