Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 191


「Good…… morning?」



In the morning I woke up to find Sora and Luna in the living room.

I called out to them, but there was no response.

They were just standing there, staring daggers at each other.

「…… Sora? …… Luna?」

「…… Oh? Oh, Rein.」

「Good morning.」

When I called out to the two of them again, they finally seemed to notice me and returned my greetings.

However, the two of them immediately resumed their staring contest as if I was not there in the first place.

Could it be that they were…… quarreling about something?

「Sora won’t forgive this crime! I can’t believe you, Luna! How could you eat the pudding that Sora had saved for herself for so long!」

「And I’m telling you, I did not eat it! Besides, if you were to ask me, Sora! You were the one who ate my honey sandwiches, didn’t you!?」

「Sora doesn’t do things like eating people’s snacks! Or rather, don’t change the subject here!」

「I didn’t change the subject! It’s Sora’s fault!」



…… From that short interaction, I think that I can understand what is going on here. At least a part of it.

These two are so simple and easy to understand at times.

「Alright, alright, that’s enough, you two.」

I said while coming in between the two of them.

「I have been listening to you and I think I generally understand the situation. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous that you are fighting over such a trivial thing as snacks?」


「O-Ohh…… Alright……」

The two of them snapped at me sharply and I couldn’t help it but to flinch strongly.

Even though they were fighting over such a trivial thing, they were still in perfect sync with one another…… As you would expect of twins, I guess.


I wouldn’t be all that wise to leave things as they are……

So if that’s the case……

「Sora, Luna. Why don’t you come with me for a walk?」

I invited them both to go for a walk in order to somehow defuse the situation.

The idea was that if they were to work together, they might eventually return to being on good terms with one another, just like twin sisters should be.

「Sure thing, but…… Does Luna have to go with us?」

「Yeah, same thing! Does Sora really have to go, too……?」

「I really want to go on that walk with the two of you. Is that a problem?」

「I mean…… If that’s what you want, Rein.」

「Then I guess that there’s no helping it. We will have to be patient as we fulfill your wish and go out with you.」

After I managed to obtain the approval of both twin sisters, the three of us went out for a walk for a little bit.

Going around the perimeter of the house…… That would be way too lonely to just do something like that, so let’s take a stroll around the city for the time being.

We descended down the hill and went into the residential area of the city.

Passing through the residential area, we came out to one of many town’s squares.

「Hmm~~…… The morning breeze sure feels nice.」’

Sora looked rather pleased with herself as she stretched her arms gingerly.

「Yeah, that’s true. The morning breeze feels so goo….. I mean, no, it’s not! This morning air is rather stale, I tell you! Absolutely stale! What is wrong with you for enjoying this, Sora!?」

「Muh, aren’t you the weird one here, Luna? It’s such a nice morning.」

「Hmph! You are the weird one here, Sora! I’m sure that your senses are just as twisted as your personality is!」

「What did you say?」

「Huh!? What was that!? You looking for a fight, punk!?」

「Alright, alright, you two. Stop.」

I guess that the moment I take my eyes off of them, they will start quarreling once again.

That’s a huge problem.

I have to somehow make it up to the two of them by standing in between them.

That’s what I initially thought, but……


「Rein, now let’s go that way! I’m sure that there’s going to be a whole lot of beautiful scenery there!」

「Nevermind that for now, Rein! How about we go and get ourselves some snacks to eat? I can smell something really delicious coming from that direction.」

「Seriously, Luna? Is food the only thing that you can ever think of?」

「I don’t want to hear that coming from a glutton who gorges on sweets so much every single day. Especially those that do not belong to her.」

「What did you just say?」

「Huh!? Wanna go!? Is that it!?」


「It’s really nice to be able to take a walk like this…… Well, it’s only a shame that we have some third wheel tagging along.」

「Hmm. Did you mean me by that nasty remark?」

「No, I haven’t said a word about that. But if you think so, then isn’t that what you think I meant?」

「Mmmuuuhhh……. If there’s a third wheel here, then it’s you, Sora! Besides, I’m sure that Rein would have even more fun if he was alone with me here!」

