Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 187


「God fucking damn it!」

The basement of the royal castle…… In other words, the prison’s dungeon.

Arios punched the wall of the cell where he was put in, as if trying to take out all of his pent-up frustration on that wall.

But the only thing that action managed to accomplish was to set up a small cloud of sand and dust in the air.

That was about it.

The sturdily built room would not be destroyed that easily, from a weak punch such as this one.

「For the time being, how about you try to calm down?」’

Aggath said so in a calm voice. As luck would have it, he was locked in the same cell as Arios.

Of course, Mina and Rin were not there with them.

Even though it was only for one duration of the night, it was a matter of course that putting both women and men in the same cell could be all sorts of problematic.

「Do you honestly expect me to stay calm in a situation like this!? I am a Hero, god damn it! To think that someone as great as myself would be put into prison…… Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! That’s the first time in my entire life that I have been humiliated in such a way!」

Arios shook his fists about, his face flushed bright crimson with anger and fury.

Then he shouted out to the guards who were stationed outside of his cell.

「Hey! Is there someone out there!? You need to let me out of here, right this instant! Putting a great Hero such as myself in a cell like this…… Have you all lost your goddamn minds!?」

「Hero-sama, please be quiet, why don’t you? From what we can hear and see, this place suits you really well right about now.」

Arios’s anger swelled even more when the soldiers on guard duty give him a scornful look and said those words in a mocking tone.

But there was nothing that he could possibly do about it. The prison was really sturdy, and as a bonus, there was a barrier inside of it that absorbed all sorts of magic-based abilities and attacks.

So there was no way in which Arios could even remotely hope to break himself free from here.

「Oh, how far the mighty Hero has fallen…… disappointing. Truly disappointing.」

「Why don’t we just keep him locked up like this for life?」

「Haha, that’s a good proposition. You want to make a suggestion to the King tomorrow about that?」


With a loud crunch, Arios banged on the iron bars of the cell’s door.

「Whoa, whoa, whoa there, Arios! You’re making too much noise there! Why don’t you do as Aggath says and calm down a little bit?」

Rin, who was being held in a cell opposite of the one where Arios and Aggath were being placed, opened her mouth to speak.

The men and the women could not be kept together in one cell, so they were separated.

Arios then stared at Rin through the iron bars.

「Do you honestly expect me to stay silent after being treated like this!?」

「Well, of course I also cannot possibly accept being treated like this, but……」

「But this time around, surely……」

Mina followed Rin’s words as she said so awkwardly.

「What? Is there something that you wish to say to me?」

「…… This time around, this is all your fault, Arios.」

Aggath blatantly told Arios something like that.

Arios’ face then turned grim as it was pointed out that he was the reason as to why the entire Hero’s Party was thrown into prison.

「What do you mean by that? You think it’s my fault? Using that Celestial Tribe bitch was something that we all agreed on, isn’t that right!?」

「Yes. And unfortunately, there is no denying that fact.」

「Then why the hell……」

「But this is the first time that we have heard about you killing that Adventurer.」


Arios couldn’t help but stop speaking here, as if he had been hit in a really sore spot.

「If it was just about trying to use that Celestial Tribe for our own devices, I could have been perfectly fine with that. You could have always told the King that you were just trying to bring her to lower her guard down so that you could defeat her…… Or any other similar excuse. But if it was that you killed that Adventurer, then there is no excuse for you anymore. Why did you do that in the first place, huh?」

Aggath asked that question, but……

To a certain extent, it was to be expected.

Arios was a cautious man.

Or rather than being cautious, he had the kind of personality that does not trust others.

Hence, he was probably afraid that the Adventurer would go into the world and blabber about that incident to other people.

That’s why he chose to keep his mouth shut by killing him.

「I…… I don’t feel the need to share my reasoning with you.」

「…… Is that so?」

Although that answer was not something that he had expected to hear, Aggath could only answer in that short and composed way.

His current expression was…… terribly cold and devoid of emotion.

「You know what?」

From the opposite cell, Rin spoke to Arios.

