Last Embryo Volume 3 Epilogue Part 4



Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

What followed the announcement was a torrent of foolish voices echoing from every corner of the Giant Spirit Train. If this was any other situation, everyone who dared to spout such nonsense would have been judged, found guilty and then have the most brutal of Divine Punishments delivered upon them, but fortunately nothing happened to anyone as the attendant responsible for making the announcement didn’t catch any of the lecherous comments directed towards her with her fox ears.

「Well then… now that the informational part is over, we will have the winner of the previous War for the Sun’s Authority, Lady Shiroyasha, impart the information about the first official match to all of the participants. Everyone, please pay close attention to what she has to say and make sure you will be listening extra carefully~~♪!!!」

With those words, the entire Giant Spirit Train fell completely silent. Not because the players who were gathered on board took the announcer’s words to heart, but because the name that she spoke just now was the one that carried a tremendous atmosphere with its sound alone, and rightfully so. After all, her title, the winner of the 1st War for the Sun’s Authority, meant that she was someone who stood at the very top of the hierarchy of all the Demons and Gods in the entire Little Garden as one of the strongest Divine Spirits who had protected it and its inhabitants since its dawn. With her hair burning with a vivid shade of silver and a glint in her pair of golden eyes, one of the revered Demon Lords, 『The Demon King of the White Night』 grasped the microphone that was passed to her tightly in her hand.

「Indeed! Everyone, I have kept you waiting, huh? Well worry no more, for I am Shiroyasha, the 『Demon Lord of White Night』, and the one who has been entrusted with the management of the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority!」

A thunderous round of applause came from every part of the Giant Spirit Train.

Pleased with that response, Shiroyasha continued her speech.

「With that being said, I don’t think anyone here would want to listen to the ramblings of an old lady such as myself, so I will get straight to the point instead. I would like all of the Players, Hosts, Sponsors and all of the members of the audience to take out your invitations and give them a look.」

Everyone inside the Giant Spirit Train did exactly what Shiroyasha asked them to do and took out their invitation letters. When they did that, all of the Players had the same collective reaction: a loud gasp of shock at what they saw before them followed by am awed silence.

The written invitations contained only a single sentence, and it read as follows:

『Gift Game name: 「The Lost Continent」』

「That’s right! Your eyes are not playing any tricks on you! The first official stage of the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority and the destination that this Giant Spirit Train is heading towards is the mythical land that has been summoned to Little Garden along with an entire continent once upon a time! I am sure that all of you will agree that there can be no better stage for the Great Gift Game’s opening act than this!」

Shiroyasha’s words were met with a wave of enthusiastic cheers that sounded throughout the entire Giant Spirit Train.

Humans, Eudemons, Divine Spirits and all kinds of mythical races and creatures were not the only ones that could be summoned to Little Garden. The role of Little Garden as a whole is to observe human history and guide it in the right direction if need be, all the while maintaining a third person’s objective point of view. That is why in order to achieve that grand goal, even parts of the planets or entire nations could be summoned there if only such an action would be deemed necessary.

When they read the title of the first official Gift Game of the War, Kudou Ayato, Ayazato Suzuka and Kasukabe You looked at each other and exchanged glances.

「『The Lost Continent』…… as in Atlantis? That lost continent? Is that where we’re heading now?」

「Hoo-wee! Finally, an adventure-oriented Game! You-chan, have you been there before?」

「Hmm? You-chan?」

「Uh-huh, have you been there, You-chan? Because you look like someone who’s been to a lot of places and seen a lot of things.」

(That’s not the issue here.)

You thought to herself as she looked at the invitation in her hands with a pouty face.

(I am the older one here, so why -chan?)

「Personally I have never been there before, but I have heard a bit about the creatures that inhabit that region. They are mostly the dangerous species of Greek Eudemons and monsters, such as Giants…」

「Yikes, s-so they have G-Giants there too? I wonder if someone as delicate and fragile as I will be able to survive in there?」

「I don’t think you have anything to be worried about. Your 『Apport and Asport』 is a really strong and versatile Gift that should allow you to adapt to any kind of dangerous situation, but in the worst case scenario you can always take their weapons away from them and run as fast as you can. Supposedly none of the monsters native to Atlantis are too agile, so they won’t be able to catch up to you that easily.」

「Right. I can’t say that I am entirely alright with this, but if that is what you’re recommending then fine. When the times comes and things get too heated, I will obediently turn tail and run away as fast as I can!」

In order to show the exact extent of her determination, Suzuka clenched her fist and raised it high towards the sky. In the meantime, You continued to talk about her own plans while munching on some fried fish she nabbed for herself just a second ago.

「Until Izayoi and the rest of my friends from 『No Name』 come back I think I’m going to lay low for the time being and watch other Player’s battles. Also, one word of advice, Ayato. During the Gift Games, we are all rivals, so it’s not good to casually expose the Gifts held by your own comrades.」

Realizing her own slip of the tongue, Ayato reflexively covered her mouth with her hands. That was one critical details that she totally forgot about: since You hasn’t seen Izayoi yet, there was no way for her to know what kind of Gift Suzuka possessed. However, since Suzuka seemed to have understood that from the get-go, she was especially careful not to talk about or display her teleportation powers the entire time that You was with them. The mood between them might have been all friendly and peaceful for now, both Suzuka and You remained fully aware of the fact that in actuality they are rivals aiming for victory in the competition that is the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority, and Ayato went and ruined all of their efforts because she allowed her mouth to relax moo much.

「I-I’m so sorry Suzuka! To think that I of all people would make such a stupid blunder!」

「It’s fine, It’s fine, don’t worry about it, my cute little kouhai! Given the circumstances that we’re in, it was only a matter of time before the identity of my Gift was found out. Besides, since we are the outsiders in all of this, then it’s all or nothing for us until we lose!」

「Since your circumstances for participating in the War are somewhat special and Ayato is a complete amateur when it comes to Gift Games and the rules that surround them something like that couldn’t be helped, but that is not the most important thing here. First and foremost you should always be careful not to get hurt. But if you do end up getting yourself into trouble that will look like they are too much for you to handle, then do not hesitate to come to me for help. I am the big sister here after all, so that is the least that I can do.」

Kasukabe You, a self-proclaimed dependable older sister, proclaimed with an exaggerated voice. It was awfully nice of her to offer herself up like that, however, such a big slip of the tongue was not something that Ayato was going to forgive herself for anytime soon. At first glance, teleportation might look like it’s one of those Gifts that can make its user pretty much invincible, but as long as someone could figure out how it works and what are its strengths and weaknesses, they would be able to easily overcome it, and Kasukabe You was definitely among those who could do such a thing. Ayato knew all of this, and yet she still made the mistake of leaking out the name of Suzuka’s Gift to one of their rivals. If she was still her past self, she would have never made such a rookie mistake.



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