Manufacturing Plant Residual Data


The space elevator has been successfully taken over, and the Argoforce began to retreat.

Gogyou Heavy Industries’ Type-0s and BAS’ Buzzards transformed into Silhouette mode and rushed inside the facility one after another.

Rick’s ground forces, which had successfully defeated the defending enemy forces, also infiltrated Fortress Area R001.

「Enemy defense forces have started withdrawing. They are heading in the direction of Fortress Area Q221.」

The operator’s words resounded in the combat command center of the Cimon-class. In order to deploy troops to the northern part of Fortress Area R001, it was currently parked in a spot beyond the forested area at the foot of the mountain range housing the Silhouette Base. Being in this spot allowed it to serve as a relay point between the Silhouette Base and Fortress Area R336.

Barry waved his hand before giving out orders.

「Good. Pursuit is essential, but tell the troops not to go in too deep.」


Barry contacted Asia on his terminal.

「Asia, we’ve successfully taken control of the orbital elevator facility. Can I leave the management of the ceiling hatch and shelter to you?」

『Of course. Leave it to me.』

Barry’s expression clouded over slightly as he spoke to Asia.

「There’s something bothering me though. I’d like to ask you to check the residual weapons production data of the weapons manufacturing plant.」

『Weapons production data? Shall I classify them for you?』

「Yeah. I’d like to know exactly what kinds of weapons they were manufacturing.」


「It would be great if we could get data on the fighters and transformable machines being employed by the Argoforce.」

Barry wanted to obtain data about weapons they haven’t encountered yet.

Data on their transformable Silhouette was of particular interest to him.

『I’ve already managed to find the factory’s operational history. The fighter is called the Coulson, and the transformable Silhouette is called the Arular. Hold on a bit.』

Asia went silent for a moment, then she spoke to Barry again.

『Your bad premonition seems to have hit the bull’s eye, Barry.』

「Hm? Did I really mention something like that?」

『Don’t play dumb. These are the production numbers and volume of R001. For combat planes, it’s only manufactured pack fighters. As for tanks, it’s manufactured a heavy tank model called the Eber-1. There’s apparently an Eber-2, but they didn’t manufacture that model there. The Silhouettes they produced are Armadillos and Bisons. Most of the weapons were John Arms models. You’ve already predicted that they didn’t leave behind any data on crucial weapon systems, right?』

「Yeah. It would have been possible for the factory to produce stuff comparable to the Huckebein after all.」

『They wouldn’t have had to worry about material supply because of the orbital elevator. They should have more than enough leeway. In other words, you think R001 is just a diversion, correct?』

「I really hoped my gut feeling was wrong though.」

Barry replied with a dull tone.

In any case, the radars were pretty much crippled by the artificial sun, and there was no way to accurately locate the enemy’s main forces.

They didn’t have any hands to play even if he already had his suspicions.

「What exactly are they planning to take over using such high-end bait? The Silhouette Base? P336? Neither of them should be comparable to the worth of a Fortress Area with an orbital elevator though.」

『I haven’t exactly figured that out yet either. Maybe they came to the conclusion that occupying all three orbital elevators was a bit too much for them?』

「It’s possible. It’ll take a lot of strength to recapture one, and if they fail to defend it, the facility would still serve as effective bait. Thank you, Asia.」

Barry cut off the transmission with Asia and pondered more about the situation.

「Robert, Jenny, Rick, Fuyuki. You read me?」

He called the rest of the Metal Iris officers and told them about his suspicions.

「The enemy force’s resistance was certainly strong, but it’s hard to say that they were really taking the battle seriously. So, we judged Fortress Area R001 to be a diversion. The artificial sun will soon disappear. We have to prepare for what’s gonna happen next.」

「If that kind of force was just a diversion, then our enemy really has considerable military strength.」

Rick muttered with a sigh.

The troops under his command finally managed to cut through the front lines and entered the Fortress Area.

「It looks like that really is the case, Bob. You should immediately deploy to the waters near Fortress Area P336, just in case.」

「Roger that.」

Their main forces were currently concentrated in Fortress Area R001.

