Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 180


「Since I was so fond of you, Rein-sama, at the very least I am going to show you my mercy: I am going to make your death a quick and painless one, so that you won’t have to suffer needlessly.」

Iris then cast a spell.

「Come forth, Otherworldly Fire. Come here, all of you.」

A huge mass of flames floated right above Iris’ hands.

One, two, three……

Countless flaming spheres appeared one after another.

At the current moment, I am unable to use any of my own magic spells and I have my physical abilities greatly reduced.

Normally, under those circumstances it would be impossible for me to avoid that many attacks all at once.

Normally, I wouldn’t be able to do this, but……


Iris unleashed her magic at me.

And then her eyes widened in astonishment.

I twisted my body, jumped to the side, lowered myself……

By doing all of those things, I was able to somehow dodge all of the flaming spheres that were coming my way.

「…… The way in which you move is so light and nimble. You are like a member of a circus, Rein-sama.」

「I mean, the Beast Tamer has to move his body around in this way in order to be able to dodge the attacks of the wild animals and be able to tame them. If it is this much, I can do this pretty easily on my own.」

「For you to still be able to mock me in such a bold manner…… I don’t want to admit it, but it would seem that I have been underestimating you, and I failed to respond to your threat accordingly, Rein-sama. How about this, then? Come to me, oh Otherworldly Fire. Come to me, oh Thunderbolt of Annihilation. Come to me, oh Ice Bombs of Sorrow.」

Fire, lightning, and ice…… three kinds of magic manifested right in front of me at the same time.

They would become a storm of violence and destruction, raging as if they wanted to devour me on the spot, leaving nothing behind.

But even in the face of such danger, I managed to remain calm.

In my current state, if I get hit by even one such blow, it would spell the end of me……

But still, I was in no hurry to evade those attacks.

I had to calmly assess the trajectory of those magic attacks……

And eventually find a safe zone amongst them and slide my body into it at just the right timing.

That way, I was able to evade all of Iris’s attacks in a successful manner.

「Wha…… How……?」’

There was no way that it was just a fluke or coincidence. Those things do not happen twice in a row.

But it was inevitable that I would be able to avoid Iris’s attacks.

Iris seemed to finally admit that inside of her mind, and she had a bitter look on her face.

「What on earth did you do? Right now, you shouldn’t be able to use magic in any shape or form, Rein-sama…… Not to mention that the physical abilities that you have gained from forming the contracts with your Ultimate Species, like the strength of that Cat Spirit Tribe, should also be pretty much non-existent right now…… So there is no way that you should be able to evade my attacks so effortlessly…… So why? Why are you still……」

「I was able to adapt.」

「…… Excuse me?」

「I mean, I have already fought against you once. And if you do remember, in that battle you were generous enough to show me all of your cards, right? With that many attacks that you threw at us, it was only a matter of time for me to be able to figure out just how to deal with them.」

「N-No way…… That’s just…… That kind of nonsense is just……」

「Well, it was honestly your miscalculation that even my physical abilities have declined. Because as you can clearly see, I can still move around pretty well, despite the barrier.」

Iris’s attacks are indeed outrageously strong.

They are a terrifying threat.

But still, Iris isn’t some kind of god who doesn’t make mistakes.

There will always be a ‘hole’ somewhere in her attack patterns.

If you can exploit those holes, you’ll be able to overcome them no matter how dangerous and how perilous an attack might be thrown your way.

「In the span of a single battle…… you were able to see right through my attacks……? I don’t think that’s possible…… The rate at which you are growing, Rein-sama, it’s like……」

「And now it will come from that way!」


While Iris was surprised and distracted, I decided to switch to the offensive myself.

I ejected Narukami’s wire and restrained Iris’s body movements, even for a single moment would be fine.

In the meantime, I activated the mechanism, pulling myself towards her.

While I was diving towards Iris, I thrusted my hand forward, causing it to collide with Iris’s chest at full force, with my entire body’s weight behind that strike.


Iris’s petite body was blown away almost instantly.

It was so quick and sudden that she didn’t even have time to react properly and defend herself.

「Kuh…… To be humiliated like this!」

Iris quickly regained her composure and stood back up.

