Development Tree Part 1




Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thor’s Stone

A few hours have already passed since Kou’s impromptu tour.

When Kou turned sideways while on top of one of the nap room’s beds, he found himself facing a large dog. It was probably a Familiar. It was lying on the foot of the bed that Kou had slept on.

It had a beautiful coat of golden brown fur and resembled a Golden Retriever.

Kou remembered Voytek saying there were other Familiars on the ship as well. That’s why he wasn’t that surprised.

「A Golden Retriever! Is it really a Familiar?」

Kou was an avid animal lover. He liked both cats and dogs.

The dog opened its eyes and stared back at Kou with a gentle-looking gaze.

Kou sat up on the bed and started talking to the Golden Retriever-type Familiar.

「Come here. Can you talk?」

The dog moved closer to Kou and eventually climbed on top of the bed as well.

Then, the large dog shook its head. Kou remembered Master saying there were Familiars capable of speech like her and those that weren’t. Hence, this Familiar should be the latter.

「You have a very beautiful coat. It’s smooth and fluffy.」

Kou gently stroked the base of the dog’s ears as well as its neck.

From its neck, he continued on to stroke its back as well, combing its fur with his fingers. The dog squinted its eyes in comfort.

「There’s a huge forest out there, and it feels like we can have a pretty fun walk. How about it, buddy? Wanna go for a walk with me?」

Kou remembered the owner of a large-breed dog in his neighborhood back on Earth. The guy was always complaining. After all, you have to walk large dogs over relatively long distances. If the walking course was short, it would stress the dog out.


It barked happily. It pressed its large body against Kou. Kou ended up hugging it while on the bed.

It started happily licking his cheeks.

Kou found it pleasant and started stroking the dog’s head in response.


This time, a cat appeared. It seems that it was hiding under Kou’s bed.

It was a Chinchilla Persian with haughty-looking gray-colored eyes. It had a fairly large build for a cat. Its fur resembled a tea tiger cat’s, but without flecks. It had a small, flat nose that made its sharp-looking eyes seem even more prominent.

「Oh, a cat! You’re a cute little guy too, aren’t you? You know, I owned a cat in the past too.」

Kou then caught the cat in both hands and brought it to the bed without even asking for consent.

The cat got surprised by his sudden action and froze up. Kou’s tone was gentler than usual as he coaxed the little guy.

He gently stroked the cat.

He actually wanted to brush it, but since he didn’t really have an actual pet brush on hand, he just used his hands.

「Are you also a Familiar? Can you talk?」


Apparently, the cat was also incapable of speech. At least, that seemed to be what it was conveying.

After stroking its head, Kou then scratched the base of its neck.

Perhaps getting tired of being stroked by Kou, the cat moved below his feet, curled up, and seemingly fell asleep.

The dog was sprawled down above Kou’s head.

「Oi, oi. I’m gonna turn you into my pillow y’know.」


It looks like it didn’t mind being used as a pillow. When Kou placed his head on top of its body, the dog switched into a more comfortable position for sleeping. It arched its body as if to watch over Kou as he slept.

It would probably feel uncomfortable for the dog if he kept his head on top of its body, so Kou shifted down a bit. He proceeded to sleep while pressing his head lightly on the dog’s body.

The warmth of its stomach and the feel of its coat was quite pleasant to Kou.

「I already miss Master. Hey, did you guys come to comfort me because Master’s already gone?」

There was no reply. However, the dog placed its forepaw on top of Kou’s head, as if it was patting him. The dog’s head ended up right next to Kou’s.

It might appear like the dog was actually cradling him.

Kou felt he would have a really comfortable sleep while surrounded by cute and lovable animals.

Before long, he was already well along his way to dreamland.

When Kou woke up, he found himself lying sideways.

It felt like he was enveloped by a soft and gentle sensation. It…… wasn’t the feeling he got while sleeping together with the Golden Retriever last night.

He then froze up. He couldn’t move for a few moments.

His head was being hugged. It wasn’t tight, and his head was being supported by delicate and soft arms as his face slightly pressed upon something equally soft, if not more.

Yes, his face was right in front of the soft and warm breasts of a woman…… If this wasn’t some sort of dream, there was only one person he could think of who could do this.


「Good morning, Kou.」

Aki was already awake. She responded immediately after all. She should have been hugging Kou while being careful to not wake him up.

「I thought I slept with a large Golden Retriever last night.」

「Oh, that was me. I’m that Golden Retriever.」

She then made her fluffy dog ears and tail appear, but Kou was still within Aki’s warm embrace so he wasn’t able to witness the sight.

「Eh, um, err… S-Sorry! Oh yeah, that’s right. Therianthropes can actually turn into animal forms.」

Now that he thought about it, Aki’s golden brown hair was the same color as the Golden Retriever’s coat.

It was Kou’s mistake to regard Therianthropes as simply animal-eared people.

「Kou…… How lewd nyaa.」

A sleepwear-clad Nyanta was lying below Kou’s feet. Her gaze pierced Kou without mercy. Given the situation, he had absolutely no excuse.

It was him who stroked Aki’s body and placed his head on her chest after all.

「Why are you here as well, Nyanta?」

「How heartless. I was the ugly cat you stroked like crazy yesterday nyaa.」

「Ugly cat? You were actually quite cute, you know. Pretty charming even.」

「My nose as a cat is flat as heck and I always look grumpy. Are you seriously saying I’m cute even with that nyaa?」

「Oh c’mon. Your flat nose really is cute. I’m serious.」

「Hmm…… You’re one weird guy. Just flirt around with Aki for a while nyaa.」

「I’m not flirting around with her!」

Nyanta made her way out of the nap room.

Kou was still within Aki’s arms.

「Aki-san…… Although I’m really happy about this, it’s a bit troublesome you see. I think it’s about time you let go of me.」

Kou felt his current situation was reminiscent of a Japanese gal game event. Of course, he’d feel elated. After all, he was still a healthy male.

「Isn’t it fine then? You’re feeling happy, right? I was also really happy last night. You were so very gentle. I really liked it.」

As she continued to cradle Kou’s head, Aki increased the strength of her hug a bit. As if to insist that what she said were her honest thoughts.

「Whenever I see a large-breed dog, I get really excited. In the past, I also couldn’t help but run up to hug a large white dog living in my neighborhood often.」

Our neighbor’s Great Pyrenees loved children, and I remember hugging it a lot when I was a kid. It didn’t get annoyed or angry at all and indulged me and the other children.

「Than we can go and sleep together every night if you like, Kou.」

「B-But wouldn’t that be a bother for you, Aki?」

「I don’t really mind you know? –You’re the first person to offer to take me for a walk in the forests together after all.」

「I see. Let’s go ahead with that walk then.」

「Fufu. I’m looking forward to it. But it does look like you’re being troubled, so I’ll be letting you go.」

Aki finally released Kou from her hug.

After seeing that Aki was only wearing a thin nightgown, Kou’s face rapidly turned bright red.

Aki gazed at Kou with eyes narrowed in delight.

「Skinship is very important you know.」

「Y-Yeah. I guess.」

Since he wasn’t used to dealing with women at all, Kou could only muster such a reply.

Aki just kept smiling at Kou without any indication if she noticed his troubles or not.





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