Aristides and Pericles were acting together. Due to the number of weapons that needed to be loaded, they had to employ both ships.

「Maybe it’s best if you sortied out again, Jenny.」

「Got it.」

Jenny was constantly active on the battlefield piloting her Tachycineta. Currently, she had just returned to the Astraea.

「Fuyuki, you and Blue are the only commanders in Fortress Area P336. I’m counting on you both to hold the line if needed.」

「That sure is a heavy responsibility. But I’ll do my best regardless.」

Fuyuki chuckled fearlessly.

「Fortress Areas R001, P336, and the Silhouette Base. Our only saving grace is that all three form a solid defensive line. If we can put up a secure supply route between all three, we’ll win. However, how the enemy deploys its troops is unpredictable and swift.」

Barry showed the rest of the defense line that they are supposed to protect.

It went from R001, P336, and the Silhouette Base which was situated within a mountain range. It was certainly a nearly straight vertical line between all three points.

Even though it would be fairly easy to recapture once suppressed, the front lines have certainly extended. They could not afford to lose the orbital elevator.

「Rick, I might need you and your troops to return here depending on the situation.」

「I understand. Let’s make that decision once the artificial sun disappears.」

「The front lines have expanded a great deal. To be honest, this is no longer on a scale of a conflict between a mercenary force and a corporate conglomerate, but now we know that the Mercenary Association can’t be counted on. It’s either the enemy forces will come straight for Fortress Area P336 or launch an attack against this orbital elevator facility with an even greater number of forces in order to take it back. I wonder what they’d choose.」

Barry was fully aware that they would most likely end up being on the defensive, but now that this was coming true, he found it a lot more frustrating than he first expected.

「Fortunately, ground troops from Wangcheng Industrial are coming to reinforce Fortress Area P336. There’s no problem regarding supplies either. We should be able to deal with the enemy’s next move.」

Barry declared out loud as if to convince himself.

Even after doing all that he possibly could, for the time being, he still couldn’t get rid of his uneasiness.

The artificial sun disappeared just as they predicted, and half a day had passed.

They’d proceeded with resupplying their troops.

Sporadic battles have occurred around the vicinity of Fortress Area R001, but ultimately, the Argoforce troops had retreated to the closest Defense Dome.

Asia was also able to freely move around the newly captured Fortress Area. There were no problems.

However, before long, a huge explosion occurred near Fortress Area P336.

At the same time, the Cimon also suffered an explosion.

The explosions happened simultaneously.

「Guh…… What happened?!」

「Cimon has been hit on the starboard side! The armor has been penetrated and we’ve suffered moderate damage!」

The operator reported with a tense voice.

「Just in case, bring the partitions down and close off the damaged section!」

Barry quickly gave out instructions.

「Where did that attack come from?!」

「It seems to have been a large-caliber railgun attack from the sky. It was bombardment conducted from ultra-long range that made use of potential energy to increase its destructive strength!」

「Dike! Can we move?」

『It’s impossible for now. It will be hard, but I’ll do all I can to regain mobility. I’ll ask the Familiars and Therianthropes to speed up the damage control procedures.』

「Prioritize the critically damaged areas! Chaff, decoys, defensive weapons, and whatever else we have on hand! Use them all!」

「The nearby troops have suffered large casualties! I’m confirming the exact situation right now!」

Worrying reports came in one after another.

「The Wangcheng Industrial’s troops that were deployed in the 8 o’clock direction of Fortress Area P336 have suffered a lot of damage! Approximately 200 tanks have been destroyed!」

「In a single blow?! Just what the heck happened?!」

「I’m going to display the image feed captured by the recon helicopters!」

The image that was displayed revealed–

A ship with a gigantic triple-barreled main gun battery.

Its secondary battery was also quite gigantic.

A similar thought went through the minds of all who witnessed the sight.

「A– A space battleship……」

Barry muttered in a shocked manner.

An ultra-massive space battleship spanning more than two kilometers in length was now enshrined on the surface of the planet.


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