Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 4 Extra Story




「So how many games have we played?」

「This is the thirty seventh game.」

  It was Tensai-san who had answered. 

  So, does this mean that I have to play thirteen more times? 

「Hey, it’s already late so can we call it quits for today? Since you know, we have school tomorrow.」, I suggested and Tensai-san frowned. 

「What are you even saying? It’s Sunday tomorrow, well technically it’s already today so we don’t have school.」

「…..Oh, yeah I had totally forgotten about that.」

  I see, so it seems like it’s past Saturday’s midnight now…..well I guess that’s why we are playing cards till late like this. But it seems like neither Nanana-san nor Tensai-san is willing to end the game. I wonder how these two can be so serious about just a game. What Tensai-san uttered next cleared my query. 

「What is it Juugo? Are you scared of the penalty now? Trying to run away from it are you?」

「…..Huh? What did you just say?」

「I am asking whether you got scared by the penalty or not?」


  That’s shocking to learn, but anyone would have been shocked if they found out the game they were in the middle of playing came with a penalty. 

「Haha, I am not letting you escape now Juugo. I want you to face a penalty worse than death.」

  Tensai-san smiled eerily and then Nanana-san nodded.

「I’m let you know beforehand that I’m not letting you go. I make people keep the promises in the game even if they die.」

  Nanana-san alluded to a personal rule of hers with a strong resolve. 

  Tensai-san smiled boldly at me while I was panicking. 

「Ha, but I can understand you being scared of this supersleuth.」

「Huh? Supersleuth? Who are you talking about?」

「…..Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember now. You were a supersleuth Tensai-san, ahahaha…..」

  Hey now. This kid Tensai just declared that she is a supersleuth. I see, so she is a supersleuth…..alright, I’ll try to avoid her as much as I can. I can’t tell why but I feel like I am going to get in a lot of trouble if I stay in her vicinity. Either way, the penalty game continues and unlike before I too am serious now. ‘Why’ you ask? It’s because I’m scared of the penalty. The penalty game that’s buried in my memory that is missing along with what kind of penalty one is going to face. 

  It is a hunch of mine but I feel like the penalty isn’t going to be something soft. Since if it was a normal penalty then we wouldn’t be doing something serious like playing Daihinmin sixty times. And above everything else, the tense atmosphere that I have been experiencing for a while now doesn’t seem normal. It feels as if I am in an underground casino. I might start hearing police sirens from nearby soon. Without a doubt, the penalty of losing this game is something grave.

  I proceeded to the game with the intent to win but the situation I am in is still the same. Nanana-san kept winning and hasn’t been at the bottom even once as long as I can remember. The ten oreos in front of my eyes were mocking me. There’s always one person like that. So the real game was between three people trying not to be the loser. I need to get serious but it seems like I took too long to be serious. 

「Argh, I lost.」

  The fifty games of Daihinmin battle had only five matches left and  Nanana-san had ten oreos, Tensai-san had eight, the perverted crossdressing dude D’arc had fifteen, and I had twenty two oreos. At this point the difference between me, who was at the bottom, and D’arc who was in third, was seven oreos. The fact that I was going to lose was a definite thing at this point. 

「Hm? Why do you look so grim, Juugo?」

  It was Nanana-san who was talking to me while I fell on my knees. It seems like she hadn’t grasped the situation I was in. 

「It’s like, we only have five games left and the D’arc has 7 less oreos than I do. So I can’t catch up at this point,so me losing this game has already been decided.」

「No, that’s not true. If I come at the bottom two times in the remaining games then I would lose」

「Huh? Why is that? Since you have ten oreos right, Nanana-san? Even if you lose twice you would still have twelve oreos.」

  After hearing what I had to say, Nanana-san looked at me as if she was looking at something peculiar. And she said, 

「What are you saying Juugo? Due to the special rule, I would get ten oreos added to my pile if I lose once. So, if I lose twice I would have a total of thirty oreos.」

「Huh? What is up with that special rule!?」

  Why is there even such a rule? There is a limit to how unreasonable things can be, right? But I noticed something really strange at that moment, it was the amount of oreo on the table that’s used to count how many times a person has lost. It is a fifty game challenge so the oreo keeps increasing by one if someone loses so the maximum amount of oreos would be fifty. But the number of oreos on the table were fifty five even though we still had five matches left. So yeah, the number of oreos had already exceeded fifty. There were ten more oreos left by the time forty fifth match had ended and even if we count the extra one I had gotten due to the penalty the number should be nine. 

  The number of oreos being more than fifty could mean that the number of oreos Nanana-san would be getting in case she loses isn’t one but ten times that. Only one person gets ten oreos if she loses even once, this rule is really stupid. But I suddenly remembered what has been happening till now. As far as I can remember, Nanana-san has been mostly on the top and from what I have heard, she has only lost once during forty five games. Nanana-san has overwhelmingly strong luck when it comes to games. So, if I consider that, this rule works as a good handicap. 

  Putting that aside, this gives me a bit of hope. What it means is that I haven’t lost yet and the outcome of the game hasn’t been decided. I was relieved by the probability that I could avoid the penalty but I became grim right after that. It is true that there are five chances and that I could avoid being at the bottom if Nanana-san takes my place. But how can I make this monster of a person lose? Nanana-san’s luck isn’t overwhelming but it is abnormal at this point. It has surpassed good luck or extraordinary luck and it is now in the realm of divine luck, she is in a different dimension as a person compared to me. 

  While thinking that, a question arose in my mind, the reason behind that was the pile of ten oreos stacked up in front of Nanana-san. After I had lost my memories, Nanana-san kept winning and overwhelming me without showing any signs whatsoever of losing but ten oreos in front of her means that even she had lost even if it was only once. How did Nanana-san lose? The answer to that question lies only in one place and that’s in the memories I had lost. The only time she had lost occurred before I had lost my memories. It made me more curious about the memories I had lost. I felt someone’s strong gaze while I was pondering. The person glaring at me was Nanana-san. 

「Hey, Juugo. Haven’t you been acting a bit strange for a while?」

「Huh, how? I am not strange at all Nanana-san.」

  Though I had lost my memories, I had already denied having amnesia. So, I had been trying to act normal and not let the cat out of the bag. But Nanana-san seems to be able to see through my act. 

「See, you are being formal with me like that. You always call me as Nanana-chan but you have been calling me Nanana-san for a while.」

  She said it in a tone of a bit of a bad mood, it seems like she wasn’t fond of me calling her that. 

「No, it is not strange at all.」

  Adding chan? A weird formal language? What does she mean? This is strange. It isn’t something I am proud of but I haven’t talked casually to girls other than my family members since around puberty.

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