Volume 1 Chapter 6 Part 1

Chapter 6: Clash in Okehazama!

It was the morning after the night Yoshiharu had sworn loyalty to Nobuna when they were alone in her room.

Unexpectedly, Goemon had appeared before Yoshiharu in the Five Leaf Aralia tenements, bearing urgent news for him.

「I have returned from my mission of gathering intel at the Mino province. 」

Without changing her expression, she disinterestedly reported the news. But the contents of her report were most astonishing to Yoshiharu.

「The nobles of the Mino province decided to act against Saito Dosan and his alliance with Nobuna-dono. 」

「What?! 」

「Apparently, they are enraged at his proclamation of handing over the province to her. 」

「Goemon, don’t tell me…? 」

「Yes. Having been stirred by them, Saito Dosan’s son, Saito Yoshitatsu, has launched a revolt against his own father. 」

「Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?!. Say it all together, this is really important! What happened to Dosan? 」

「Dosan-dono was chased out

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