The Tea is Delicious


『We will now commence collecting data from Unit 5. Please help with the data analysis, Aki.』


「I’ll help too.」

At Astraea’s instructions, Aki and Aimer began to analyze Unit 5’s data.

『Fire of Prometheus. A function that unlocked a machine’s limiter wasn’t present even during the Interplanetary War era. Is this also one of your so-called gifts, Prometheus?』

Astraea inquired.

Of course, there was no response from the imprisoned Prometheus.

「After analyzing the data, it really is exactly 10 seconds. There’s no deviation from your own analysis, Astraea.」

「Same here.」

『So, the current ‘me’ is unable to completely analyze it huh?』

Astraea displayed her frustration. After all, it should have been possible for her to completely analyze the data back when she was still in her prime as a weapons development Super AI.

『Astraea, you don’t have to brood over such a thing. After all, even I can’t analyze the Fennel OS.』


『I’ve started collecting data from the rest of the Metal Iris Silhouettes. I’ve also begun analyzing them. If that function really was unlocked by Prometheus, then it should have affected all Silhouettes.』

『If possible, I’d like access to the data of Ulysses Silhouettes as well.』


Asia’s expression was also grave.

It was a more serious situation than Kou realized.

『Just a bit more. Just a bit longer and I’ll be able to perform a more thorough analysis. The ‘me’ that Kou is about to rescue is the biggest fragment of ‘me’ after all. Once that Asia joins us, we’ll be able to properly analyze the data.』

『It’s the Asia who’s in charge of managing the orbital elevators, correct?』

『That’s a bit of a misunderstanding. The orbital elevators don’t require my supervision. It’s just that it was a lot more convenient to communicate with the space facilities if I was present.』

Aki and Aimer looked in the direction of the orbital elevator’s location, where a battle was likely to take place soon.

「He’s gonna come back soon. Please be safe.」

Aimer muttered under her breath as if praying.

「This is the orbital elevator’s underground control center huh? It’s where she’s sealed this time around.」

Kou muttered. Right before him was a woman who looked to be in her twenties. She was bound by quantum chains in a higher dimensional space. She was the Asia sealed in Fortress Area R001.

「The quantum chains are a lot stronger than the ones before. In order to decrypt them…… Can you see the gap, Hyoue-san?」

「Mm. I see it. Is there something I can do?」

「Hyoue-san, please remember all your interactions with Asia ever since you came to this world and relate them to Fennel. Then you’d also be able to interfere with the quantum chains.」

「Alright. Oh, now I understand. So, that’s how it is……」

Unit 5 and Hyoue’s Accipiter began cutting the quantum chains one after another.

Even though it looked like they were severing them physically, the chains were actually getting decrypted through the joint efforts of Asia, Unit 5, and Astraea.

Before long, all of the quantum chains were severed off, and the imprisoned Asia disappeared.

「Asia just disappeared.」

「I’m right here you know.」

Kou heard a voice that came from behind him. When Kou turned around, he found the Asia from earlier standing behind him.

Asia softly giggled, and Kou’s heart couldn’t help but skip a beat when he saw her smile.

She should also be Asia, but her appearance and air of maturity was different from the rest of her fragments.

「I’ve been saved by Unit 5 several times already, so it feels more reassuring to stay here.」

「I think I get it.」

「Kou, Hyoue. Thank you. Unit 5 as well.」

「Oho, young lady, I’m glad to see you safe and sound.」

「Yeah. With this, we’ve managed to save three of your fragments.」

「No, Kou. I was actually in charge of the largest data space within Asia. With this, I should be able to regain a considerable amount of my former strength.」

Asia closed her eyes.

「I’ve now completely synchronized with the Asia who’s by your side. Next, I will take control of this Fortress Area. –A〜nd done. Metal Iris can now freely open and close the shelter at will.」

「That’s amazing!」

「It’s all thanks to you guys. I’ll also do everything I can to help out. Let’s completely liberate this Fortress Area first.」


「We can finally rampage all we want aboveground.」

The mission had been carried out successfully.

They quickly headed topside to participate in the ongoing urban battles.

「Attention all troops. The transformable airborne troops have completed their mission. We have succeeded in rescuing Asia from this Fortress Area and gained control of it. I repeat. The transformable airborne troops have completed their mission and successfully rescued Asia.」

Aimer made an announcement regarding the operation’s success to the entire army.

『Synchronization complete. Kou was actually charmed by the other ‘me’. That ‘me’ is the oldest in appearance and is pretty attractive after all……』

Kou’s behavior was monitored without him knowing.

