Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 206 Part 2


「Nya, nyah!?」

There are times when I’m starting to wonder whether or not those two get along with one another.

「Alright, you two, that’s about enough. The conversation is going way off topic here.」

「Oh my, I’m sorry.」

Let’s get back to the topic at hand.

「So…… What do you mean by that Tanya? That we should leave those two to you? Do you have an idea for some sort of solution here?」

「Yeah, I guess that you could say that. I have something really special planned for them. Hmm, I guess it should be about time now?」

「About time? About time for what?」

What was Tanya talking about?

While I was wondering about that……

As if waiting for that exact timing to arrive, the door to the Knights’ Order’s headquarters came flying open with a loud BANG! as someone opened them vigorously.

From the entrance, a small shadow jumped inside of the building and then……


It hugged Tanya really tight.

It was someone who looked really similar to how Nina looked in terms of height?

But even though she looked like a compact version of Tanya, there was a kind of unique cuteness to this newly arrived person.

However, although that person might have been small, her body was pretty busty and the rest of her curves were also well-defined.

Is this what we would usually call a Transistor Grammar*? (*small or short woman with sexy body)

There was a pair of pointy horns sitting at the top of her head.

There was also a long and scale-covered tail that was peeking out of her body slightly above her butt.

There was doubt about it.

That woman was of the Dragon Tribe for sure.

And from the patterns that I have seen so far, I would hazard a guess that this person was actually……

「Tanya-chan, Tanya-chan, are you okay!? I heard you were badly hurt just the other day! Mama was really worried about you, you know!?」

「「「A mom!?」」」

Everyone gathered here exclaimed in surprise.

I had expected this to some extent, so I was not all that…… Or not. I WAS certainly surprised here, but not to the point that I would raise my voice like everyone else.

Well, it doesn’t really change the fact that I was surprised.

「H-Hey, Mom! Don’t make this a much bigger deal than it actually is! Can’t you see that you are embarrassing me in front of my friends?」

「But that’s because I didn’t know that Tanya-chan was injured…… Uuuhhh…… Mama was really worried about you, you know?」

「Umm, this is…… I’m sorry. I didn’t want to worry you or anything like that.」

「Are you really sure you’re okay? You aren’t injured anymore? Feeling better?」

「Yes, I am perfectly fine now, so…… G-Geez, please don’t cry! Come on, Mom! Pull yourself together!」

「Fueeehhh…… I have been worried about you for so long now…… So when I saw that you were alright I just couldn’t stop myself from crying…… Fufufu, I’m sorry, Tanya-chan.」

While Tanya’s mother chuckled slightly, Tanya took out a handkerchief from her pocket and started to wipe away her tears.

In this way, it was hard to believe that this woman was Tanya’s mother.

If anything, she seemed to behave more like a younger sister.

But then again……

I guess that the mothers of the Ultimate Species were beings that pretty much escaped the confines of what we would all call “normal”.

I was sure of that fact now, especially after meeting Kanade and Sora and Luna’s mothers.

「Umm, Tanya……? Would you mind introducing us to that person, or……?」

I called out to Tanya seeing that the conversation had come to an apparent standstill.

「…… Oh, yes, that’s right. Sorry about that. Well, I’m sure that you have already guessed that much, but this person right here is actually my dear mother.」

「It’s so nice to meet you, everyone…… And it’s delightful to see you again, Tanya-chan. My name is Milua, and I am Tanya-chan’s mother.

Milua-san said while bowing her head down with a smile on her lips.

For some reason, that gesture of hers just now seemed exceptionally childish to me.


STAAAAAARRRRRREEEEEE ———— For some reason, Tina seemed to be staring at Milua-san really hard.

「She looks so young…… Maybe she’s even the youngest of the mothers that we have met so far? Are all mothers of the Ultimate Species lolis? In a way, I’m kinda jealous……」


Noticing Tina’s curious gaze, Milua-san’s face brightened with a snap.

「Oh my gosh, is that a doll!? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, cute!! So cute! You’re so cute!!!」

「H-Hey!? What the…… S-Stop it! Cut that out! Hey!」

Tina visibly panicked as Milua-san grabbed her and squeezed her tightly.

「And it can even talk!? Oh wow, that’s awesome!」

「No! I’m not a mere doll! I have a proper soul to myself, I’ll let you know! and Also…… Hey! Stop rocking me back and forth like that!」

「Umm, Mom? Can you stop playing around and actually get to the point?」

「Oh, yeah, that’s right.」

「Haah…… Haah…… For a moment out there…… I thought that I was a goner, for sure……」

When Tina was freed from Milua-san’s grasp, she was gasping for air as if she was about to suffocate right there.

I mean, if I was treated like that by someone else, I surely would have felt the same way. And that thought was actually scary.

「Umm, as for us, we are……」

But anyways, for the time being we decided to introduce ourselves one after another.

Then I asked Milua-san the question that was surely on the minds of us all.

「So then, what is your reason for being here, Milua-san?」

「Well, of course I have come here in order to punish naughty children who dared to bully my beloved Tanya-chan!」

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