Volume 12 Chapter 5 Part 5

Well, if we wait for too long with it, then Roxanne is only going to get more stressed, but if we continue going up the floors at our current pace, then sooner or later the recoil from a lack of proper preparation and blindly charging forward might come back to bite us in the asses, and that is the truly scary part about it.

We need to take a look at our situation appropriately, and if it seems that it will take several days, then it would be better to go up only one floor.
It’s better to keep it.

「Okay. Shall we go out then? Are you all ready? 」

「Yes. I already finished cleaning up after our meal, so there’s no problems. 」

「We do not know what we might encounter once we start looking, so let us take our equipment with us, just to be on the safe side. That goes for you too of course, Rutina. 」

I distribute the equipment that was in my Item Box, and then I take out Rutina’s Body Clip and help her put it on.

「Nhh….. 」

Just hearing this voice makes me want to stop going out to fulfill the request, but I endure it.

I will wait patiently until the night arrives.

It should be okay for us to finish a little bit early today, so I just have to be patient for a little while longer.

We can even take a break at noon and come back home.

But until then, it’s patience time.

「Do we actually have any plans of how we are going to get to Grineer in the first place? It has been quite a long time since the contact with that place was lost, so I think that going through the obvious route in the Adventurers Guild might be quite difficult this time. 」

Sherry asked the truly important question.

Hmmm, yes, this is an important matter that we should probably focus on taking care of first and foremost.

「According to what Elder Cassandra told us, some of the people who lived at the stopover in Grineer have moved to the village of Tare in the Hartz Duchy. 」

「To the territories goverened by the Duke of Hartz? 」

「Yup, the very same. 」

「Village of Tare… it is that one village with a Labyrinth next to it. 」

Did Sherry caught onto that already?

「For the time being, we are going to there and see if we can find out anything useful. 」

Since we don’t really have any other clues to go by, this is the next best thing that we can possibly do..

「Understood. 」

Sherry thinks that trying to go to Grineer through the Adventurers Guild is not going to yield any results, but on the other hand, Elder Cassandra also said that she does not necessarily expects us to succeed at this task either, so if we end up not getting to know anything about that place or its current status, then it is probably not going to be too much of a problem.

「If you don’t know what to do, then we can always start by asking the residents of the Tare village if they know anything about it. 」

「Oh, I see. 」

「Also, it seems that there is also a way to investigate this matter the Imperial Liberation Society’s lodge. If it turns out that the Labyrinth of Grineer is located in the abandoned lands that are not governed by anyone, the if we manage to subjugate that Labyrinth, it will result in you obtaining the noble title and the lordship over these lands. It wouldn’t be strange if some of the other members of the Imperial Liberation society were aiming for that as well, so if you mention that you want to get to the Labyrinth at the stopover or the one nearby it, it might be that you will get to know how to get there as a result. 」

It seems that we have quite a few options to choose from after all. Or rather, If we are talking about using the reference room at the Imperial Liberation Society’s lodge, then Sherry should probably go check it out by herself, aside from me getting her there with my 「Warp」of course.

「Ah, but you know, it feels like the inhabitants of the Tare village tend to look down on anyone who is not an Elf, so maybe it would be better to leave the part with talking to them to Rutina. Yes, that might be just what we’re going to do: we’re going to get there, and then Rutina will play the central role in inquiring about Grineer with the locals. 」

「I understand. 」

With that, everything should be fine.

I also need Rutina to do this for me.

「Ah. Now I remember. The Labyrinth of Tare is the one where Rub Shrubs appear on the 13th floor, right? 」

「Yes, that is exactly the one. 」

「Certainly, the people in that village were quite rude to us the last time we were there. 」

Roxanne seems to remember the details about the Labyrinth even coupled with the land that surrounds it, which is a stark contrast to someone like me, since even if I do manage to vaguely remember the name of the Labyrinth itself, I don’t remember the monsters in the Labyrinth or the road to the Boss Rooms.

「Let’s go then. 」

I get ready and warp us to Tare.

When we got there, Rutina listened to what the villagers from Tare had to say to her.

「X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 」

「X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 」

If this is how it’s going to be, then I think it would be best to leave the things to Rutina here.

When we came here the last time, the village chief and the villagers had a rather arrogant attitude toward me and Roxanne, but now thar Rutina, who is also an Elf just like them, has come here with us, they have become strangely polite towards us.

Maybe that’s because she is still a former noble’s daughter?

Once she gets serious, she might be able to properly display the level of dignity befitting someone of her birth, or maybe it has something to do with a particular air or aura that oozes from within her?

Well, let’s just say that whatever it is, it probably has something to do with the fact that she is an Elf just like them, even though it is making me look as if I had no dignity to may name at all.

Even though that is an objectively correct assessment.

「X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 」

「X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 」

「Apparently, there seems to be someone who can travel to the Labyrinth that is located near the stopover in Grineer. 」

Ohh? Did we already hit the jackpot so soon? Because if so, then this place was fairly easy to find.

Is this another example of that famous proverb saying that doing something is easier than worrying about it?

If it was that easy, then that means that Elder Cassandra could have easily figured it out herself if only she thought about making some research into the subject on her own, but as you can see, this is what happens when you try to rely on other people’s help to do something that you should have done yourself.

Or maybe she knew that finding it is going to be this easy and make the request of me so that I could take the credit for it?

It’s not out of the question that I asked for it to be erected.

Even if that does turn out to be the case, I am not going to be grateful to her for it, because I was not the one who asked to be here in the first place.

「X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 」

「X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. 」

We were then taken to the far end of the village. If there weren’t six of us in here right now, I would have suspected it was a scam.

We were then taken to a remote location where a lot of people were standing all around us. Even so, the levels of the villagers are all just single digits, so they won’t be able to do anything to us.

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