Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 169 Part 2


「Yes, if we look at it like that, we might seem to be enemies. But……」

I wonder when exactly it was?

I thought back to the night I spent with Iris at River’s End.

At that time……

Maybe it was just then, but……

But it certainly felt like Iris and I had our hearts connected, even if it was for a single moment.

Maybe it was just a whim and a trivial time for Iris.

I didn’t think that deeply about it until just now, either.

But still.

I never forgot about it, and it was still there, lodged firmly inside of my memory.

So I can assure you.

「We may be enemies, but we can surely understand one another, if we open our hearts.」


「I’m not going to tell you that I understand everything about Iris. What I did understand, however, even though it might only be a small part, makes me want to pity her.」

「So, you are aware of the fact that you are sympathizing with the enemy?」

「That may be so, but is it really that bad to feel sorry for someone?」


「To feel sympathy for someone is a way of thinking about others, to be able to put yourself into their shoes. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.」

「Hmmm…… That’s certainly one way to put it.」

「But I mean it. From the bottom of my heart.」

While the Village Chief said something that I perceived as largely negative, I prepared my own words to deny his.

「I want to seal Iris away to help her. I know it may be contradictory but as it stands, I think it’s the best thing to do. So please help me to do just that.」

「Don’t you think it would be faster to just kill her and be done with it?」

「Yes, but that doesn’t really solve anything, for anyone. No, maybe it would solve the problem for us humans, but it is just like putting a lid on a pot with something smelly inside of it.」

It was us humans who caused this in the first place.

Therefore, we humans must take responsibility for it.

And it’s not in the form of a self-serving revenge, like Iris tried to do it.

At the very least, I think it has to take the form of a seal.

「Kill, get killed, kill, get killed…… Kill, get killed, kill, get killed…… Isn’t that just downright sad? Surely, there has to come a time when this pointless spiral chain of hatred and killing comes to an end.」


「I…… No, WE…… We will break this spiraling chain of hatred. We are going to put an end to it once and for all.」

「…… Very well, then.」

The Village Chief nodded his head deeply and quietly after a few moments.

「If you are showing us that kind of thought and determination, then I think that there is no longer any need for questioning your motives.」

「Does that mean……?」

「We are going to be more than happy to lend you a helping hand.」

Hearing those words I felt relief washing over my body, and the tension started to gradually leave my body.

It would seem that we are finally going to be able to make a huge step forward.

We are going to keep on moving forward from now on……

And as a result of us going forward, we are going to stop Iris once and for all.

Once again, I made up my mind and renewed the determination in my chest.

「However, we are only going to lend you our help on certain conditions.」

「Hey, come on now! What are you saying this late in the game!? Are you going to help us!? Or are you not going to help us!? Make up your mind!」

Aru-san glared daggers at the Village Chief, but this time around he was not frightened by her and he did not back down.

「You see, I don’t really mind cooperating with you lot. I really mean it, from the bottom of my heart. I believe that if that Celestial Tribe is to be left on the loose, our Spirit Tribe might also come to harm as well.」

After all, Spirit Tribe was one of the main players who sealed Iris away all those years ago.

So there is actually a high possibility that Iris would come to the Spirit Tribe village in search of revenge.

「However, it is highly debatable if we can actually leave the matter of sealing the Celestial Tribe away to this human or not. If we were to do that, we would first need to see just how powerful he really is. Without seeing his power, entrusting everything to him would be a foolish thing to do, wouldn’t you agree?」

「Muh, but this is……」

Aru-san seemed to be at a loss for words and couldn’t exactly come up with any kind of retort of her own.

However, what the Village Chief said here is basically a correct argument.

If we don’t have the power to seal Iris away, then there is no way that we would ever be able to seal her away in the first place. So……

If we don’t prove it to them once and for all, we will never be able to get the people of the Spirit Tribe to trust us.

I think that there is no other way but to have them see it directly with their own eyes, not with words alone.

Which would mean……..

「…… Human. Let’s see just how much power you have.」

Yeah, I knew it was going to turn out this way, one way or another.

But this is fine.

If that’s how we can get our hands on an item that is going to help us seal Iris away, then I will do whatever it takes, as many times as it takes.

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