Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 206 Part 1


Although there was some damage that was done to the city itself, fortunately the Dragon incident ended with no deaths among the civilians.

Of course, there were quite a lot of people who got injured, but none of those injuries were of the life-threatening kind.

Also, by capturing the Dragon’s who stole Tanya’s identity and committed all of those crimes, we were able to clear Tanya’s name from all suspicions.

That is why the charges against her were dropped on the spot and she was free to come back home with us.

That was more than we could have ever hoped for.

The only problem now that remained was……

「But still, what are we going to do with these guys?」

The location was now the Horizon City’s Branch Office of the Knights’ Order.

While sitting behind the desk in her office, Stella had a rather difficult look painted all over her face.

In the corner of her eye, there were the two Dragons that we managed to capture as a result of the recently ended incident.

The two of them had been forced to take humanoid forms because in that way they were a whole lot more manageable than if they were to remain in their Dragon forms.

On top of that, they had Sora and Luna’s magic placed upon them in the form of magic bindings that made it impossible for them to move and act of their own volition.

If the knights were to bind them using normal hopes and iron handcuffs, those would have been way too easy for them to tear off and rip them to shreds.

Also, for the time being we were on standby at the Knights’ Order’s headquarters, in case those two would actually manage to break their bondage and go on a rampage across the city once more.

「Aren’t you going to take them both to court and have them judged for their crimes?」

「That’s what the procedure would be in case of normal, ordinary criminals. But those two are the Ultimate Species. That fact alone makes them way more difficult to handle than it would normally be.」

Stella let out a long and deep sigh at Kanade’s question.

But no matter if it was a normal human being or a member of the Ultimate Species, criminals needed to be punished for their crimes.

When it comes to Stella, she would also originally want to bring the two Dragon Tribes to trial, but……

To begin with, those two Dragons perceived humans as inferior to them, and were showing extreme hostility towards humanity in general.

So even if a court were to impose for example a ten-year hard labor sentence in the mines for them, there was no way that those two would just meekly obey their sentence without trying to break free.

And since the members of the Ultimate Species do not live in human society, there is no way that we could possibly judge them by the human standards and laws.

Even if we were to force them to be sent to the mines to do some hard labor, it would basically be equal to them getting away scot free.

Since we already have them here under our custody, there was no way that we would simply release them without administering some sort of punishment first, but if we were to show them any opening or a sign of weakness, they would surely exploit it and run away from here in a heartbeat.

And then they would surely come back seeking revenge once they would heal their wounds.

…… So in a sense, this situation felt pretty much hopeless.

Because no matter what, it seemed that there was nothing here that we could possibly do.

「How about we beat the living shit out of them and just be done with it?」

「Yes, I agree. Beating the shit out of them seems the most appropriate form of punishment here.」

The Spirit Tribe twins uttered such horrible suggestions without even feeling the least bit apprehensive about it.

No, I mean, well……

I’m not really in any position to be speaking on behalf of others here.

「How about we…… throw those two into…… my pocket dimension…… for all eternity?」

「Now listen here, Nina. That was not all that very nice of you to say.」

Tina said while giving the top of Nina’s head a light chop in her new doll body.

「Are there any examples of the Ultimate Species committing crimes in the past? Maybe we could learn something out of those?」

「I mean, there are some examples, sure, but……」

When I asked Stella about that, she only responded by giving me a rather difficult look.

「Some of them made their escape before the sentence could have been carried out, some of them were sealed away for all eternity, and some of them were sentenced to death on the spot…… So it’s not something that we might consider to be all that helpful.」

「I see.」

And it’s not like we know of any way that would prevent the Ultimate Species from escaping before their punishment would be due.

It would take a hell of a lot of work to seal both of those guys off, so that option was completely not worth it here.

And even if we were to sentence those two to death, I don’t really think that the crimes that they had committed amounted to a punishment that was so harsh.

No wonder Stella seemed to be in so much trouble over this issue.

We were also involved in this case, so we couldn’t exactly just leave it at that and say that nothing really happened here, but……

But what are we even supposed to do here?

No matter how hard I try to think about it, I just can’t seem to be able to come up with an answer.

「Well, if that seems to be the case here, then how about you just leave the matter of dealing with those two chumps to me?」

Tanya, who had been watching the situation develop for some time now, suddenly said something like that.

Hearing that, Kanade made a perplexed expression.

「Umm, Tanya, don’t tell me…… You’re not planning on getting revenge on those two, are you?」

「No, no way. Rein already gave those guys enough of a thrashing. So let’s say that he did to them what they did to me, and that’s that. I would never stoop so low as to try and do anything else to them.」

「H-Huh!? I can’t believe it! For our Tanya to say something so benevolent…… Could it be that you are still an imposter!?」

「Just what kind of image of me do you have in that head of yours, Kanade?」

「A Great Demoness who gets really mad and flies off the handle at the sign of the slightest, most trivial offense out there?」

「If that’s your honest impression of me, then why you actively try to do or say things that make me mad? Do you honestly want me to wrap your tail in a circle and make sure it never comes untied ever again?」

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