Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 196 Part 1


「…… Huh?」

All of a sudden, Tanya’s eyes rolled back in her head when she was told that the authorities were going to arrest her.

I think I had a very similar look on my face right about now.

Could it be that this was some sort of unfunny joke that Stella came up with on the spot?

…… But this was not a joke. The look on Stella’s face was extremely serious just now.

The two knights who seemed to be her direct subordinates also had their hands on the hilts of their swords, so that they could pull them out and apprehend Tanya at any moment, and then they moved in to surround Tanya from both sides.

「Wait a minute, are you actually being serious right now? What did I do? Why do you want to arrest me?」

Tanya said those words while her mood took a sudden turn to the worse. I mean, it was a small wonder, especially since she was told that she is being arrested completely out of the blue like that.

And her anger was so strong that you could almost see it and feel it seeping out of her body right now.

Although the two knights who seemed to be Stella’s subordinates were frightened by Tanya’s angry aura……

As expected, Stella continued to point her sword at Tanya without any signs of trepidation or backing down.

「Oh, I’m serious about this, let me assure you. Now then, will you go quietly to the Knights’ Order’s quarters with me, or do we need this thing to turn ugly?」

「Hmph…… I don’t know what that is all about, but you seem to be serious about this.」

Tanya’s eyes tightened into thin slits, as she was gazing at Stella like some kind of predator.

「But you know, you need to learn that if you want to force someone to do something, you need to at least have the muscle behind your words. Because if you think that you can force me into compliance here, then let me inform you that you are way more stupid than you look. So how about I give you all a nice thrashing to get those stupid notions out of your heads once and for all, and……」

「Whoa, whoa, whoa now!」

I hurriedly stopped Tanya from getting into a combat stance and starting a fight in the middle of the city.

「H-Hey, what are you doing, Rein!? Why are you stopping me all of a sudden!?」

「Don’t do something as stupid as picking a fight with the authorities in broad daylight! And in the middle of the city, no less! Also, we need to hear what happened first, before we are going to result to violence.」

「I don’t need to hear any explanation here, since I know it’s going to be stupid and crazy. Didn’t you hear her? She wants to arrest me!」

Tanya turned away from me while pouting.

It looks like she was angry in her own way because she was told she was going to be arrested completely out of the blue, and without being given any sort of explanation or reasoning behind it.

It’s not like I was unable to understand her feelings here, but……

I wish she would just calm down a little bit more before doing anything else.

I swear, Tanya’s actions are always about jumping from one extreme to another.

After calming Tanya down, I turned towards Stella next.

「For the time being, we are going to accompany you guys, okay? So why don’t you tell us what is going on here while we are on the way to the Knights’ Order’s quarters? If you can do that, we are going to go quietly.」

「Mmm. That’s alright with me. We were going to explain it to you on the way there in the first place.」

Hmph, I don’t know about that. You looked pretty dead-set on dragging us there by force, if you were to ask me.」

「Tanya, please don’t be so cynical here. It’s not helping.」


Alongside the still pouting Tanya we followed the Knights into their headquarters.

We walked into the building itself and then followed to one of the private rooms located there.

Fortunately it was not an interrogation room, but rather one of the guest rooms equipped with various everyday furniture.

So that was already promising that the talk would go into the right direction.

I sat alongside Tanya on the sofa that had been prepared for us.

Across the table, Stella sat down in front of us.

Her subordinate knights from earlier were standing at her sides, ready to receive orders at a moment’s notice.

「So…… What in the world is this all about?」

「Yes, well, actually…… It’s not easy for me to say this to you, but…… The truth is, there has been a plethora of Dragon sightings lately around the city. And not only have people seen the Dragon, but there have been cases where they have been attacked by the Dragon as well.」

At that moment both Tanya and I looked at one another.

Could it have something to do with what happened just a few minutes ago?

But still, there was a whole lot of questions that needed to be asked here.

「But we haven’t heard anything about that at the Adventurers’ Guild……」

「That’s because the Guild and the Knights’ Order are still in the middle of ironing out a common policy about what to do with that fact. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, so we are keeping it under wraps for now. But it’s only expected here: if a word gets out that a Dragon has appeared and is attacking people, it could cause a massive panic. We need to be very careful about how we proceed from this point forward.」

「I see.」

「And just like that…… We have come to the conclusion about our future policies regarding the Dragon. We, the Knights and the Adventurers’ Guild, have decided to catch the culprit before even more damage is to be done.」

「Hey, wait a minute! Is that the reason why you want to arrest me!? Just because you want to make yourselves look good!?」

「Y-Yes, you see, about that…… We are deeply sorry for jumping into conclusions like that, but you must understand, you are the only member of the Dragon Tribe known to be living in the vicinity of Horizon. That’s why the state took the easy way out and ordered us to arrest you on the spot……」

「I’m actually beyond shocked here…… So you would just accuse me of being the culprit of some random crimes just because I’m a Dragon Tribe, without even bothering to properly check the facts? That’s just outrageous!」

Tanya was of course furious upon learning of the reasons behind her arrest warrant……

But I could actually kind of understand where Stella was coming from with that logic of hers.

Most probably, Stella does not think that Tanya is the one who is attacking people, either.

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