Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 204 Part 2


Tanya had taken a fair amount of damage from Gothus’ attack just now, but……

Strangely enough, right about now she was feeling a surge of newly found strength inside of her.

Watching the fighting Adventurers, the pain would disappear from her body and vanish somewhere else entirely.

She also smiled without even realizing that herself.

And then Tanya would rejoin the offensive!

「Now it’s my turn!」

Tanya decided to partially lift her transformation magic and unleashed the wings on her back.

She then soared high into the sky.

Then, accumulating the magic power inside of her body, she swooped down in an instant.

The blow that she delivered in that fashion was literally like the wrath of the Heavens themselves.

It was a divine blow that punishes the arrogant idea that the Dragon in front of her was supposed to be the strongest.

As if to cut through the wind itself, Tanya struck a drop kick onto Gothus from directly above!


It was a blow that shattered his scales to pieces, and they were supposed to be harder than any steel.

Tanya’s blow even managed to reach the core of Gothus’s body.

Crushing his bones, Tanya could feel a solid response in place where her blow managed to connect.

「Guh……. W-What is this…… What is that power……!?」

Gothus barely managed to step up, his body swaying from one side to another, looking about ready to collapse at any moment now.

However, he seemed to have no strength left in his body and was staggering dizzily more and more.

Tanya cast a quick glance at the Adventurers……

「As to what the source of my “Power” really is…… I don’t think that you would ever be able to understand it……」

With a wry smile on her lips, she said something like that.


「Well then, what do you want to do now? Do you want to continue? I think we can both go a little bit longer here, but the longer this fight lasts, the harder it is going to become for us. Since we are both members of the same Dragon Tribe, I would like to finish this fight peacefully, without thrashing you some more, but……」

「Stop screwing with me! There’s no way I’m going to retreat from a place like this!!! not after this humiliation……!」

Gothus howled in anger.

To him, this was a battle where he would put his pride as a member of the Dragon Tribe on the line.

So for him, to retreat would be synonymous with admitting that his notion of Dragon Tribe’s pride was nothing but a mistake.

It would be the same as admitting that Tanya was the one who was in the right all along.

There was no way that he could possibly do something like that.

Even if it meant that he was to fall here, there was no other choice for him right here than to keep on going.

But there was no way that he would allow himself to fall here.

If he wouldn’t condemn the foolish Tanya here who chose to side herself with the humans, he wouldn’t be able to live peacefully with himself.

……..What Gothus held in his chest was not a mere stubborn pride.

It was no longer something that should be called pride. It was only a burning obsession.

In order to find a chance for him to be able to win this, Gothus quickly ran his eyes over the current situation and his immediate surroundings, analyzing the current situation.

And then……

「Don’t move.」


Gothus stretched out his tail and caught the child who had been sneaking around to watch the fight from afar this entire time.

It was the girl that Tanya had saved earlier.

Tania was so shocked and surprised that she came to an immediate halt.

「You bastard! How could you……!?」

「I-I’m sorry, Onee-chan…… I was worried about you, so I…… I…… Hyiih!?」

The girl’s voice quivered in fear as the Dragon’s tail tightened around her body.

「Surely you know what happens if you move even an inch right now, don’t you?」

「Talk about a cliched line of a third-rate villain. Where did that precious Pride of the Dragon Tribe of yours go, huh!?」

「Hmph! Call it what you want! It doesn’t change a thing! As long as I can win this, it is all worth it, I say!」

「You bastard……!」

「Whoa there! I told you not to move, didn’t I?」


The girl made a pained sound and Tanya stopped her body from jumping forward in order to try and save her.

Immediately after that……

Gothus raised his paw and brought it right down, crushing Tanya underneath it.


After taking a serious damage with that blow just now, Tanya let out a loud and pained scream.


「You bastard!!!」

The Knights and the Adventurers readied their arms and tried to rush forward and help Tanya, but then……

Gothus moves his tail and tightens the grip over the girl’s small body.

They had to save Tanya.

But they couldn’t possibly let that child die because of that.

The knights and Adventurers stopped in their tracks, powerless to do anything.

「Kuh, you bastard……!」

「It is precisely because of the Dragon Tribe members like you that we cannot coexist with humans……」

「Shut up.」


Gothus put a lot of pressure on his front leg.

And since it was in the form of a stomping motion, this move was putting even more pressure on Tanya’s entire body.

There was a loud cracking sound that could be heard all over Tanya’s body.

「I could stomp you down like a bug if I wanted to.」

「Why… you… little……!」

「But I can’t bear to lay a hand on my own kin. This is your last chance. Relinquish those stupid ideas of your and become obedient to us. Do that, and I MIGHT let you live.」

「I… refuse……」

Tanya answered without hesitation.
She didn’t even have to think about it.

Tanya’s words were loud and clear.

「I’m never going to listen to someone like you…… Unlike your stubborn ass, I have grown pretty fond of humans, you know……? That is why…… I am going to keep on coexisting with them…… and that is…… my pride!!!」

Spitting blood from her mouth, Tanya stared at Gothus and said so forcefully.

There was a strong light of will in her eyes, not unlike that of Gothus and other Dragons.

Gossus almost took a step back in light of those eyes, even though he did that unconsciously.

A Dragon Tribe member that had lived a hundred years was being pressured by a girl who hadn’t lived for even twenty years.

「G-Guuuhhh…… Enough! Enough is enough! If you want to die so badly, then die with the people you love so much!!!」’

Gothus barked and then opened his mouth.

In the next moment.

「No, you are going to die.」

A cold voice like that of the Grim Reaper’s resounded across the area, and Gothus’s tail was slashed off.

The one who slashed at Gothus’s tail was…….. Rein.

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