I moved on to launch a follow-up attack, throwing my fist her way, but……

My attack was easily received by Iris.

「I was actually taken by surprise, and I unfortunately ended up showing you some truly insightful side of me, Rein-sama, but…… As long as I remain calm and composed, I have nothing to be afraid of. Your attacks won’t be able to reach me.」


「In the end, you are just human, Rein-sama. And humans are not very powerful creatures. True, you might be extremely talented for a human, but I am even more talented than that…… Your little tricks won’t phase me.」

「Then how about this?」


I twisted my body around the axis of my left leg.

I then kicked Iris’s side as I thrusted the toe of my right foot into her.


Iris, the member of the Ultimate Species, frowned at my attack, not much different from a normal human.

When Iris wobbled, I followed with a powerful knee attack.

As expected, attacking her head on was really hard to do, and my attack did not end up breaking her bones the way I expected it to.

But it did some definite damage for sure.

Iris showed a gesture of protecting herself from any of my potential further attack, and then she shook me off of herself with all of her might.

And then he hit me hard with her fist.


At the moment of the impact, I blocked Iris’s attack with my hands while simultaneously jumping backwards.

Although I was still blown away like a ragdoll, there was no serious damage that was done to me.

The damage was far lessened by the fact that I ended up jumping backwards just now.

「What on earth did you do…….? To think that you would be able to cause damage to someone like me……」

「’It’s true, Iris, you are really strong. Not only is your magic powerful, but your physical abilities are on par with that of the Cat Spirit Tribe. But you do have one fatal weakness.」


「As long as you have the same body as us humans, there are certain parts of your body structure that you just can’t reinforce or protect from damage. That’s what I’m trying to get at here.」

That’s what I learned during my training with Suzu-san.

「To be able to do such a thing……..accurately analyze your opponent in real time during battle……」

「I have been through a fair amount of troubles and crises in my life. I think I have got a pretty good handle on that ability.」


Here, for the first time, Iris stopped in alarm.

Will it work if I were to attack him right now?

Wouldn’t I risk getting caught in a painful counterattack?

I could see that her thoughts were flowing towards that way of thinking.

It was a good trend.

But it’s not that I suddenly had the upper hand here.

Rather, I was still the underdog here.

Although I succeeded in upsetting Iris by making the first move……

That was not going to lead me to landing a decisive blow here.

In fact, she could make a comeback at any time and in any place.

That’s how much of a power difference was between the two of us.

Iris was forgetting that there was that power differential between us by being so upset……

Essentially, all she had to do here was to hit me with her magic repeatedly and that would be it.

Even though I have figured it out to a certain extent, no matter how much, I can’t continue to avoid her attacks indefinitely.

The fact that I was walking on a tightrope over the bottomless abyss must be something that I absolutely cannot allow her to discover.

「Where were you hiding such magnificent power, Rein-sama?」

「Where, you ask? Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m always, always striving to do my very best, you know? Last time I was fighting you, Iris, I was also doing my very best.」

「Hmm, I wonder about that. I can’t help but to wonder if you have been hiding your true powers up until just now, Rein-sama. Otherwise, why would you even go to such lengths to hide that fact?」

「Do you happen to know this old saying? Even a cornered mouse can ultimately bite the cat.」

「If you call yourself a rat right now, does that mean that you will allow me to hunt you down without throwing that much fuss about?」

「No, I refuse to do that. You see, I might be a cornered rat, but I do not exactly like pain all that much.」

「Let’s see if you will be able to keep that cheeky mouth of yours, then……!」

In the next moment, magic power converged in both of Iris’ hands, and then a strange kind of light began to gather all around her.

However, I was getting a feeling that it was fundamentally different from the magic that I have seen Iris use before.

「If you are saying that my magic is going to do me no good here, then I simply have to abandon it altogether…… And you leave me no other choice but to use the kind of magic that you have never seen before, Rein-sama.」

「Does that mean that you are finally going to get serious?」

「Rein-sama, I am going to acknowledge you as my ‘enemy’. And since you are now my “enemy”, I will do everything in my power to eliminate you once and for all.」

Iris then spread her wings wide open.

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