Volume 10 Chapter 2 Part 7

「That’s amazing! As expected of master!」


W-Well, as long as Roxanne praises me for it, then I guess it is fine.

「Fumu. That is really amazing.」

Sherry also praises me, but in her case it’s more like she praises the effects of the Cook Job instead of me. She’s calm and analytical as always.

「Amazing, desu.」

「I think it is really amazing.」

Well, as long as it is praise, I’ll take it coming from anyone.

「Thank you.」

「That means that we can now proceed to the Boss battle with the Floor Boss of the thirtieth floor without worrying, right?」

That’s right. Today, we stayed on the twenty-ninth floor and fought against its Floor Boss because we wanted to get our hands on the Triangular Boneless Ribs and Zabuton. That being said, we managed to obtain everything that we wanted to obtain after the first battle against the Floor Boss, so now we literally don’t have any more reasons to stay here any longer.

「Y-Yes, definitely. But we’re going to need a map for that.」

「Of course. That is why I took it upon myself to bring it along with me already.」

I didn’t think that such a thing was going to happen. She brought the map with her on purpose!

I can’t stop her, I can’t stop her!

「Understood. Now that we have Triangular Boneless Ribs and Zabuton, let us move on to the thirtieth floor to battle its Floor Boss. As for today’s dinner, let’s simply have some grilled meat.」

I declare that to everyone.

Boneless Ribs, Triangular Boneless Ribs, Zabuton, Sirloin… we’re going to eat all of them and compare them with one another. Even if there is no soy sauce here, salt and pepper are still available as Drop Items from monsters, so we can use them to our heart’s content, and they should all be pretty simple to prepare.

「Of course. I’m looking forward to it.」

What Roxanne probably meant by that is that she’s looking forward to the battle with the Floor Boss of the thirtieth floor.

We decided to keep repeating the battle with the Boss of that floor all the way until dinner.

Is there anyone who can possibly stop Roxanne now?

That being said, this situation might be good for us, because as long as we continue to fight strong monsters, we should be able to raise our levels that much faster.

After the Swordsman and Gambler Jobs, I also managed to raise Herbalist to Lv.30. Let’s raise my Knight Job to Lv.30 next. There are times when you’re going to get another Job after levelling certain Jobs all the way to Lv.30, so now that I can reach that threshold without much trouble, I should level as much of my Jobs up as I can and experiment with various things. I also have some minor Jobs such as Farmer, so I might as well level them up as well and see what is going to become of it.

That being said, do I really want to become a farmer after being a Knight? Also, it would be good for me to increase the level of Sex Maniac as well. There’s no deeper meaning behind it. None whatsoever. It’s not like I need it because right now I’m beginning to struggle.
After that, I’m going to level up the Jobs that are certainly going to have additional Jobs stemming from them, like, for example, a Merchant.

From what I have seen so far, stemming from regular Merchant there are also Jobs such as Weapons Merchant, Armor Merchant or even Slave Merchant, so I want to level that Job us and obtain these Jobs as soon as possible.

Just like with leveling up Farmer, there might be some unexpected benefits to it. I would be really happy if levelling the Merchant Job resulted in the increase of my discounts. However, raising the Knight Job now means that I’ll have to fight the Floor Bosses without Warrior, Swordsmen or Gambler Jobs, and that might cause a fair bit of annoyance for Roxanne.

I can’t help but feel like I’m not paying enough attention.

Now that we’re going to be fighting without the Skills such as 「Slash」, 「Rush」or 「Status Ailment Resist Down」, the time of the battles is definitely going to be extended. That is also why I am hesitating with going up to the higher floors.

But as it turned out, my worries were all baseless.

「As expected of master. We had no problems with the battle against the Floor Boss of the thirtieth floor, so tomorrow we can proceed to the thirty-first floor and do battle against its Floor Boss!」

「I can say that once again we weren’t struggling too much, so there should be no problems with going forward.」

「Let’s do it, desu!」

「I think we’re going to be okay.」

It looks like we’ll be going up one floor tomorrow as well.

I can’t help but feel that the battle time is getting longer and the battles themselves are getting harder. I myself have no sense of danger at all because I continue to use Durandal in the Boss battles to recover my HP and MP at the same time, and that might be the problem here.

Roxanne is always the one who’s standing in front of the Floor Bossess and puts herself in most danger from beginning to the end, so she should have the best danger sense among all of us, but I think I cannot expect that from her at all, since none of the Floor Boss’ attacks were able to even scratch her.

I can always expect calm opinions from Sherry, but since she is in the rearguard most of the time, she is unlikely to get attacked in the battles against a maximum of three enemies, so she won’t have as keen of a danger sense as Roxanne should have.

Miria is almost certain to petrify her opponents during Boss battles, so she does not even care how long the battles themselves are going to last if she just petrifies the enemies so that we could finish them off. And now that we know the even Floor Bosses can be petrified, then even if the battles get longer, there’s not much that she has to be afraid of. That is probably why Miria shows no hesitation when Roxanne mentions going to the higher floors.

I thought that depending on Vesta in that regard might be my best chance, but I quickly understood that this would lead to nowhere.

In the current setting, only Miria, Roxanne and Sherry are fighting against the Floor Bosses, and Vesta stays behind in the rearguard to defeat one of the smaller enemies and then fight the second one two-on-one.

I don’t think it’s easy because I’m always leaving the front to Vesta while I go take the enemy on from the side, but looking at the things objectively, it can be said that Roxanne, who always fights the Floor Bosses up front from beginning to the end is our toughest fighter, unlike Miria with her petrification which has a chance of not proccing properly.

That being said, I have never heard Vesta whining or complaining about anything before. She is just that kind-hearted, in addition to being large and reliable.

After all, it’s important for me to make a firm judgment here.

While we were fighting while trying to asses which one of us has the best danger sense, Miria gained enough EXP for her Warrior Job to reach Lv.30 when we finished the latest Boss battle.
She also properly acquired the Assassin and the Knight Jobs.

「Miria is doing fine with her current Job, but I’m thinking of making her an Assassin in order to make the most of the Estoc of Petrification.」

I felt that it would be bad to change Miria’s Job silently, so I informed everyone about it. I just hope that she won’t start hating me for making her an Assassin out of the blue.

「She is an Assassin now? That’s amazing.」

「Certainly, I’ve heard that this Job has something to do with poison. It’s also going to help her petrification?」

「Yes, desu.」

「I think that is amazing.」

Even though the Job’s name is Assassin, it seems that neither Miria nor the others harbor any particular hatred towards it. The only problem now might be with Miria getting used to it, even more so since she’s going to be starting all the way at Lv.1 back again.

「Since it’s going to be a new Job for her, It’d better put Miria in the rearguard for a while until she gets used to it, right?」

「I don’t think that’s going to be necessary.」

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