Last Embryo Volume 3 Chapter 10 Part 2



Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

After all, at the end of the day, it was still nothing more than a replica of the original spear used by Indra. Another point worth of noting was that while Izayoi did possess the Divine Protection of the 『Gift of Leo』 which granted made him impenetrable to virtually all physical attacks, that was all this Gift had to offer, so it did nothing to increase his resistance against high temperatures, and that was exactly the environment he found himself in.

If he had any other weapon or relic that had its legend connected to the sun or the Sun Authorities in some way then he could have used its Gift to give himself more of an edge in this battle, but regrettably, his 『Gift of Leo』 and 『Brahmastra Replica』 were the only things at Izayoi’s disposal that could rival 『The Hero Slayer’s』 raw power, so he had no choice but to try and endure the sensation of burning pain from the heat that that was slowly approaching the temperature of the earth’s core, but the longer he was trying to resist the Spear of Blood that continued to slowly push him back, the faster he was realizing that he won’t be able to hold the Divine Spear in his hands for much longer, because his strength was leaving his arms at an alarming rate.

If that was how things were, then he concluded that his only option was to stop the Spear of Blood itself from advancing rather than trying to block it in this pointless tug-of-war. So, taking his right hand off 『Brahmastra Replica’s』 handle, he grasped the Spear of Blood in it while ignoring the damage it was doing to it… and he threw it high into the sky as if he was aiming to pierce the heaven’s themselves and annihilate those who dwelled in there.

「Using such a weapon of mass destruction in the Outer World… you have some real balls on you, I will give you that. But guess what…? If you want to destroy the world that you are no longer a part of… then you will have to do it over dead fucking body!」

Pulsating with pure energy like a beating heart, the blazing-hot Spear of Blood flew ever higher, cutting through the heavy rain clouds covering the sky, making a hole in them. And when it did that, the entire dark-grey curtain that continued to blanket the world has been wiped clean without a trace of it left, almost as if it was never there to begin with. All that was left in the sky was a white trail of heat haze left by the Spear of Blood which became so hot that its residual temperature continued to oxidize the atmosphere around it, until it finally detonated itself in a blast of crimson light so bright that for the briefest of moments it turned the dark of night into the light of day. If such a destructive tool were to unleash its full power not among the firmament of the stars but on the surface of the earth like Parashurama intended it to do, Izayoi had no doubt that the damage such an explosion would have caused would be of incomprehensible scale, to the point that it would probably ended up dooming not only the city, but the entire country as well.

Now that the immediate danger has been dealt with and 『Brahmastra Replica』 stopped to shine, Izayoi pierced it into the ground and glared at Parashurama while breathing heavily.

「Haa… haa… haa… now you’ve done it, 『Hero Slayer』. I know we are in the middle of the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority, but just because we have a Great Gift Game going on it does not make it okay to go and start a fucking nuclear warfare with the first person you’re coming across, even if such a dumb, reckless behavior is something that apparently runs in the blood of all of you Indian folks!!!」

It was becoming harder and harder for him to breathe, that is how out of stamina he has become. The heat that he withstood for so long was actually so powerful that most of the living organisms would be turned into piles of ash simply by being close to it, and yet there he was, not only still standing but also relatively in one piece. By all means, now that he has dealt with that particular threat, no one would hold it against him if he simply collapsed on the ground and succumb to the deadly combination of fatigue and pain, but he could not allow himself to do it just yet. Using the adrenaline rush given to him by the power of his anger, he managed to keep himself awake.

If he did not changed the trajectory of the Spear of Blood, then who knows how much damage it would have actually caused? Given that they were currently in the derelict ruins of the slums that were a stone’s throw away from the beach and the ocean then thing would have probably been mostly fine, but if she chose to throw her spear with a little bit more force put into it or launched it at just a slightly different angle, the potential consequences of such an attack would have been unimaginable.

Initially Izayoi was thrilled to fight such a powerful opponent here in the Outer World, but now that feeling of exaltation was gone, and all that he was, was pissed off. To him, what Parashurama did was completely inexcusable. She put the lives of thousands, no, tens of thousands of civilians in peril just because she wanted to satisfy her own personal grudge. Izayoi was a declared hedonist, so the concept of fulfilling his own selfish desires was not foreign to him, but even someone as hedonistic as he was, to the point where he could not complain if people called him insufferable, he would never stoop so low as to endanger others just so he could claim that his goal has been achieved. Such recklessness and insincerity were the things that he would not forgive, not with himself, nor with the others.

However, Parashurama herself thought nothing of his righteous anger and simply laughed in the face of everything that he said with her arms folded on her chest in a mocking pose.

Well look at you, getting all worked up for no reason. You said that what I did was too much? On the contrary, I say that this was just the right amount stimulation for a wake-up call for all the people living in this peaceful age without a care in the world. After all, while they go around living their lives in wasteful peace blanketed by blissful ignorance, there are numerous others like this girl who became my host, the ones who have endured hellish suffering no human should be brought through while being trapped in the dark corners of the world without any means of escaping it.」

「Don’t try to change the subject now. That is that, and this is this. The humans who live in this age, this country, this city, they are all living in peace because that is what the world itself has ruled for them. Don’t tell me, are you so blinded by your own prejudice that you don’t see that the rules of war have changed ever since you were around all those years ago? Nowadays, we, the people wage our wars and battles within the boundaries of society after deciding to leave the primitive tribal conflicts behind.」

Describing their current world as “unconditionally peaceful” was the gravest of insults that could have been thrown in the faces of those who continued to battle every day just so that they could emerge as the winners in a fight against the world who tried to consume them. The basic idea of wars and conflicts might have remained the same since the ancient times, but as the eras continued to change, so did the morals they brought with it. That was a simple truth that could be applied not only to this world, but all the other ones that might exist out there as well. If you went to them, it should be obvious that the rules of the of your own world won’t apply anymore in favor to the ones established in those other worlds. Unfortunately, it would seem that the Sixth Avatar was unable to understand this and could only continue to look down on this present age so different from her own, where the forms of wars and the format of conflicts between humans and nations alike was twisted and changed beyond her recognition.

If there was ever a statement that could be used to describe the times Izayoi and his peers lived in, it would have to be the one that everyone was fighting in some kind of personal war of theirs, winning or losing their way forward through a myriad of smaller proxy conflicts.



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