Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 201


「「“Earth Bind!!”」」

Sora and Luna chanted their magic at the same time.

In response, the earth rose up and swallowed the fallen Dragon.

The soil would tangle with its legs, its arms and its wings in a matter of seconds.

And one moment later..

The Dragon was swallowed by the earth completely, only bits and pieces of its body sticking out from the black and brown soil.

Not only that, but this soil was being reinforced by Sora and Luna’s immense magic power.

So no matter what that Dragon would try to do here, it would be unable to get out from its earthly prison anytime soon.

「Kukukukuku…… Now it’s time for us to have some fun! I wonder just how long are you going to last while we torture you for precious intel!」

Luna said that with a really nasty glare in her eyes.

This might sound bad here, but that kind of look really suited her.

「What are you doing, Luna!? Don’t call this process torture! This is going to be an interrogation, remember? An interrogation!」

「Hm? Is that right?」

Hearing her older sister’s remark, Luna asked as if she had no idea that this was going to be the case right from the very beginning.

And judging from her tone, she was really quite confident that she was going to conduct some torture here.

Does that mean that Luna wanted to torture this Dragon so badly?

That’s actually really scary when you think about it calmly.

「Say, Tina? This “torture” thingy…… What’s that……?」

「You don’t need to know, Nina. It’s way too soon for someone like you to take a dip in the nasty side of the world.」

Yeah, I guess that we simply cannot leave this interrogation to Luna alone. That would be really bad for Nina’s education.

So I stepped forward.

Then, I lightly shook the Dragon’s head, trying to figure out if it was conscious or not.

「Hey, wake up.」

「…… U-Ugh……」

I shook its head a few more times, and before long the Dragon slowly opened its eyes.

Good, it seems that it was not out cold, and that it only suffered a minor concussion.

「T-This place…… It is……?」

「Kuahahahaha!!! Now tremble in fear, for your life is in our hands now! So you see, whether you keep living or drop dead on the spot, it all depends on our moods now! So I would think about what you are going to say to us very carefully if you know what’s good for…… Fughyah!?」

「Rein is going to take care of it. You, do not interfere.」

「D-Did you seriously hit me just now…… It hurts so much…… Sob, sob……」

Even though Luna was royally pissed at Sora, she stepped down without throwing that much of a fuss about it.
I felt a little sorry for her, but since she would really be getting in my way if she was to keep up that act, I decided that we had no other choice and that it simply could not be helped.

「Ahh…… Look, I do realize just how this whole situation looks, but could you please pay that little skit just now no mind? More importantly, there are a whole bunch of things that I would like to ask you, if you don’t mind……」

「Hmph! I don’t have anything to say to the likes of you! Even less seeing that you are human!」

The Dragon stared at me with pure hostility in its eyes.

Now, I don’t remember doing anything that would make me the enemy of the Dragon Tribe, so could it be that this Dragon disliked humans in general? That seemed to be the case here.

The look in its eyes was as sharp as a blade.

There was also a very slight tinge of madness that could be felt in her words.

「Well then, since Rein is a no-go, would you like to maybe talk to me?」

「A Cat Spirit Tribe, huh……?」

Hearing that, the Dragon’s overall demeanor softened a little bit.

Apparently, it was only people who it saw as its enemies.

「Recently, you were stealing the identity of our beloved Tanya and committed a bunch of crimes in the process. Why did you do something like that?」

「…… It was for the sake of our justice.」

「Nyah? Justice?」

That Dragon assumed Tanya’s name and resolved to do evil things while doing so.

How can doing something like that be called justice?

Kanade nodded her head as if she didn’t understand that, either.

The Dragon then spoke to Kanade as if she was the only one who was in its presence right now.

「The daughter of the Cat Spirit Tribe. Surely because you are who you are, you will be able to understand my words. Surely you will be able to understand the notion of our justice.」

「Nyah…… What? What do you mean by “our justice”?」

「It means our pride.」

It said it quite clearly.

The eyes of the Dragon seemed to be drunk with the power of its own words.

「We are the Ultimate Species. One of the most powerful creatures in existence. We have an incomparable amount of power compared to humans and other species out there, and we reign at the top of the entire ecosystem.

「W-Well yeah…… I guess that in a manner of speaking, you do that.」

Apparently, Dragon Tribe takes a whole lot of pride in the fact that even amongst the Ultimate Species they are considered to be the strongest.

Just how superior they were when compared to others?

Just how precious they were when compared to others?

The Dragon would speak of those things fluently and clearly.

Kanade, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to think that way at all, and she would just casually nod her head from time to time.

Apparently it was not just Kanade herself, but the entire Cat Spirit Tribe was not at all a prideful bunch.

