Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 209


I didn’t feel like going back to the party anymore, so……

I wanted to be alone for a while longer, so I moved to the hill behind the house on the other side, opposite from where Rein and my Mom still were.

The view from here was very beautiful.

You could see the whole city from here and……

I looked up at the night sky and saw the stars shining bright.

I sat down on the ground and looked up at the sky once more.

Then I reached out my hands gently towards those stars.

I could almost reach the starry sky with my fingertips that way.


Somehow I thought back to the conversation between Rein and my Mom just now and……

I couldn’t really help myself to grin in a self-satisfactory way.

I felt really bad for eavesdropping on them like that, but……

But I got to know what Rein truly thinks about me on a daily basis thanks to that.

And I was glad to hear it.

Speaking of being happy, there’s one more thing that I could be happy about.

「I know that I told him to stop before things would end up going too far…… But I really think that Rein was really cool back then. The way in which he protected me.

I thought back to the time when he saved me.

Seeing me being all injured and bruised up, it made Rein really angry.

He had the scariest look on his face, one that I have never before seen on his face.

I was feeling a little bit sorry for making him look like that, but……

But at the same time, I was really happy that he did that.

It was really selfish of me, I know that, but……

It made me happy to know that he was getting so mad for my sake.

The fact that he was angry on my behalf meant that he cared about me very much.

But even though it made me feel really happy, there was no way that I would ever be able to tell him that.

And while I know that I am contradicting myself with this, I just can’t help myself.

Because a young maiden’s heart is a complicated thing, indeed.

「…… Rein……」

Once that thought crossed my mind, I couldn’t stop thinking about Rein.

Rein’s angry face.

Rein’s smiling face.

Rein’s troubled face.


I don’t know why, but I can’t stop thinking about Rein.

I have had similar things happen to me before, but……

I have never seen anything as intense as this happen to me.

What is happening to me, I wonder?

「…… Oh well, there’s no real use in thinking about it too much, right?」

I got my knees up.

And I then buried my face in between them.

I know that no one is watching me right now, but……

Still, I didn’t want anyone else to see just how flushed and burning-hot my face was right about now.

So I hid my face between my knees……

Then I murmured in a quiet voice that only I was able to hear.

「I…… It seems that I like Rein a whole lot, huh?」

As I put my thoughts into words, the realization hit me all at once with the force of a battering ram.

My chest was filled with warm thoughts and the fire in my face grew stronger and stronger with every single moment.

With a thump, my heart would jump up noisily.

「Of my gosh…… I never thought that it would ever come to this……」

When I first met him, I just thought he was a bit of a strange and peculiar person.

I thought it would be interesting to be with him, so I decided to follow him.

Then, as we traveled together, my interest in Rein gradually grew.

The next thing I knew, I was spending more and more time thinking about Rein……

I found myself following him with my gaze unconsciously……

And then there was this recent incident.

Seeing him do his best for my sake, there is no way that I wouldn’t be able to fall for him even harder than I already had, right? It was something irresistible, right?

Surely I shouldn’t be to blame for being like that.


As I was thinking about Rein, a smile appeared on my face without me even realizing it.

Maybe I was having the most obnoxious grin plastered onto my lips right about now.

I knew that it was the kind of expression I would never dare to show to anyone else.

But maybe if it was Rein, I would be fine with that……

「Oh my…… Why am I thinking about something so utterly embarrassing here? Seriously though, just how much do I love Rein to be thinking like that……?」

I chuckled to myself at my own thoughts.

But it’s something that I just can’t help.

Because that’s how much I love Rein.

「But…… What does Rein…… even think of me, I wonder?」

Since he got so angry from seeing me injured, that would mean that he cares about me a whole lot, right……?

However, I highly doubt that it was the same kind of affection that I was having towards him.

「Hmm…… He doesn’t have a girlfriend yet, right? I don’t get that vibe from him, so that seems to be about right. But what about the people who might like him?」

The girls who have the most contact with Rein are us.

Kanade, Sora, Luna, Nina and Tina.

Nina’s still too young to have any such thoughts, but……..

Sora and Luna are of a slightly questionable age, aren’t they?

But I still don’t think it’s enough for Rein to perceive them as potential romantic interests.

So I guess that this makes my only love rivals to be Kanade and Tina, huh?

But Tina is the one who is with us for the shortest amount of time, so it shouldn’t be the case that she managed to fall in love with Rein as of now.

And Kanade has the vibe of being more of a best friend than a lover.

Plus, she doesn’t give me that kind of vibes.

Then, does that mean that the one with the most chances for success is…… me?

「HUH ——— !?!?!?」

At that moment, my face burned even more strongly than ever before.

I felt vexingly embarrassed and held my face with both of my hands.
I was smiling at the thought of the possibility of my bond with Rein becoming even more intimate, but……

「Ahhh, geez!!!」

I wriggled and flailed about in place.

Had there been someone nearby, I’m sure they would have tilted their head to see what was going on with me.

「Love is such a tricky thing……」

It’s like I’m not being myself anymore.

But it’s so nice and fluffy at the same time.

So I’m…… in love now, huh?

「Rein, I…… I love you……」

Saying the thoughts that you couldn’t normally say right now……

Under the starry sky.

I thought about Rein for a while longer.

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