Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 207 Part 1


So apparently, we only learned about that after the fact, but Milua-san was a very influential figure amongst the members of the Dragon Tribe, and she was of very high social standing.

We even heard that she was the second strongest and most powerful person in the entire Dragon Tribe’s village, right behind the Village’s Chief.

And so it was only logical that the criminals of the Dragon Tribe should be entrusted to Milua-san’s capable hands, as she would surely know how to handle them.

The reason for this was that even amongst the Ultimate Species, it was a long-lasting custom that the criminals of a certain tribe should be judged and punished by the members of the same tribe.

And even though Milua-san seemed to have the personality and way of being of a small child……

She promised us that the culprits behind this incident would be punished according to their crimes and with the right amount of severity, disregarding the fact that they were Milua-san’s companions from the same village, and with no holding back but within the confines of reason.

But why was Milua-san here in Horizon in the first palace? That was the kind of question that was surely gnawing at the minds of all of us, but……

Apparently, it was all thanks to Tanya’s intervention.

The moment that Tanya realized that the true culprits behind her defamation case were also of the Dragon Tribe,  she knew that the possible perpetrators would be too much to handle for ordinary people, and so she decided to contact Milua-san in advance.

As for Milua-san, because she loved and adored her daughter dearly, she went on her way to Horizon right away.

Milua-san wasn’t the only one who came to Horizon at this time, as there were two other men who came along with her.

And it was those tho subordinates of Milua-san who handed the criminals and were charged with escorting them back to the village of the Dragon Tribe.

What kind of punishment would be administered to them?

When I asked Milua-san about it, she only giggled as she gave me a tremendously big and warm smile and said: “The punishment for hurting my precious Tanya-chan can only be one! And it will be eternal suffering…… I mean, n-nothing. It’s nothing.”

So it was probably that the punishment that was awaiting those two was something even greater than I could possibly imagine.

And thus, the case of someone stealing Tanya’s identity was brought to a successful closure.

…… Or, at the very least, it should have been solved.

「Puah~! Sweet milk is so delicious and really hits the spot…… Hey, Luna-chan! Can I have another cup, please!?」

「You are still drinking!? I think it’s going to be your tenth cup now, if not even more……?」

「Ten cups aren’t nearly enough for me! Just give me one more, on the double!」

「U-Umu…… Oh well, I guess that she is Tanya’s mother, so we have to show her at least SOME hospitality. Yeah, that’s it. Alright, it will be ready in just a moment.」

「Yay~! Thank you!」

Milua-san was currently relaxing in the living room of our house with a huge smile on her lips.

No, I mean, well.

I do realize that you can’t just have the case declared to be solved and say goodbye to people right here and there, but……

But that doesn’t mean that you can just sit in someone’s living room and gulp down their milk one glass after another.

After all, we are not some coffee shop that offers unlimited amounts of drinks……

「Hey, Mom! Come on!」

「Hm? What’s wrong, Tanya-chan? For you to raise your voice like that, is something the matter?」

「What’s the matter with you!? I mean, you do realize that we are not some coffee shop, right!? So can you stop drinking so much of our sweet milk? This stuff doesn’t come for free, you know!?」

「But that’s because Luna-chan’s milk is really good! It’s a little sugary, and it’s really sweet, but it’s so refreshing as it goes down your throat……」

「Aaah, geez!」

Tanya scratched her head as she seemingly couldn’t take it anymore.

She seemed to be so frustrated by the lack of communication ability from her mother.

Apparently, Milua-san is someone who goes through life at a very fast-pace, doing things her own way without much regard for others.

On top of that, she had this really young, almost child-like personality.

So, when someone had a personality like Tanya did, it was simply inevitable that those two would often clash with one another about the simplest of things out there.

However, as far as the relationships between the parents and children go, I would never dare to describe their relationship as bad.

Tanya was the one who thought that it would be best to contact Milua-san in order to get this entire Dragon crisis resolved, and……

Milua-san came running to Horizon as soon as Tanya’s message managed to reach her. Apparently she even managed to make the trip from the Dragon Tribe’s village to Horizon across the span of a single day.

So I think that those two actually had a pretty good relationship going there.

「Would you like to drink some sweet milk too, Tanya-chan? It’s really delicious, you know?」

「I mean…… Oh well, since it has come to this, I might as well. Luna, is that okay with you?」

「Umu. I’m on it. Would you like some too, Rein?」

「Only if it isn’t too much trouble.」

「Say no more!」

For some reason, for tonight Luna seemed to be acting like an actual waiter……

As for everyone else, they were sticking their heads to the living room from the hallway, watching us.

I guess they thought that they would be all sneaky about it, but since Kanade and Nina had those perky beast ears of theirs, they might have been fully visible at this point in time, not fooling anyone.

I guess that the inability to hide your ears in situations like that is one of the very few disadvantages of being the Ultimate Species.

「Okay, so once again, my name is Rein Shroud. I’m an Adventurer alongside Tanya. It’s nice to meet you.」

「Sure thing. Nice to meet you, too♪」

Since the entire situation at the Knights’ Order’s headquarters turned out to be quite a mess……

I have decided to introduce myself once more here, but this time doing it properly.

We then bowed our heads to one another as we exchanged small greetings and pleasantries.

「Umm, this is going to sound a little bit strange, but…… Are you really Tanya’s mother?」

「Yes, that’s right. Why do you ask?」

「Hmm, I see……」

Could it be that it was some sort of an unspoken rule amongst the Ultimate Species? That all of the mothers were supposed to be quite small? I mean, we had Aru-san and Suzu-san, so I was thinking that it might actually be some kind of rule……

I know that it was quite rude of me, but I couldn’t help but to wonder about such unimportant stuff.

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