The newly rescued Asia suddenly appeared behind Kou. Kou’s reaction to the materialized Asia was completely observed.

「So, Kou regards the new Asia as more appealing than the one here? I and Nyanta aren’t that far apart from that Asia when it comes to apparent physical age an personality.」

「I’m still far from my goal.」

For some reason, Aki acted more confident after getting to know of Kou’s reaction to the newly rescued Asia, and Aimer seemed to be in low spirits.

『Asia, instead of that, please focus on analyzing the relevant data. It’s ridiculous to get jealous of oneself.』

『I know that!』

Astraea prompted Asia to concentrate on data analysis.

『Are you sure you’ve completely synched with the latest ‘you’?』

『I should be. Um, you and Dike have some differences too, right?』

『Dike is practically a separate entity after all.』

『That ‘me’ is already capable of materializing behind Kou, and she also seems to be quite excited after getting freed. Now I’m starting to worry if she and I have really synched up completely.』

Asia was now questioning herself in a different sense.

「Aki, get in touch with Rick and tell him to proceed with the next phase of the operation.」


Aimer then sent a transmission to Barry.

「This is the Astraea. Commander Barry, We’ve gained complete access to the controls of Fortress Area R001. We’re proceeding as planned here.」

「I see. We’re having a harder time than we expected due to the enemy numbers. What about the advance toward the Fortress Area by the rest of the troops?」

「The strength of Gogyou Heavy Industries and BAS turned out to be quite considerable. They are now currently in the middle of landing operations and are heading for the Fortress Area’s urban sector.」

「I see. We might have taken a lot more losses if they weren’t present. The transformable airborne troops will invade the Fortress Area first. Proceed as planned, Admiral Aimer.」


Barry analyzed the current situation.

「There are a lot of enemy troops. We’re facing considerable resistance. But they haven’t responded well to the surprise attack. So, it seems to have been effective. I don’t think these troops are merely a diversion, but…… what exactly are they aiming for here? I still can’t grasp the enemy commander’s intentions.」

He felt worried.

「The defense net of Fortress Area P336 can’t get completely breached by half-hearted numbers. The answer will probably reveal itself once the artificial sun disappears huh?」

As a commander, it was Barry’s duty to see through the enemy’s aims.

After all, many lives under his command were at stake.

He sat back down on the ship captain’s chair and mulled over the situation once more.

「It looks like the mission was a success. Please tell me the combat developments up until now.」

Rick and Aki confirmed each other’s statuses via the comms.

Rick was still engaging in the ground battle. He led the tank troops and fought in the front line.

「Of course. Shall I begin?」

「Sure. Let me fall back first though, just in case.」

Rick had his tank fall back and another tank went up in its place.

Rick went all the way back to the position of the comms vehicle and connected with Aki once more.

「Are things going well?」

「Yes. The enemy Argonaut troops are panicking and our Metal Iris troops have the advantage so far.」

「They’re in a panic huh? Can you give me a concise summary?」

「Err, a summary? ……Alright. Understood.」

Rick simply wanted to hear a succinct summary of events and not a detailed account.

「How unusual. To think you of all people would hesitate like that.」

「Uh, right. Well, first of all, an amphibious assault ship of Gogyou Heavy Industries equipped with giant drills tore a hole through the Fortress Area’s shelter. Afterward, BAS’s superdreadnought charged right in.」


Rick’s expression froze up completely.

「Then, a group of wooden propeller aircraft sortied from the latter company’s aircraft carrier that’s mostly made of ice blocks and carried out air strikes on Fortress Area R001. Based on data collected by said propeller planes, a BAS Development Engineer put together the aerial map of the Fortress Area that we have just taken control of earlier.」

「Wooden planes? Ice blocks? Wood and ice? Really?」

「After that, they successfully destroyed the enemy’s supply network through the use of two new panjandrum models. Currently, they are in the middle of conducting landing operations.」


Aki’s expression seemed like she was pleading for Rick to not ask any further.

「That’s it for the summary. Um, would you like to hear the details regarding the panjandrums?」

「That’s alright. There’s no need. BAS is a British company, correct?」


A pained Rick asked, and a mournful Aki replied.

「Are you alright? Astraea also took a lot of mental damage earlier.」

「I bet she did. Understood, Aki. Thank you for the report. Either way, the enemy resistance is quite fierce, so we probably won’t be able to join up within the Fortress Area for a while more. I’ll contact you again.」


After letting out a big and forlorn sigh, Rick brewed a cup of tea using the pot function of the MCS and took a breather.

「The tea’s delicious.」

He sipped the black tea he made that had an unusual amount of sugar and milk added to it.

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