Last Embryo Volume 4 Chapter 5 Part 2



Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

That being said, more than half of the village has already been destroyed by the fire that originated from the explosion of the brewery, so the process of rebuilding everything that was already lost or got badly damaged is going to take quite a while.

(At least no one of the villagers has died as far as he could tell so hey, silver lining.)

Feeling a little bit more at ease, Izayoi continued to run further inland. That was the best thing he could do at the current moment. He was still worried about that enormous monster that emerged from the ocean and destroyed the Aries fleet, but even if he wanted to deal with it, Izayoi would be unable to do so, since he lacked the means to follow the beast to the depths of the ocean, where it has now retreated. It would have been an entirely different story if his enemy was just your average sea monster. If that was the case, then Izayoi might have been able to have battle it, even if it had to be underwater, but there was nothing average about the super beast that he saw. Now, the biggest question here was: was that thing something that is native to the region of the Lost Continent of Atlantis, or was it some foreign species that have been intentionally released there for the purpose of wrecking havoc?

「Heheh, I should have expected as much from a place called 「The Lost Continent.」. It should be a given that when trouble emerge, it would be something ridiculous that will not be able to be dealt with by any ordinary, straightforward means. . . . . . . but then it would not be interesting at all!」

Running along the deserted shoreline of the beach, Izayoi laughed to himself. Given enough time, people will come back to this village, rebuild it and get their shit together, going back to how they lived their lives before this catastrophe as if it never happened, so there was no need for him to be concerned about the village itself anymore. Instead, it will be better for him to focus on the task at hand: looking for the survivors so that they could tell him exactly what the hell happened here. . .  but what happened next at the coast and in the forest on the cliff changed his intended course of action quite drastically. At exactly the same time, those two places have also been ravaged by powerful explosions, wiping the happy smirk off of Izayoi’s face in an instant. Whatever that was, it was probably a doing of that super sea beast from earlier. On the other side of the arc-shaped coast, either someone had started a battle with that monstrosity, or it attacked someone first.

But the sound of the explosion that went off in the forest was different from the one on the coast. As more of the trees fell to the ground and smoke began to rise in increasing quantities, Izayoi could clearly hear the metallic sound of a weapon clashing against other weapons. Not expecting a battle between people in such dire circumstances, Izayoi bit his lip in bitter frustration.

(Do not tell me. . . are they going after the people who escaped the village as it was being attacked? No way. . . you have got to be fucking shitting me!)

He did not know who the mysterious assailants were, but whoever they were, he felt like there was no need to go to such extreme lengths just so that they could get their hands on the information held by the locals. If the wanted to do that, then surely there were other methods of achieving their goal, and less violent at that. . . unless there was a man or a group of people among the attackers who managed to solve some mystery that Izayoi was yet unaware of, and that was what made them lay into the locals so excessively hard?

The super-beast in the ocean was still quite concerning, but at the current moment, the lives of the natives were of a much higher priority to him than that. Putting the pedal to the metal, Izayoi increased his speed and dashed towards the place where the smoke was rising from like a bullet. When he got closer, he heard that various voices were now mixing with the sound of clashing weaponry.

「Take all the women, children and elderly and run to the sanctuary!」

「Warriors! Take up the bows and do not let the enemies get any closer!」

「It is useless! They are too fast for us to hit them!」

Now Izayoi could hear all of them clearly: Sounds of metal cutting through flesh and the screams of men, women and children of all ages. Doing his best to avoid crashing into the natives who were trying to run for their lives, Izayoi continued to run straight ahead. From the amount of the sound of colliding steel and the speed at which the collisions were happening, Izayoi deduced that those who attacked the natives could not have been just some ordinary bandits. This pressure and aura he was sensing pointed him towards who he would have to deal with, so when he made the last jump and finally stood before his opponent, he was not as surprised as he could have been, unlike his opponent.

「Khhh! A kid from back then in the Outer World?!!」

Pure white hair and a bloodied battle axe stopped their murderous dance when Izayoi made his appearance on the battlefield.

「So it is you after all, 「Hero Slayer」, Parashurama.」

She shouted at Izayoi when he entered her field of vision, by jumping towards her from the nearby bushes. Immediately after he jumped out, he noticed two things about her: her forehead was all shiny with sweat, and both her knees and her axe-holding hand were shaking. Her body wore no signs of suffering any external wounds, but it was pretty apparent that her physical condition was extremely bad, a complete one hundred and eighty from how she was four days ago when Izayoi was fighting her in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. Why suppressing his feelings of indignation towards her deep inside of him, Izayoi quietly asked her, figuring out what the cause of her being in such a state might be.

「You were the one who attacked and destroyed the village by the pier. . . it would have been nice and simple if that was the case, but that is not how it is, now is it?」

「Of course not, you dimwit. When I got transported here and fallen due to exhaustion, these people allowed me to stay at the inn in their village.」

Parashurama said, and then let out a heavy sigh in an attempt to calm her trembling shoulders, only to have that sigh followed up by a violent coughing fit that caused het to fall onto one knee. After it was over, she took a moment to collect herself, and after she wiped the copious amounts of sweat off of her forehead, she stood up using her giant battle axe as a cane to keep herself from falling onto her knees again. Upon closer inspection, Izayoi noticed that she was not as fine as he initially thought. The body of the girl that has become her host had many small cuts on it that almost looked like the lines of a spider’s web. Initially Izayoi suspected that these were the wound inflicted by projectile weapons, like arrows or darts, but they looked to strange to be done by something so simple. Projectiles can only move in a straight line, so if they were the things that were used to harm her, all of the cuts would have been perfectly straight, but some of them were obviously curved, so the weapon that the enemy was most likely using was. . .

「A whip? Or perhaps an iron wire?」

「Close, but no cigar for you, kid. It was probably a thread made from the fur of some kind of beast. If I were in my best condition, something like that would have been a child’s play for me to handle. . .  but as you can perfectly see by that shameful appearance of mine, that is sadly not the case this time.」

She smiled in a self-deprecating way after going through another coughing fit. While she was undoubtedly a strong warrior and an unparalleled fighter, it is entirely possible that her lungs have been badly damaged, as suggested by the hemoptysis that accompanied her coughs. Izayoi wondered if she was perhaps suffering from the same symptoms that the albino girl had, but even if that would be the case, Parashurama’s symptoms seemed to be even worse.



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