A Harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon Volume 3 Chapter 1 Part 15 **BONUS CHAPTER**



Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

Editor: Weasalopes

「I realize that this might sound like quite the detriment, but as long as you set up a partitioning screen, you will be able to use Movement Magic indoors without any problems, even if you decide to become an Adventurer in the future.」

Oh, a chance!

「Before we make our decision, could you please show us around the property first?」

This lady thinks that I am only an Explorer and that’s why she was giving me all those information, but she had no way of knowing that I am actually what you might call a true cheat character who can have any combination of skills he wishes, as long as they can be obtained from the list of Bonus Skills, so even though I shouldn’t be able to use Movement Magic, all I need to do is to get myself a Warp and there you have it; a non Job-limited spell allowing us to go wherever we want, whenever we want. However, it’s still to early to be overly enthusiastic. I first need to see the place for myself and determine if I really cannot use Warp there, and we will see what we’re going to do from there.

「Most certainly. I can take you there at any moment, even now if you want. Just give me a moment.」

Saying that, Honesta retreated to the back of the store and returned after a while with someone else whom we were seeing for the first time.

「I’m sorry for the delay. If you’re ready then we can go anytime now. Watch the store while I’m gone, okay?」

「Certainly. Have a safe trip, ma’am.」

The person who came back with Honesta from the back of the shop saw her off like that. Since Honesta is the shop’s owner it would be unwise and unprofessional of her to be leaving the store during business hours just so she could show the houses for rent to two potential clients, so my guess is that this person must be the substitute shopkeeper who minds the store every time the owner is away.

「This way. Follow me.」

She walked out of the hardware store with us and guided us on our way. Following in her footsteps, we went back towards the Adventurers Guild and then passed it, going further and further away from the city center until we reached the suburbs area, which didn’t have as many buildings standing so close to each other. Well, I expected that much. After all, we said that we don’t mind if the house would be situated far from the Labyrinth, so of course she would show us the property located the furthest away from it first.

「What is the climate around here?」

Roxanne started a small talk with the Lady Shopkeeper.

「It’s a nice, peaceful neighborhood. It’s cool in the summer and it doesn’t snow much during the winter.」

「And how long is the rainy season?」

I don’t know about Roxanne, but personally I began to wonder is it not too early for us to be renting a house. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I am against it, it’s just that I think that maybe we should wait a bit longer before making any legally binding decisions, do some more research and think about this really seriously, and think about the future some more. First of all, I feel like we should get to know more about the occurences of natural disasters like fires, earthquakes, cyclones floods and so on in this area.

*Sigh* Then again, I guess it’s not like we have much of a choice here, do we?

Currently the two choices we have considered are Quratar and the Imperial City. There may be other places where we could probably live without any major issues, but for the time being I do not think we will be able to find any town or city better than this one, since there is always a threat that if we decided to look for other places first, it might very well take us week, or perhaps even months to find something suitable, therefore renting a house now is definitely a cheaper, more preferable option. If this place was downright terrible and unfit to live then maybe I’d be willing to consider that, but based on what we have seen so far we have no reason not to pick Quratar over other cities.

While we continued onward, Roxanne kept talking with Honesta about various things, and thanks to listening in on their conversation from while staying a step behind them I managed to hear and confirm a few of the things I was so worried about.

About the natural disasters I just mentioned, it doesn’t look like we would have to worry about them, because the buildings in Quratar were build so close to one another inly in the six districts in the city’s center where the Labyrinth was, but the residential areas further away from the Labyrinth and the main part of the city were no higher that two stories, and there was always an ample amount of space between them. It was a good countermeasure against natural disasters such as fires and earthquakes, because even if they did happen, the potential damages would be contained to the houses and their immediate surroundings instead od spreading uncontrollably like wildfire, but on the other hand it made said residential areas look kinda like the countryside instead of the suburbs of a big city.

Further up ahead on the road there was a man who carried a lot of wood under his arms. He stopped when he saw Honesta, and the two of them briefly talked about something. A Quick Identify revealed that he was a 40-years-old male, and a Lv.53 Villager. Wait, 53?! Wow, talk about it being high as hell! So you’re telling me this lady is aquainted with someone like that?! Because either he has to be super strong and totally amazing, or I am just getting confused by his level.

「In case you’re wondering, that was my husband just now.」

She explained to us after they finished talking and the man went his own way.

「He certainly looked like he is very strong.」

「I don’t want to brag, but he is. He has to be, because due to how the city is structured around the Labyrinth, we have nothing in the way of defending ourselves from the monster attacks, and even if we had, mere walls would not be enough to keep monsters from the Labyrinth at bay. I know that those from the lower levels are relatively weak, but they have strength in numbers, and would likely overrun the entire city in no time. That is why those who are afraid of monsters are generally advised to stay clear of this city, and that is also why my husband and I made it our personal habit to go to the Labyrinth every three days so that we could both get stronger little by little.」

According to Roxanne, the monsters are present not only in the Labyrinth itself, but they can also roam its surroundings.

I remembered back to my first day at the Village of Somara, when I was fighting Slow Rabbits (and that zombie one that refused to die no matter how many times I whacked it with the Copper Sword, fucking Caerbannog Rabbit) and the Gummi Slime I encountered when Picker-san took me with him to Vale on his carriage. It seems that the cities are surrounded by walls so as to not allow monsters to attack them from the outside, but in Quratar the Labyrinth is in the center of the town, so it would be meaningless to build walls since they could only stop monsters from outside, while doing jack shit to eliminate the threat of the ones that can escape from the Labyrinth into the city proper.

In that sense I guess you can tell that this city is pretty scary, because having an entire settlement build around the Labyrinth which is like a nest of monsters that might or might not escape from it and saw chaos along the ones that might invade from outside of the town was a pretty crazy idea. This couple lived in such a city for so long that they ultimately decided to start going to the Labyrinth themselves to train and get stronger, and that’s why both of them have such abnormally high levels, especially that Villager Lv.53.

I have Durandal to defend myself if need arises so I don’t care about it, but I wonder what Roxanne has to say about this?

「Roxanne, do you have any problems with living in the city where monsters might randomly pop up at any moment?」

「No problems at all!」

It was stupid of me to even ask that question in the first place.



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