Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 200


Tina’s plan was rather simple.

We knew that the Dragon imposter was mainly targeting normal people.

But if that was the case, then we could make ourselves look like ordinary people and lure the Dragon into a trap.

First of all, we used Sora and Luna’s magic to erase Kanade’s cat ears and tail temporarily.

Furthermore, they cast a spell that made Kanade look like someone else entirely.

And what’s even more, just to be on the safe side, they used Luna’s magic to make Kanade’s power, or rather, her aura and presence, imperceptible to everyone around her..

Thus, Kanade, who became a ‘normal person’ for the time being, would walk through the mountains alone……

As we watched her carefully from the distance.

And then……

Tina’s plan worked exactly as intended, and the Dragon appeared in front of Kanade before long.

「For the crime of pretending to be Tanya and committing evil deeds, prepare yourself to receive a good spanking!」

Kanade forcefully swept away the Dragon’s paw.

It was a move that could not have been done by anyone other than the Cat Spirit Tribe, who excelled at possessing incredible physical prowess.

And then Kanade would jump in the air.

And then she simply delivered a mighty kick right to the Dragon’s jaw.


The Dragon screamed under the sheer force of this powerful blow.

No matter how sturdy its scales were, they could not counteract the sheer and raw power of the Cat Spirit Tribe.

The impact was transmitted inside of its body, causing it a steady stream of damage.

「Alright! Let’s go!」

It was at this moment that the rest of us, who had been only watching from the sidelines until just now, decided to charge right in.

「「“Dragoon Howling!”」」

Sora and Luna cast their magic at the same time.

A shockwave was released from their hands and swallowed the Dragon instantly.

It was a high-level magic attack cast by two members of the Spirit Tribe.

Normally, this blow would have been enough to settle the fight in a flash, but……


Our enemy here was also the member of the Ultimate Species, so there was no way that a single attack of such a scale would be more than enough to take it out. It would have been just way too easy.

Even though the Dragon showed signs of taking damage, it still wouldn’t fall down to the ground.

Instead, it spread out its huge wings as if to intimidate us all and……

It opened its blade-like fang-lined mouth and shot out a series of fireballs out of it right at us!

「Fufun! Naive! Too naive!!!」

Tina took out a stick-like object from the ground and covered it entirely with her own magic power.

She then stood in front of the approaching fireballs……

「Right back at ya — !!!」

And won’t you look at that, she was able to strike the fireballs right back at the Dragon!

As expected, this development seems to be more than a little bit unexpected for the Dragon, as it failed to dodge the incoming fireballs and just took them all head-on, taking a decent bit of damage.

However, it did not seem as there would be any dumb developments here such as the Dragon getting done in by its own fireball attacks.

Sure, it staggered a few steps back as a result, but that was about it.

「We are not going to lose, either!」

I shouted, ejecting a wire from Narukami and tangling it around the Dragon’s neck in a flash.

Once it was confirmed that the wire would stick, I kept it tangled just like that as I started to reel it back in.

As the wire was coiled up and dragged back in, my body started to go into the air softly.

And then I jumped.

As a result, I landed on the Dragon’s back.

「Guh!? You! Get off of me!!!」

「Oh, I don’t think I will!」

I’m not a fool to pass up an opportunity quite like that.

Since the Dragon did not want me to stay in its back like that, it must have had a reason for that, so I was going to do just that.

Besides, since the Dragon and I are still connected by Narukami’s wire, there is no way for me to be able to fall off of its back.

So I swung my Kamui down while adjusting my position on top of the rampaging Dragon’s back.


But as expected, Kamui was unable to wound the Dragon because its scales were as hard as steel plates.

Without the help of everyone else, Kamui is nothing more than a high-performance dagger, and nothing else.

It’s going to be difficult for me to do any major damage with it like that.

「Then how about this!? ”Fireball Multi-Shot”!!!」

I aimed at the Dragon’s wings and shot out multiple fireballs at them.

The flames burned the Dragon’s wings with a loud sizzle.

The Dragon screamed and flailed more violently than ever before.

Narukami’s wires reached the limit of their durability at that moment and snapped with a loud sound.

I hurriedly jumped and took shelter from the Dragon before being shaken off of its back.

「You little maggots…… I’m not going to let you do as you please anymore!!」

The Dragon stared at me with bloodshot eyes.

Apparently, our actions must have provoked it to get serious.

In order to prove Tanya’s innocence, I have to make this thing confess its crimes somehow.

So this means that we cannot simply take it down just like that.

That’s why I was naturally going to go easy on it here……

But it would seem that the battle would be increasingly more difficult because of that.

「I’m going to obliterate you all with this!」

The Dragon opened its mouth wide.

Next, bright particles of light started to converge deep inside of its mouth.

「W-Whoa there! This is bad!」

Realizing what was about to hit us, I started to escape in a hurry.

「Too late for that! Let’s see how you handle this!!!」

A deadly Dragon Breath attack was unleashed on us.

There was no time for me to escape.

Then, should I just intercept it somehow?

Since Kanade is right beside me……

But then…… Just as I was thinking that, a small shadow stepped forward.

It was Nina.

Nina faced the approaching Dragon Breath with a dignified look on her face.

And then……


Nina made a gesture as if she was stroking the air right in front of her.

Then a crack appeared in that space, opening a path that was most probably leading inside of her pocket dimension.

Dragon Breath was sucked into that subspace….

And it simply disappeared without harming us.

「What the…… What did you just do!?」

「I just…… used my Pocket Dimension to…… swallow up…… your Dragon’s Breath……」

「N-No way!? That’s preposterous! How can you possibly block deadly attacks such as my Dragon Breath with something as measly as that!?」

The Dragon was visibly upset with that explanation.

Well, I would be upset, too, if I was in her shoes.

Nina…… When did she even learn to use a technique like that……?

Don’t tell me this is an application of the technique she showed us just the other day, when she was looking for that lost ring?

Throwing the enemy’s attack into a pocket dimension, negating it just like that……

Wasn’t that actually an ability that was almost Cheat-level?

「“Lightning Strike!” ”Tempest Strike!”」

Not intending to miss this opening, Sora cast two spells at the same time.

Thunderstrike and a violent storm broke out at the same time, converting at the Dragon’s huge body.

「And then! “Freeze Strike”!!! For a good measure!」

Without a moment’s pause, Luna also unleashes her magic.

It was a combination that only twin sisters such as them could possibly achieve.

Seemingly strengthened by magic, a huge ice cage enveloped the Dragon in an instant.

The dragon rampaged and tried to destroy the cage, but huge icicles would gush out at it one after another.

Unable to escape, the Dragon was simply stuck inside of the ice cage.


「On it!」

When Kanade looked at me, I knew exactly what she wanted me to do.

So I did it immediately.


Using my magic, I raised Kanade’s physical abilities to their limit.


Kanade jumped high in the sky.

She spun around and fell down…….

「This is…… the end!!!」

She slammed a powerful blow that carried her falling and rotating speeds straight into the Dragon’s forehead.


The Dragon seemed unable to even move properly right now, as it only staggered limply for a moment or two, illegible sounds escaping from its mouth……

And then it just collapsed to the ground on the spot.

It was bleeding profusely from its forehead, but at the very least it was still alive.

It seemed to just be passed out, its arms and legs twitching uncontrollably.

「Alright! We won! Victory!」

Kanade chuckled and struck a triumphant pose on the spot.

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