Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 205 Part 1


「Whoa there, watch it now.」


With the Dragon’s tail being severed from its huge body, the now freed girl was left hanging in the air with nothing to support her.

Seeing that, Kanade, who had been holding onto my hand until now so that I could infuse Kamui with her Cat Spirit Tribe power, jumped out in the air and caught the girl firmly in her arms.

And shortly after Kanade landed on the ground and the girl’s safety was secured,

「「“Aero Cannon”!!!」」

Sora and Luna chanted their magic without a moment’s delay.

What shot out from their hands were two huge shells of extremely dense and compressed air, and they landed on the Dragon’s body without missing its mark.


With a direct hit like that, the Dragon was instantly blown away while letting out a loud roar from its mouth.



Nina focused her magic power and opened the entrance to her pocket dimension right under the place where now freed Tanya was also falling down.

Falling and unable to move, Tanya was swallowed up by Nina’s pocket dimension and she disappeared from our sights, as if she had been devoured without a trace.

The knights and Adventurers around us were clearly shocked and held their breaths with understandable anticipation, but……

Not long after, that, there was another pocket dimension entrance that was opened near Nina’s feet, and Tanya appeared through that portal, looking safe and unharmed.

So the rescue operation here was a resounding success.

After going through Suzu-san’s training and the fight with Iris not so long ago, Nina’s skills with using her pocket dimension were getting better and better with each day.

Right now, she was able to connect her pocket dimension’s entrance and exit to two distant and remote locations, and swallow a specific object and move it to another location in a flash, like she demonstrated right now.

As expected of a member of the Ultimate Species.

That sheer rate of her growth was actually amazing.

I honestly think that out of all of us, Nina’s growth has been the greatest and the most apparent.

「You little wench…… What was that!? What did you just do!?」

The Dragon, who had regained his stance and composure, glared at us sharply.

He seems to be very angry because his tail, a symbol of his might and the thing that he used to be most boastful about, was slashed off of its body just like that, and his eyes were beaming with anger.


Did you honestly think that you are the only one who is furious here?

I cast a quick glance over at Nina’s side.

There was Tanya, laying there with her body all bruised up and in tatters, being held up by Nina and Tina who started to give her immediate attention.

I can’t believe that there was someone in this world who would be able to do something like this to Tanya.

If you are going to hurt my precious friends like that for no apparent reason……

I will never forgive you for that! You are going to pay!

「No way! There is just no way in hell that a mere human being should be able to cut off my precious tail like that……!!!」


Although that Dragon was apparently spouting some bullshit from his mouth, I largely ignored it all.

I then cast a physical enhancement spell on myself without a moment of delay.

As a result, my body became as light as a feather.

I stepped lightly on the spot to check the general feeling of my current body……

And then I charged forward.


First, I kicked the Dragon to its massive jaw.

Using the fact that the bottom of the Dragon’s mouth was not covered in scales to my advantage, even a mere kick like that would be able to inflict at least some amount of damage to it.

With the same momentum that I managed to build up from my charge, I dove into the Dragon’s abdomen and struck the part of its belly that was also free from the scales’ protection.

But this place, even though it was not protected by scales, was still relatively hard to penetrate with my attack.

So the moment I landed my blow in it, it felt more as if I was punching a thick layer of rubber rather than a layer of flesh.

Nevertheless, I continued to attack with all of my might without bothering to stop or considering other options.

I threw a punch.

I landed a kick.

I continued with a strike of my fist.

I followed it up with a slash of Kamui.

Then there was a thrust.

And then a cleave.

Right about now, I was using all of my knowledge of combat tactics in order to unleash every possible method of inflicting damage onto the Dragon.

「You…… You stupid, inferior inseeecccttt!!!!!!!!!」

The Dragon howled in anger.

It used its huge body to try to crush me as a method of stopping my flurry of attacks.

But unfortunately…… it was already too late for him.

What’s with that sluggish movement of his?

Is this guy for real here?

「“Matter Creation!”」

In response to Dragon’s counterattack, I created a huge wall made out of earth to stop it from getting closer to me.

「“Gravity Manipulation: Reversal”!!!」


I then continued my own assault, reversing the flow of gravity affecting the Dragon’s body….. but this time making its value to be a negative.

As a result, the DRagon’s giant body floated up softly and started to fall into the sky above it.

And once I estimated that it was high enough in the sky for me to do what I wanted to do with it……

「“Gravity Manipulation: Reversal Double!”!!!」

Once again, I used my magic power to reverse the flow of gravity around the Dragons body, but this time returning it back to normal.

Being pulled by the gravity towards the earth all of a sudden, the Dragon started to fall from its peak point of ascent, high in the sky.

I also doubled the gravity pull on its body just to be on the safe side……

So that the Dragon was slammed into the ground really hard and at high speed, as if it was some giant that threw it to the ground with all of its might.

In the place where the Dragon hit the ground, a huge crater was instantly created.

The ground shook as if an earthquake had occurred in that exact spot.

「What the…… What is this…… this power……? How could…… a mere human being…… be able to……!?」

The Dragon gradually picked itself up from the ground, but it was limping and staggering all over. It was only to be expected, as it was subjected to so many attacks in rapid succession.

There was even blood flowing from the corner of its huge mouth.

So I guess that this fall right now must have succeeded in injuring some of its internal organs.

With this much damage being inflicted upon it, I was more than sure that subduing it right now should be relatively easy.

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