405. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [175]



Translator: Saitama-sensei

405. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [175]

「Damnit, he got us… Bacchus Valencia, though he was an enemy, what a man he was…」

Von quivered in anger and clenched his teeth.

「…Bro, what should we do now… We won’t be able to catch up to them at this distance.」

「Allen Rodore alone must absolutely be killed as soon as possible by any means necessary… He was deeply hurt in this battle and walked the border between life and death. There is no doubt that his connection to Zeon has been strengthened and the seal of House Rodore has weakened. The next time we meet, I will no longer be a match for him alone. –For now, anyway, I will return to the Imperial City. There are a few questions I have to ask Barrel.」

When Von stated his next choice of action,

「–Oh my, what a scary face you have there. You’re ruining your handsome face… Von.」

A cool female voice echoed from behind.

「”Bloody Fox” Rize Dorahain… And that man beside you, if I’m not mistaken, the “Joker” Clown Jester?」Von said.

「Un, un, I’m glad that you’re doing so well. The last time we met was when I had a meeting with Barrel at Belios Castle, so… it’s been just about a year, right?」

「This is our first meeting. …Man, I’m very happy right now! I feel so honored that you know my name!」

Rize and Clown spoke in their usual laid-back tone.

「What business do you have with me? Sorry, but I’m very busy right now. If you have something to say, make it brief.」

「Hmm, let’s see… I came here to “seal your mouth”, is that short enough?」

「You!? As expected, you know Allen Rodore’s true identity–」

The moment Von quickly took a fighting posture, the poison sword Hydra pierced out of his abdomen.

「Deal…? You, why…!?」

「Sorry, Von bro… I belonged to Rize onee-san’s faction from the start.」

Cell killing deadly poison circulated through Von’s body and began destroying it.

「Guh, White Whale of Purifi, ca, tion…」

Contrary to Von’s intention, the sand whale crumbled into pieces. In less than ten seconds, he was reduced to a silent lump of meat.

This was how Deal’s poison was supposed to work originally.

Allen Rodore, who was able to move around freely even after being injected with a large amount of deadly poison from the true soul dress Hydra, was the abnormal one.



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