Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 4 Extra Story




「We still have seconds!」

  It turned out that from then on I would take my apron with me and cook everything myself.

  With just rice and a few fried goods the meal felt a bit lonely, so I also tried to make a few side dishes that felt like they would go well with it and some egg drop soup. They were all very popular. Everyone called them delicious, which made me very happy.

  Nanana-san watched this exchange while eating some pudding, and said: 「You would make a good wife, D’Arc-chan.」

  Those few words from the smiling Nanana-san stabbed deep into my heart.

  That evening while I submerged myself into the bathtub, I let out a big sigh. 「Ahh」I might just be really unfit to behave in the same way as Juugo-kun. My mood was a bit heavy and I felt like I would go under and drown in the hot water. In a moment of depression and relaxation I thought 「Okay, I should just stop trying to be a man, should I?」However, I won’t let this crush me. I will surely one day show them all I can become a splendid man! Some day…..

  For now, let’s get out of the bath. When I put on my pajamas and went back to the bedroom, Tensai (who had gone into the bath before me) was in bed snoring.

  Careful not to wake up Tensai, I dried my hair and did my skin-care with some lotion. After I had calmed down a little bit I boiled some water in the pot and poured myself some tea. After some time had passed, the tea that I had poured myself started to smell really nice. I sat down on a cushion and relaxed while blowing on and drinking my hot chamomile tea. It was a bit hot right after a bath, but I strive to have a warm drink before I go to bed whenever I can. It has a relaxing effect and improves the metabolic system, making it good for the body as well. I read it in a magazine.

  As I was sipping the tea, I for some reason thought back on the conversation that I had with Yumeji-san this afternoon.

  I took the romance novel out of my bag and flipped a bit through the pages. My finger stopped right at a scene where the boy and the girl were walking around town together. It was not a date or anything like that. They went out to buy some goods for the literature club that they were both a part of. In this scene they just ended up doing that by themselves.

  In their hearts they were both secretly happy about this opportunity, but they were both shy and unable to express their feelings verbally. They just quietly walked in the direction of the store.

  After some time the girl stopped her feet. There was a quiet cafe that she often visited. The girl loved to have tea here while reading a book. It was also the place where she took notice of the boy for the first time. She had a favorite place in the cafe to sit. It was a seat at a table right by the window where the sun cast a warm light inside. She always read books in that spot.

  On one of her days off, the girl, who as always had gone to sit in her favorite spot and read books while having tea, looked up from the book for no particular reason. When she did , her eyes happened to meet those of a boy who was waiting at the bus stop across the street. The girl panicked and quickly hid her face behind the book she was reading. The boy also seemed to be embarrassed and averted his gaze. However, the two of them had become curious about the other and soon looked back. And then their eyes met again, before they quickly looked away again. It was just a small event before the bus came along. However, it was more than enough time to leave a trace of the boy in the girl’s heart.

  That was one year ago, and the two of them had come to attend the same high school. The girl of course recognized the boy when they, by pure coincidence, happened to join the same club. But she didn’t know if it was the same for him.

「This cafe… I always thought it was a wonderful place, but I don’t really have the courage to go inside.」The boy muttered a few words.

  The girl asked the reason for that. When she did, he gave a flustered laugh. Then, he said to the girl: 「Because I saw you here for the first time, I was worried what I should do if I met you inside.」

  The girl was surprised. He remembered that he had locked eyes with her before.

「But today I am here with you, so I’d like to go inside together. Ehm….. if it’s okay with you, will you tell me what your favorite tea is?」

  Just hearing these words from the boy (who had turned bright red and was looking down) the nervousness the girl had been feeling a moment ago became so much lighter. It was amazing. With a smile that appeared naturally on her face, she nodded 「I’d love to」and went into the carfe together with him.

  It was a scene where the distance between the two of them became one step closer.

  I really think it is an amazing scene. No matter how many times I read it, it still makes my heart skip a beat. I closed the book and immersed myself in the afterthoughts. Then I remembered the smile of Yumeji-san, who had said she loved this story so much. Yumeji-san was a graceful and cute girl. Her choice of words were polite and she was very friendly.

  While I was thinking about that, my eyes naturally turned toward the girl sleeping in bed.

「She is kind of the opposite of you, Tensai.」

  I think Tensai, who gives me some muffled sleep-talk in response, is very cute. I really think so, but her personality is just a bit too unique. And above everything, she is a total bully. She always plays with me. It’s terrible. Tensai is also a girl, but I would like it if she was a bit more graceful like Yumeji-san.

  For no reason in particular, I imagine the scene I just read as if me and Tensai were in it. Of course, with me as the boy, and Tensai as the girl.

「Tensai, would you like to have some tea with me?」

「I refuse. Why would I have to go out for tea with my assistant?」

  Tensai arrogantly looks down on me.

  …. this doesn’t work. If I make it that realistic then it won’t become a good fantasy. Let’s try it one more time.

「Tensai, would you like to have some tea with me?」

  Tensai hangs her head toward the ground and shyly glances up at me.

「…. well, if you say so D’Arc, I’ll come with you.」


  As I’m fantasizing, I accidentally let out a weird voice. I hurriedly cover my mouth and look at Tensai. It’s okay, Tensai is still softly snoring and did not notice anything. I’m relieved, but because of the fantasy my heart won’t stop pounding loudly. Is the tea having a stronger effect than usual? Even though I stopped fantasizing, the warmth isn’t going away. And more importantly, I am feeling wide awake. It seems like it will take awhile before I can sleep.

  It cannot be helped so I reach out to the magazine that I bought on the way home from school. It was the newest volume of the monthly girl’s fashion magazine 『NanNan』which is limited to Nanae Island and aimed at female students.

  It’s…. it’s not what you think. Yes it is a girl’s fashion magazine, but it’s not what you think. You might think I’m not supposed to read this as a guy, but it’s not what you think. Tensai bought it in the first place. But then she soon said it was 「boring」and threw it away. Then when I read it during a moment of free time, it turned out to be really interesting and I ended up buying it again….. Ah, ah well. Putting those thoughts aside, I open the magazine. Then I flip through the pages for a while until my fingers stopped. My eyes fixat on the article published on that page.

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