Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 205 Part 2


If I were to ask Sora and Luna about it, they would surely be able to do something about it with their Advanced Magic.

However…… Right now, I had no real intention of actually capturing this thing.


Once again, I kicked the Dragon to its jaw.

I then jumped high in the air and landed on top of its head, thrusting my fists right int otis eyes.

When it comes to Dragons, it would seem that the membrane around their eyes was making it nearly as hard as iron, and it was impossible for my fists to squash or gauge out its eyes.

So I guess that this means that I would have to aim my attacks somewhere else entirely.

「Your eyes…… They seem to be pretty hard, but…… What about the inside of your body, I wonder?」

「W-What is that supposed to mean……!?」

「“Fireball Multi-Shot!”」

I dared to thrust my own hand into the Dragon’s huge mouth and then…… And then I activated my magic inside of it.


Countless Fireballs started to explode inside of the Dragon’s mouth.

The unimaginable agony of having its body burned from inside out was apparently unbearable even for the might Dragon, as expected.

It opened its eyes wide as it thrashed about the place.

Its throat seemed to have been completely burned and it was no longer even able to scream properly.

It just continued to make some unpleasant and illegible noises.

Seeing that the Dragon was now only capable of blindly rampaging about, I stepped away from its body.

I then continued to watch it for a while.

The Dragon continued to suffer and writhe on the ground, as its body was moving in a way as if it was trying to escape from the unimaginable pain that was spreading all over its insides……

And eventually, it stopped moving altogether.

However, it doesn’t seem to be dead yet.

Its limbs were twitching ever so slightly, and although it was weak, its chest was still moving up and down, meaning it was still able to draw its breath.

I guess that the claim that the Dragon Tribe is the strongest species in the entire world was not all that entirely exaggerated.

I mean, this right here was a tremendous display of a life force.

Even if we were to leave it as it was, I was certain that it would eventually heal itself to the point where it would be able to move once again, and it would simply run away from here.

Well, I’m not going to allow that to happen.

If the current attack was not able to kill it on the spot, then…… I guess I will just continue to lay onto it with my attacks until this thing falls dead.

For an additional attack, I was going to approach the Dragon again, to make sure that it would be a direct hit and……



All o a sudden, I was hugged by Tanya from behind.

I was so focused on the Dragon right in front of me that I had no idea when she was able to get back up on her feet and approach me.

「…… Are you okay?」

「Yeah, I think so.」

「…… Well, that’s good.」

She looked as if she was badly injured by that Dragon before we got here, but……

It looks like she could get up with her own strength, and she was able to move and talk normally.

If we can get Sora and Luna to treat her later, we won’t have to worry about Tanya having to suffer any aftereffects of her injuries.

Which is a good thing. It’s a great relief.

Now then…… This means that I can kill that Dragon without any hesitation.

「Alright then, do you mind stepping away from me for a moment? That thing right there is still breathing, you see. I must make sure that I finish it off before it gets the chance to get away.」

「…… That’s enough.」


「You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to go that far. He can’t even move anymore.」

「But…… But this thing is not dead yet……」


「But he…… He hurt you, Tanya…… And he was serious about taking your life. He hurt you so much that you have become like this, all battered and bruised…… I will never forgive him for doing that. I’m going to kill him, right here, right now, so that he can’t do something like that to anyone else ever again!」


As if trying to hold me back from taking another step, Tanya strengthened the grip of her hand on me.

「…… What’s going on, Tanya? Please, let go of me. Otherwise, I won’t be able to beat the shit out of that bastard.」

「That’s enough, Rein. Please, just forget about it. You…… you don’t have to go that far for my sake……」

「…… No. No, this cannot be. This cannot end here. Not like this. This bastard hurt you, Tanya. He hurt you so badly, and he wasn’t going to stop on just that. I’m not going to forgive him for that! Never!」

「It’s fine! Don’t worry about me! More importantly I don’t want you to look at me like that, Rein! The face that you are making right now is not like you!」

「The face…… I’m making……?」

Hearing Tanya say that, I placed my hand on my own cheek, as if trying to check what it was that Tanya was talking about.

What is the face that I am making right now?

Then Kanade came in and approached me as well.

She must have finished evacuating the girl back to safety.

「Nyaah…… Tanya’s right, Rein. Please, just stop this madness. No one is going to be happy if you continue with this for much longer.」

「Kanade…… What are you……? What do you……?」

Why was Kanade looking at me like that?

Was Kanade scared of me……?

No, that was not it.

She looked sad, rather than frightened. As if she couldn’t possibly take looking at me the way I was right now.

If I looked behind my back, Tanya had the exact same look on her face as Kanade had.

A little further away from here, Sora, Luna, Nina, Tina…… They all had the exact same expressions of sadness on their faces.

「Rein, I want you to listen to me, and listen good, okay?」

Tanya pulled on my hand and turned me around, so that right now I was facing her directly.

We were facing each other head on and then……

Tanya opened her mouth, and a soft expression surfaced on her face.

「I’m glad that you’re so angry for my sake. Thank you for that. But you can’t do this anymore. That guy right there…… He might look and behave like that, but he’s not a monster…… and most importantly, it’s not like Rein to kill someone who can’t move anymore and cannot defend themselves.」

「B-But…… He had no reservations about killing you, Tanya……」

「And I’m telling you, you don’t have to worry about that any longer. So just go back to being the sweet and lovely usual Rein. Okay?」


「I like you better when you smile, Rein.」

A smiling Tanya hugged me again tightly.

A wave of warm heat washed over me at that moment.

With a loud sound and a firm sensation, I could hear Tanya’s heart beating.


The black emotions swirling around in the depths of my chest, sloshing and splashing around, disappeared all at once.

Instead, they were filled with something warm and fluffy.

「…… Okay, I understand. In that case, I shall do as you say, Tanya.」

「Yeah. That’s the Rein I know.」

Tanya smiled at me and gave me another tight hug.

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