「That’s not true! I’m sure Rain would like to be alone with Sora more than he wants to be with Luna!」

「No! It’s Sora who is getting in the way here!」

「No, it’s you, Luna!」

「What did you say!?」

「Wanna go!? Wanna take this one outside, punk!?」


「Since it’s morning, so it’s a bit chilly…… Rein, can I cuddle to your side for a bit? Sora would like to partake to your warmth.」

「H-Hey! That’s not fair! Luna also wants to cuddle with Rein!」

「Fufufu! First come, first served, as they say! I guess that a loser like Luna is bound to just stay here in the cold, freezing and shivering on your own!」

「I will not allow that to happen! Sora, you sneaky little bugger! Rein, please come here!」

「No, Rein will come closer to Sora!」

「Nuh-uh! He will come to me!」

「Nuh-uh! Me!」

「G-Guys!? Could you stop pulling on me so much left and right!? It’s getting increasingly harder to walk like that!」




I took both of them out for a walk with the intention of making up after their quarrel, but I might have actually made things even worse than they were.

Just what am I supposed to do in this situation……?

「What did you just say!?」

「Wanna go!? Wanna go, HUH!?」

While I was thinking about this, Sora and Luna started arguing once more.

As Sora and Luna were glaring at each other, I could almost see sparks and thunderbolts flying in between them.

Watching the two of them doing this over and over again……

I was actually starting to get a little bit angry.

I was trying so hard to get them to reconcile, and all these two were doing was fighting and fighting…… I just about had it.

I know that up until now I was trying to use the carrot out of principle, but I guess that when someone is acting like a spoiled little brat, it is also necessary to employ the stick.

「Alright, that’s enough!」


When I let out a loud voice, Sora and Luna freaked out and stopped arguing on the spot.

「So…… How do you two feel right now?」

「…… Huh? How are we feeling……?」

「Just answer the question. How do you feel now? Is it fun to keep fighting with your sister? Aren’t you getting tired of it by now? Do you still want to fight some more?」

「Ugh…… That’s……」

Both Sora and Luna looked down, as if they had been hit in a sore spot.

「You both know that there’s no point in you continuing to do this, don’t you?」

「But Luna……」

「But Sora……」

「You know, it’s really okay to be stubborn like that. But you need to realize, the longer you strain things like that, the harder it will be for the two of you to make up later. Not to mention, is there really any sense at all for you to be fighting? You have always been together, but now you are slowly drifting more and more apart. Are you really okay with that? I mean, if you really hate one another so much that you can’t stand to look at each other’s faces, then I guess that’s fine, but……」

「That’s not true!」

When I dared to say something that would push both of them further away from one another away, Luna immediately countered my argument.

「True, I might be angry, but…… But still, there is no way that I would hate Sora so much that I wouldn’t even want to see her face ever again!」

「…… Luna……」

「For what it’s worth, I don’t hate Sora, okay? There’s no way I’m going to hate you…… And I…… Well, I mean…… I like you, very much……」

「…… For the record, it’s not that I hate you, either. We are twin sisters at the end of the day, so I really feel the same way that you do, iff not even stronger at times…… But it’s not just that…… How can I possibly say this…… I really want to be with you. Because I really like you, Luna.」

「So then, let’s make up.」

Finally, I was able to bring out the real feelings in both of them.

If they get this far, they don’t need me anymore.

「…… Luna……」

「…… Sora……」

They looked at each other.

「「I’m sorry!!」」

At the same time, they lowered their heads in apology.

…… And thus, the the fight between the twin sisters had ended.


「By the way……. In the end, who was the bad guy who ate Sora and Luna’s precious snacks?」

「Fumuh, it’s a complete mystery…… If neither Sora nor Luna are at fault, then……」

We went back home trying to solve the mystery that was still unsolved……

「Nyaa~♪ The pudding and honey sandwich I ate earlier were so delicious…… I wonder if there’s still any left?」


「Nya, nyan!?」

As if to avenge their eaten snacks, Sora and Luna unleashed a volley of magical attacks onto Kaande without holding anything back.

As a result of that, Kanade was going to be given a painful spanking so that she would learn her lesson.

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