Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 216 Part 2


Tina and Nina agreed with me, as if it was the most natural course of action here to do.

「I mean, why did you even bother asking us for our opinion here? Since you are the leader of our party, Master Rein, you could have made that decision entirely on your own and just order us to accept it, right?」

「Yeah, what she said! Besides, there is no way that any one of us would ever object to any of your wishes!」

Both Tina and Kanade had a certain degree of right to their words, but……

There was no way that I would ever do something like that. That would have been way too selfish of me.

If it wouldn’t be for the help and support of everyone else, I would never even hope to be able to make it this far.

Honestly, if I was on my own here, I would have died somewhere in the wild while trying to make ends meet, I think.

So when it comes to my plans for the future, I just can’t disregard the opinion of everyone else around me.

…… When I told everyone just that, they all looked at me warmly, as if they were looking at their grandchildren for some strange reason.

「H-Huh? Wait, what? What is it? Did I perhaps say something wrong or weird here?」

「No, not at all. Actually, those words of yours just now were so much like you, Rein. Right, everyone?」


Kanade said something I did not quite understand, and everyone else nodded their head at it.

There seemed to be a common understanding among everyone that that was exactly the way I was, but……

What on earth do they really think about me?

I just couldn’t help myself but to be curious about that.


After it was decided that I would be taking the A Rank Promotion Exam…… Three days have already passed.

After we finished our preparations, we left the house and headed for one of the city’s gates.

There were many carriages lined up at the city gate, waiting to depart.

We couldn’t use the carriage on our way to Pagos village, because there was the issue that we might have been attacked on our way there, but……

This time around the situation was entirely different.

Since we were heading towards the royal capital to take the A Rank Promotion Exam, there was no real threat of danger coming our way.

So we decided to use the carriage as our method of transportation.

「Ooohhhh, a horse-drawn carriage~♪」

Kanade’s eyes were shining brightly and her tail was twitching.

Apparently horse-drawn carriages are quite rare back where Kanade comes from.

The way in which Kaande was inspecting the carriage and gently petting the horse made her look like an excited small child.

A cat and a horse, huh?

The horse was yelping pleasantly as it was being petted by Kanade, as if there was already some sort of connection between the two of them.

「Are we really going to use the carriage this time to travel?」

「When it comes to us, we do not mind walking, you know?」

「It’s a long way from here to the royal capital. I heard it would take you about two weeks worth of time if you wanted to go there on foot.」

「Nevermind that, then! Horse-drawn carriages are the best! Hooray for horse-drawn carriages!」

The moment when Luna heard that it would take us two weeks to get to the royal capital on foot, Luna hugged the carriage like some sort of idol.

As expected of someone who was not all that good with physical exercise.

「Come to think of it, why don’t we have Tanya turn into her Dragon form and carry us all the way to the royal capital? You know, like we did the last time?」

「I’m not a carriage, first and foremost, but more importantly……」

「If we were to do that, we would be in big trouble. If a Dragon was detected approaching the royal capital, it would be instantly shot down by their anti-air magic defense systems. Luna, could it be that your head is so empty that you can’t even imagine such a scenario on your own?」

「Yes, that’s right!」

「That’s not something to be proud of, you know!?」

While Sora and Luna rambled on, I gently grabbed Nina by the waist and lifted her up and put her inside of the carriage.

Nina was too short to get in and out of the carriage on her own, after all.

「Thank you…… Rein.」

「Thanks a lot, Master Rein.」

The doll version of Tina, who was riding on top of Nina’s head, was also thanking me in a chirpy way.

Tina could fly with her magic, so there was no need for someone to lift her up, but……

I guess she was just too lazy to get into the carriage by herself.

Kanade and Tanya climbed in on their own, followed by……..

Since Sora and Luna were still busy with their bickering, I had to break them off and help them get into the carriage one by one.

「Oooh, this carriage is really comfortable!」

「Yes, you’re right. I have always thought of carriages as being a pain in the butt to ride in, but that’s not true at all.」

Since the carriage was not designed to transport goods, but people, it was designed to be as comfortable as it could possibly be to ride in, with soft cushions installed inside of it to make it easier to sit in for longer periods of time.
Even if we used the carriage, it would take us about five days to get to the royal capital.

So I chose a good carriage so that we wouldn’t get tired and sore from riding inside of it.

「Come on, let’s go, Black Thunder! Carry us to the royal capital!」

「Umm…… I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t give my horse such a strange name, missy……」

The driver got really confused as he looked at Luna across his shoulder.

「Luna, please calm down! Don’t embarrass all of us with your childish behavior!」

「Hm? How did you come to that conclusion? I didn’t do anything.」

「Are you seriously unaware of this?」

「Luna can be really weird from time to time.」

Finally, even Kanade was able to recognize that Luna had her set of peculiarities about her.

Well, from Luna’s point of view, it was the very first time she’s ever been in a carriage, so I could understand her excitement.

It was probably because of her curiosity of the new thing, and her tension was visibly rising.

I felt sorry for the driver, but I would like for him to cut us some slack.

「Well then, would you mind setting off? As I told you beforehand, I’ll leave the route up to you.」

「Yes, I understand.」

The driver pulled the reins and the horse began to walk forward slowly.

「Oh, it’s moving!」

「Luna, don’t be so flippant, it’s embarrassing! Oh, but you’re right. It goes surprisingly fast.」

「Sora seemed to be really excited, too……」

「It’s nice to…… get along……」

It might have been a little bit noisy, but……

And so we set off for the royal capital.

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