Instead, they would prioritize having fun and good times with their friends and families.

「We, the Dragon Tribe, are the existences that must be revered by humans. We must never be placed on equal footing as humans. And yet…… And yet……! That little wench Tanya sold out her pride as a Dragon Tribe by cozying up to humans!」

「I mean, Tanya seems to have a whole bunch of pride going on about her, right?」

「So, you mean to say that it’s not her own quirk, but rather the trait of the entire species?」

Sora and Luna started to gossip in a rude manner behind the Dragon’s back, but for all intents and purposes it would seem that the Dragon was unable to hear them.

So, seemingly not caring about others, the Dragon continued to talk.

「That little wench got along with humans by doing so she disgraced the pride of our entire Dragon Tribe. I can’t allow something like that to happen. I will not not allow something like that to happen!!!

The Dragon’s eyes were now blazing with anger.

It said that it could not forgive Tanya for what she had done……

Could it be that this Dragon…… by any chance……?

Somehow, I was starting to piece together the true agenda behind that Dragon’s actions.

And that agenda would actually be……

「Therefore, we have decided that a sufficient punishment was in order here.」

「So what? Was that punishment tarnishing Tanya’s good name by committing a bunch of crimes while stealing her identity?」

「That’s right.」

The Dragon nodded its head quietly at Kanade’s question.

「We are going to crush all of the humans that little wench cares about into bloody paste! By doing that, we will be able to restore the honor and pride of the Dragon Tribe! That’s what we are here for!」

「Nyaaah…… How could you come up with something so stupid and yet sound so serious about it?」

「How dare you call the matter of our pride stupid!? We, the Dragon Tribe, are not some little and insignificant creatures that are going to ally ourselves with humans! We’re the most powerful of all Ultimate Species! Why should we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with someone so vulnerable and inferior to us!? Humans should learn their place already and bow their heads to us!」

「Rein. Can I smash that thing’s head in? Pretty please?」

「I know how you feel, but please don’t do it.」

Kanade was visibly grumpy, huge and blue veins twitching and quivering at her temples.

Everyone else seemed to be feeling the same way.

It’s not really that hard to understand how Kanade feels, but……

That won’t change anything.

「…… There is a whole lot I would like to say about that pride of yours, but oh well.」

Beating the stuffing out of that Dragon would hardly even accomplish anything here. It would just be in vain.

Kanade seemed to understand this, and she lowered her fist, showing a complicated expression.

「Anyways, all those silly schemes of yours end here. We are going to turn you in to the Knights Order and be done with you.」

「…… Hmph. Do whatever you like with me.」

Hmm, that’s strange.

The Dragon was acting too docile and quiet, even though it was supposed to be so hostile towards humans.

If someone who hates humans was to be captured by humans, it would stand to reason that it would resist us like all hell……

I had a really bad feeling about this.

Think about it.

This Dragon’s purpose is to deceive humans and undermine Tanya’s name.

…… But is that really all there is to it?

This Dragon should be hostile to all people.

It believes that the pride of the Dragon Tribe has been tarnished by Tayna who allied herself with humans.

And because its resentment towards humans was so strong, I don’t really think that it would be possible to reason with it.

Right now, it seems that they were only active for the purpose of deceiving people and tarnishing Tanya’s name, but……

I don’t think that’s the end of it.

I think it would have eventually gotten out in the open itself and attack people in blind rage.

It wouldn’t even be that weird to think that this Dragon would think of attacking the city of Horizon.

All so that it could punish those who apparently defiled the pride of the Dragon Tribe.

That should be its ultimate goal, but…… Hmm?

Wait…… did it say “our”? Or “us”?

「…… Huh!? Oh no, this is bad! Everyone! We need to hurry up and get back to the city!」

「Nyah? Rein, what’s going on?」


Kanade looked at me curiously.

And then…… the Dragon laughed maniacally.

「Oh, so you noticed, huh? You’re very perceptive for a lowly human.」

「What? What do you mean?」

「This one is not alone here!」


「It said “we”. So the culprit was never alone! There are more than one! At the very least!」

「No way!?」


The Dragon laughed, as if our panicked appearance was irresistibly amusing to it.

「You’re right! I have got more of my brethren here with me!」

「Where are they!?」

「They’re probably back in your town by now. They will be punishing that little wench and all those damned humans before long!」

I was careless.

I can’t believe I blindly assumed that the enemy was only a single Dragon.

I should have thought about it more and gathered more information.

With a thorough investigation, we would have found out that there were more than one Dragon here.

But we were in such a hurry to free Tanya from house arrest as soon as possible that we didn’t do much in the name of research at all……

…… But it’s too late for regrets now.

Right now we need to do what we can!

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