Volume 1 Chapter 6 Part 12

Following that, Nobuna said various things and performed various disrespectful actions tha would most definitely bring the wrath of the Gods down upon her, and in the end, she said:

「Hmmm, I heard it! These fellows in the shrine had said that I will win today’s battle for sure! 」

She did that all the while pointing her finger to the skies and exclaiming with a bright smile. No matter who saw that, they all had only one thought in their minds:

This is just too messed up.

On the other hand, all of the Oda clan’s soldiers went into battle frenzy and shouted :「Ohhhhh, let’s mess them up!!!!! 」, but Katsuie, who watched that spectacle all horror-struck could only mumble weakly:

「N-Nobuna-sama… t-the gods will definitely punish you for such blasphemy! 」

And then she fell onto Niwa Nagahide’s shoulder and made it all wet with her tears, while Nagahide said:

「Goodness gracious… Well, it’s ok with this much energy, 100 points. 」

With Nobuna acting as the vanguard, the Oda clan’s army moved out with full force. As the injured party, Yoshiharu and Inuchiyo were currently treating their wounds by putting on the secret medicine of Goemon who rushed back from Dengakuhazama on them. Though it’s impossible for it to suddenly close the wounds, it did lessen the pain they were feeling at the current moment.

However, without him really knowing why, Yoshiharu’s body felt as if it was once again starting to be filled with energy.

「…..My body… is heating up….. 」

「Wh…Wh…Wh…Wh…Why, Goemon, what did you give us? Why do I feel like I suddenly want o go to war so much now…..? 」
「It’s a medicine that’s supposed to fill you with vitality, made by using vipers and turtles as ingredients. 」

「….Yoshiharu-san, let’s follow Nobuna-sama! 」

「Yeah, let’s go Inuchiyo! If we don’t move now, we will be left behind by everyone else! 」

And so the two of them also started moving towards Okehazama.

In the middle of them moving out, the skies had changed suddenly. Maybe the gods of Atsuta were angered by the arrogant Nobuna’s actions, or maybe her rudeness caused them to be awakened from their ancient slumber, but whatever the case may be, the bright sunny sky that was there just a moment ago was shrouded with dark clouds, and lightning mixed with the rain that was now pouring down onto the marching troops.

「The gods must be really angry with Nobuna-sama right now. 」

Inuchiyo said.

「I think it’s just the opposite! This is the so called fate! Using this rain as a cover, we can rush to Okehazama right now! Forget about the soldiers, our target is just Imagawa Yoshimoto! 」

Nobuna was just as full of energy as always. The torrents of rain were not letting everyone see things clearly, but it’s also due to this rain that the sight of those small troops that were separated at the borders was reduced, and they never noticed the army of Nobuna that was moving towards Okehazama like a fast hurricane.

Well, there was one person who saw them. The one standing at the top of the mountain, the head of Matsudaira Motoyasu’s retainers who leads the ninja troops: Hattori Hanzo. He quietly looked at the muddy lands below, and saw the black figures Nobuna army’s soldiers which were like a black dragon moving across the ground… but Hanzo stopped his men who were about to report this to the main base.

「These are not people, it’s a dragon. We did not see anything worthy of reporting. 」

Saying that lightly, Hanzo disappeared without a trace in order to witness the results of his gamble with his own two eyes.

The warriors of Imagawa Yoshimoto in Okehezama who were enjoying the company of Nobukatsu and his gang were caught unaware by the sudden rain and hid in the forests without their armor. Right now, aside from the few closest aides, the base of Imagawa Toshimoto was pretty much empty, without anyone else who would defend it.

「What is going on with this weather! Where is Motoyasu? Hurry and build a roof in my base, now! 」

One of the aides whispered softly into her ears.