「I know that you probably had your reasons to do this, Arios, but as expected, killing that Adventurer was a bad idea. You should have at least threatened him, shouldn’t you? That would have worked out just as well. Oh well, it’s too late now to talk about that, so we might as well give it a rest……」

「Do you question my actions too, Rin?」

「I mean, the main reason we are in this situation is because you have killed that Adventurer.So yeah, to be perfectly frank here, it’s all your fault, Arios.」

「I have to agree with Rin here. I think that you most definitely could have approached that problem differently.」


One after another, his companions hurled accusations his way, and as expected, it all made Arios flinch in frustration.

It was also then that he realized something. …… Something really important.

Aggath, Rin…… and Mina, too.

All of them were looking at him in a really cold, emotionless and accusatory way.

This is all your fault!

It’s because you did something completely unnecessary!

Those were the things that their gazes were telling him.

「God fucking DAMN IT!!!」

Arios then moved over to his cot, as if to escape from this situation and went straight to sleep.

Every time the situation was going poorly for him or he was faced with a problem, he would opt to run away from it rather than facing it head on.

It was one of Arios’s many bad habits.

However, Arios alone was not to blame for this situation.

Even though the murder of the Adventurer was an unexpected factor here……

Aggath and the others were equally at fault here for agreeing on using Iris.

They either got their hands dirty or they didn’t.

The only difference between the two was that the fundamentals of the events that followed would not really be that much different.

It wouldn’t change the fact that they would do the same thing that Arios did, and if he were to be held accountable for it, then it was a matter of course that they would be held accountable in the same way.

And yet……

Aggat and his friends refused to face their own sins by blaming Arios alone instead for their misfortune.

They looked away and showed with their attitude that they are not to blame for any of this.

Because Arios’s excuses were something that was quite impossible to salvage.

「…… Rin, Mina. Do you have a moment?」

Aggus spoke to the two women, keeping his voice low so that Arios wouldn’t hear him.

「Hm? What is it?」

「Don’t you think Arios has been running way too amok lately?」


Mina stammered for words.

But it would seem that she was thinking the same thing that Aggath was.

「He said we are going to use the Celestial Tribe to our own ends, and then he killed some innocent Adventurer in cold blood…… And if you were to ask me, there’s also a good chance that he was involved in some way when that Demon appeared in Horizon a while back.」

「What, is that for real?」

Aggath nodded quietly to a surprised Rin’s question.

「I don’t know the details and I have no proof to back that theory up, but I strongly suspect that there was more to this incident than meets the eye that was happening behind the scenes.」

「But why would he even do such a thing? The Demons are our enemies! They are the creatures that must be defeated and……」

「I don’t know, and frankly speaking, I don’t care. But it’s the truth that Arios’s recent outbursts have been too much for me to bear. In fact, because of HIS antics, WE ended up being thrown into jail.」

「It’s so smelly and stuffy in here, I can’t stand it.」

「We don’t have time to be stopped on our path like this……」

It was not just Arios’s fault that they were put in prison, it was equally the entire Party’s fault, but……
They didn’t seem to be aware of this, and Rin and Mina played the role of victims and looked exasperated about this entire situation.

「There’s no guarantee that this won’t happen again in the future. But we can’t allow this to happen again. So……… I’m going to keep an eye on Arios from now on.」

「Keep an eye on him, as in…… surveillance?」

「Come to think of it, up until now, Arios was just doing whatever the hell it was that he wanted, without anyone even being able to stop him or oppose him. Because of that, he has grown quite spoiled and he has often taken certain things and situations way too far than it was necessary. The result of that? As you can clearly see. To prevent this from happening ever again, I will monitor Arios’ behavior and if he tries to go too far once more, I will try to stop him.」

「Hmm…… Sounds good to me. I think Aggath can be trusted to do that part. Isn’t he the right man for the job? What do you think, Mina?」

「Well I don’t know how you can keep an eye on Arios, a Hero, when it comes to his actions, but there’s something about Aggath’s’ story that strangely makes sense to me. I understand. I agree with you two.」

「It’s settled, then. I’d like to speak with you regularly in the future without Arios’s presence. Making a Surveillance Report, if you would like to call it that way. Is that okay with you?」

「Yeah, yeah, sure.」

「I understand.」

And thus, the decision was made to monitor the actions of their fellow Party member, something that was quite unthinkable for any normal party out there.

There is no longer such thing as companionship for the Hero’s Party.

There was only doubt, cold calculation and self-preservation instincts kicking in.

It was another step closer in the direction of the Hero’s Party collapsing completely……

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