Volume 9 Chapter 5 Part 6

「And if you’re still going to insist on going to the twenty-third floor of the Labyrinths to hunt monsters, then you should do it either in the Labyrinth of Quratar or Labyrinth of Bode right here.」

You’re saying that now? That’s not fair!

Well, I guess I can at least interpret his words as a promise of allowing me to go to the Labyrinth of Quratar to train, so in that sense, I guess it’s not all that bad.

Putting the matter of Gozer aside, it is very unlikely that I would be meeting with Cassia alone, because if I did, I feel like the Duke could have had me killed for it, and if that happened, then everything I have worked for so far would be for naught.

「Well, I’ll see what I can do about that.」

Whatever happens now, its going to be the Duke’s responsibility.

「Please do.」


「Well then, maybe you should go home before you end up meeting anyone.」
Is it bad to such an extent?

Certainly, according to what we agreed on yesterday, I should have gone to meet with Cassia so that one of her maids could guide me to the Labyrinth of Nordselm, but apparently these plans are going to need to be scrapped. Does he don’t want me to go to that Labyrinth so much that he’s even going to stop his own wife from guiding me there?

Or is it that the Duke perhaps didn’t think any of this through? Since the Duke is a rather peculiar person, then such an eventuality cannot me discarded.

Cassia told me that she would guide me to that Labyrinth, but perhaps there was actually no one under the Duke who could guide us there?

I’m afraid that it might be very likely.

「Well then.」

「Sorry for the trouble.」

In any case, if the Duke himself advises it, then I guess it would be better to retreat from the castle before Gozer, Cassia or any of their associates find out that I came here, and so I quickly left the Duke’s office, going to the lobby without being seen by anyone. I looked around, but it doesn’t look like there’s anyone waiting for me here either, so after double checking that it was really okay for me to move I trotted out of the lobby and then warped myself back home.

Now that I was out of Bode’s castle, there is nothing and no one who can stop me from going back home.

「Welcome back, master.」

Roxanne welcomes me back. Only now I started to feel truly secure. I am back home, so everything’s going to be okay now.

Come to think of it, this is not all that bad.

Normally, the Duke would probably find it quite difficult to summon me, and the situation would turn out quite unbearable if I ended up talking to either Gozer or Cassia before meeting with him. But now that the things have turned out the way they did, I wonder if I will finally be able to rest in peace for a while?

It might be nothing more but my own wishful thinking though.

「Ah, Sherry. Come here for a moment, would you?」


When I got home, I immediately called Sherry over to my side.

「I’m going to borrow Sherry and go out for a while. Is that okay with you?」

「Yes. Have a nice day, master, Sherry.」

With Roxanne’s consent, I walk out of the house again, and head over to Quratar’s Explorer’s Guild together with Sherry.

It’s basically a place where the information about pretty much every Labyrinth should be collected.

「Do you think we’re going to find another Labyrinth where Mabreams are going to be the monsters present on the twenty-second floor?」

「Uhm… weren’t you supposed to be introduced to exactly such a place?」

「I was supposed to be indeed.」

How much of what happened should I explain to Sherry? Well, since it’s Sherry, then it should probably be okay for me to explain pretty much everything to her.

「I understand.」

Without asking me for any further explanations after I told her everything, she proceeded to search for the information that I wanted to find.

「We know for a fact that we can find Mabreams on the twenty-second floor of Nordselm Labyrinth, but we need to find some other place because that one is going to be off limits for us.」

「Oh really?」

「You don’t have to tell anyone where the Labyrinth that you want to go to is located, because they might misunderstand it as you not wanting to go to the Labyrinth of Nordselm, so just don’t tell anyone else at all.」

「O-Okay, I understand.」

「Then please do.」

The information that we don’t want to be going to the Labyrinth of Nordselm should not spread around too much, because there is always a chance that it might get around so much that it is going to reach the ears of either Gozer or Cassia.
I needed to tell everything to Sherry because I needed her help in finding the information that I’m looking for, but I don’t need anyone else aside from her to know about that. I might have told that to the other girls and simply ask them to keep it a secret like I am always doing, but that would be just an additional burden.

I mean, I’m sure that Roxanne would have kept quiet if I told her to do so, but I don’t think that Miria or Vesta understand the importance of not disclosing information to other people just yet.

Since all that they are going to be involved in are going to be the matters of being warped to the Labyrinth and Exploring it, there’s no need for them to know to which Labyrinth we’re going to be warping unless I explicitly say it to them, and I’m not going to get out of my way to risk spreading the word around like that without a very good reason for doing so.

If only the Duke has prepared the other Labyrinth to which we could go to instead of the Nordselm one, then I wouldn’t even have to talk to Sherry about it.

No, I’d probably have to talk to her about it anyway so that she could investigate the monsters of the Nordselm Labyrinth for me, since it is entirely possible that the monsters present on the twentieth and twenty-first floors of the Labyrinth of Nordselm might be different than the ones in the other Labyriths that we have visited thus far. Telling Sherry about it was a better decision than keeping it from her as well, but there’s always a possibility that Sherry might say something to Roxanne later and cause a huge misunderstanding because of it.

Correcting such a misunderstanding later would definitely be much more trouble than it is actually worth.
「I think this place right here should be fine.」

While I was thinking about such things, Sherry seems to have found the Labyrinth that corresponded to my criteria.

As expected of Sherry. She proved once again how useful she can be.

「I’m surprised how quickly and easily you managed to find it.」

If she was able to find the information that we were looking for so fast, then it should have been just as easy for the Duke to do the same.

That being said, is there a difference between finding the information about a Labyrinth and guiding people to it? Because the way I see it, if all the information needed are publically available like that, then there’s nothing stopping you from going wherever you want yourself as long as you look the information up. If he did that for us, that that would leave a much better impression of him in my eyes.

I guess that he just couldn’t do that for me.

「Here, master, the Labyrinth located in the forest west of Zabir.」

「Zabir, huh?」

「The last stop on our journey to reach Palmasqe?」

「Oh yeah, that’s right!」
I was doing my best to remember where have I heard that name before, but after Sherry’s reminder, I realized that we have indeed been there before.

So that place fits the bill, huh? It is indeed just like Sherry had said. That Labyrinth really was our final stop on the long road that we had to embark on every time when we wanted to reach Palmasque.

When I looked at it, it was surprisingly close. So once again it turns out that the darkest spot is right under the lamp post, huh? No, in that case it is not near at all.

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Comment (1)

  1. ranomeinon

    The Duke is plotting from the shadows…

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