「Yoshimoto-sama, Motoyasu and her troops have just conquered the base at Marune, so they won’t be coming soon. 」

「Ara, is that so? Well, it means we’ve won, right? As expected of the servant of the great Hokkaido’s Strongest Bow, Imagawa Yoshimoto! 」

「Yoshimoto-sama, it will be very difficult to move if we continue staying here. Let’s go to Mount Okehazama. 」

「No, if I climb the mountain on the sedan I will be dizzy from all the swaying. 」

「But the soldiers are currently all drunk. If the enemy attacks us at this moment….. 」

「Ara, and just who might be this someone who will ambush the great Hokkaido’s
Strongest Bow? There isn’t an idiot general out there who would be dumb enough to actually try to do this, Ohohohoho!!!! 」

However, there was actually one general dumb enough to actually attack her, thus exceeding Imagawa Yoshimoto’s expectations, and she has just arrived at her base.
「Everyone, entrust all your lives to me, Oda Nobuna! 」

At the current moment, Okezahama was in a middle of a torrential storm, and at the moment when one of the bolts of lightning struck the ground near Imagawa Yoshimoto’s base, the flash of light revealed the silhouette of a beautiful female daimyo who was riding towards the camp at the helm of her own army.

It was Oda Nobuna of Owari.

「Full frontal assault! All units, charge!!!! 」

In the midst of the lightning and the storm the Owari army’s roar could be heard, while a state of panic has taken over Okehazama. The careless soldiers had all taken up their weapons and ran back to the plains in a hurry, but the muddy fields made their movements slow and difficult.

「Vanguard, Shibata Katsuie is here! 」

Katsuie swung her spear and charged at the base like a hurricane. All the enemy soldiers in her path were blown away immediately. As expected of Owari’s no.1 general. Though Shibata Katsuie is bad at calculations and reading the room, once she grabs a spear in her hand she can only be described as invincible, like an Asura. She cleared a path in the enemy’s army, who thought that she, her horse, and spear had combined into one.

Because of the years of revolt of Nobukatsu, Katsuie’s spear had accumulated lots of pent up stress, and now she was able to release it all at once. The tip of her spear emitted the deadly aura of death.

「Finally I can cut loose! This battle, let this be the festival to celebrate my return to the battlefield! 」

「Riku has cleared a path for us! Rush onwards to the enemy’s base! 」

Nobuna who grabbed this chance of victory and swung down the command flag in her hand. Yoshiharu and Inuchiyo stayed at the side of Nobuna who was acting as a vanguard. As a brief mention, Yoshiharu was sitting behind Goemon
A the battle itself was fast as lightning.

From Imagawa’s army of 5000 soldiers, most of them were in the forest to hide from the
storm. Due to this storm, not many had seen the formation of the Oda army. The roars full of killing intent were covered by the howls of the storm, and anyone who was slightly away from the base couldn’t hear it properly. Even if they had noticed the ambush of the Nobuna’s army, the soldiers couldn’t move in the mud, and all of them were destroyed without mercy.

「Wh…What happened? What the hell happened? Everyone, fighting while drunk isn’t very good… 」

At the moment when Imagawa Yoshimoto, who was sitting in the base thought that it might be the Oda clan’s army, Katsuie and her troops were already attacking the center of Imagawa’s base.

「Momomomotoyasu, finish them for me…. Wait, that tanuki brat still hasn’t returned from Marune? Just who is that idiot who sent such a useful lackey to some other place than the base?! 」

Before noticing that it was she herself who did that, Shibata Katsuie had already come down from her horse and subdued Yoshimoto.

「Oi, Imagawa Yoshimoto, prepare youself! 」

Unsheathing her sword, Katsuie rested it on the neck of Yoshimoto.

「So my life is going to end without me achieving anything? 」

The eyes of Yoshimoto, who had always put on airs started to reveal droplets of tears, and her limbs started trembling.

「Ahhh? Uwahhhh? What is this, you rude bitch! Stop it~ Please stop it!!!! 」

「This is the rule of the battlefield, so save your complaints. 」

「Uwahhhh. I… I don’t want to die~ I…I…I…I…I hate dying~ ~ ~ ~! 」

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